Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 21 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::Index
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::Index> - Methods for indexing objects for later searching.


This module contains methods used to add and remove information from
the free-text search indexes. 


=over 4


package EPrints::Index;

use Unicode::String qw( latin1 utf8 );
use POSIX 'setsid';
use EPrints;
use strict;


=item EPrints::Index::remove( $session, $dataset, $objectid, $fieldid )

Remove all indexes to the field in the specified object.


sub remove
	my( $session, $dataset, $objectid, $fieldid ) = @_;

	my $rv = 1;

	my $sql;

	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();
	my $where = $keyfield->get_sql_name()." = \"$objectid\" AND field=\"".EPrints::Database::prep_value($fieldid)."\"";

	my $indextable = $dataset->get_sql_index_table_name();
	my $rindextable = $dataset->get_sql_rindex_table_name();

	$sql = "SELECT word FROM $rindextable WHERE $where";
	my $sth=$session->get_database->prepare( $sql );
	$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->execute( $sth, $sql );
	my @codes = ();
	while( my( $c ) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
		push @codes,$c;

	foreach my $code ( @codes )
		my $fieldword = EPrints::Database::prep_value( "$fieldid:$code" );
		$sql = "SELECT ids,pos FROM $indextable WHERE fieldword='$fieldword' AND ids LIKE '%:$objectid:%'";
		$sth=$session->get_database->prepare( $sql );
		$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->execute( $sth, $sql );
		if( my($ids,$pos) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
			$ids =~ s/:$objectid:/:/g;
			$sql = "UPDATE $indextable SET ids = '$ids' WHERE fieldword='$fieldword' AND pos='$pos'";
			$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->do( $sql );
	$sql = "DELETE FROM $rindextable WHERE $where";
	$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->do( $sql );

	return $rv;


=item EPrints::Index::purge_index( $session, $dataset )

Remove all the current index information for the given dataset. Only
really useful if used in conjunction with rebuilding the indexes.


sub purge_index
	my( $session, $dataset ) = @_;

	my $indextable = $dataset->get_sql_index_table_name();
	my $rindextable = $dataset->get_sql_rindex_table_name();
	my $sql;
	$session->get_database->do( "DELETE FROM $indextable" );
	$session->get_database->do( "DELETE FROM $rindextable" );


=item EPrints::Index::add( $session, $dataset, $objectid, $fieldid, $value )

Add indexes to the field in the specified object. The index keys will
be taken from value.


sub add
	my( $session, $dataset, $objectid, $fieldid, $value ) = @_;

	my $field = $dataset->get_field( $fieldid );

	my( $codes, $grepcodes, $ignored ) = $field->get_index_codes( $session, $value );

	my %done = ();

	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();

	my $indextable = $dataset->get_sql_index_table_name();
	my $rindextable = $dataset->get_sql_rindex_table_name();

	my $rv = 1;
	foreach my $code ( @{$codes} )
		next if $done{$code};
		$done{$code} = 1;
		my $sql;
		my $fieldword = EPrints::Database::prep_value($field->get_sql_name().":$code");
		my $sth;
		$sql = "SELECT max(pos) FROM $indextable where fieldword='$fieldword'"; 
		$sth=$session->get_database->prepare( $sql );
		$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->execute( $sth, $sql );
		return 0 unless $rv;
		my ( $n ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
		my $insert = 0;
		if( !defined $n )
			$n = 0;
			$insert = 1;
			$sql = "SELECT ids FROM $indextable WHERE fieldword='$fieldword' AND pos=$n"; 
			$sth=$session->get_database->prepare( $sql );
			$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->execute( $sth, $sql );
			my( $ids ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
			my( @list ) = split( ":",$ids );
			# don't forget the first and last are empty!
			if( (scalar @list)-2 < 128 )
				$sql = "UPDATE $indextable SET ids='$ids$objectid:' WHERE fieldword='$fieldword' AND pos=$n";	
				$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->do( $sql );
				return 0 unless $rv;
				$insert = 1;
		if( $insert )
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $indextable (fieldword,pos,ids ) VALUES ('$fieldword',$n,':$objectid:')";
			$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->do( $sql );
			return 0 unless $rv;
		$sql = "INSERT INTO $rindextable (field,word,".$keyfield->get_sql_name()." ) VALUES ('".$field->get_sql_name."','$code','$objectid')";
		$rv = $rv && $session->get_database->do( $sql );
		return 0 unless $rv;


	my $name = $field->get_name;

	foreach my $grepcode ( @{$grepcodes} )
		my $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$dataset->get_sql_grep_table_name." VALUES ('".
		$session->get_database->do( $sql ); 


=item EPrints::Index::update_ordervalues( $session, $dataset, $data )

Update the order values for an object. $data is a structure
returned by $dataobj->get_data


# $tmp should not be used any more.

sub update_ordervalues
        my( $session, $dataset, $data, $tmp ) = @_;

	&_do_ordervalues( $session, $dataset, $data, 0, $tmp );	


=item EPrints::Index::update_ordervalues( $session, $dataset, $data )

Create the order values for an object. $data is a structure
returned by $dataobj->get_data


sub insert_ordervalues
        my( $session, $dataset, $data, $tmp ) = @_;

	&_do_ordervalues( $session, $dataset, $data, 1, $tmp );	

# internal method to avoid code duplication. Update and insert are
# very similar.

sub _do_ordervalues
        my( $session, $dataset, $data, $insert, $tmp ) = @_;

	# insert = 0 => update
	# insert = 1 => insert
	# tmp = 1 = use_tmp_table
	# tmp = 0 = use normal table

	my @fields = $dataset->get_fields( 1 );

	# remove the key field
	splice( @fields, 0, 1 ); 
	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();
	my $keyvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_value( $data->{$keyfield->get_sql_name()} );
	my @orderfields = ( $keyfield );

	foreach my $langid ( @{$session->get_repository->get_conf( "languages" )} )
		my @fnames = ( $keyfield->get_sql_name() );
		my @fvals = ( $keyvalue );
		foreach my $field ( @fields )
			next if( $field->is_virtual );
			my $ov = $field->ordervalue( 
					$langid );
			push @fnames, $field->get_sql_name();
			push @fvals, EPrints::Database::prep_value( $ov );

		# cjg raw SQL!
		my $ovt = $dataset->get_ordervalues_table_name( $langid );
		if( $tmp ) { $ovt .= "_tmp"; }
		my $sql;
		if( $insert )
			$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$ovt." (".join( ",", @fnames ).") VALUES (\"".join( "\",\"", @fvals )."\")";
			my @l = ();
			for( my $i=0; $i<scalar @fnames; ++$i )
				push @l, $fnames[$i].'="'.$fvals[$i].'"';
			$sql = "UPDATE ".$ovt." SET ".join( ",", @l )." WHERE ".$keyfield->get_sql_name().' = "'.EPrints::Database::prep_value( $keyvalue ).'"';
		$session->get_database->do( $sql );


=item EPrints::Index::delete_ordervalues( $session, $dataset, $id )

Remove the ordervalues for item $id from the ordervalues table of


sub delete_ordervalues
        my( $session, $dataset, $id, $tmp ) = @_;

	my @fields = $dataset->get_fields( 1 );

	# remove the key field
	splice( @fields, 0, 1 ); 
	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();
	my $keyvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_value( $id );

	foreach my $langid ( @{$session->get_repository->get_conf( "languages" )} )
		# cjg raw SQL!
		my $ovt = $dataset->get_ordervalues_table_name( $langid );
		if( $tmp ) { $ovt .= "_tmp"; }
		my $sql;
		$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$ovt." WHERE ".$keyfield->get_sql_name().' = "'.EPrints::Database::prep_value( $keyvalue ).'"';
		$session->get_database->do( $sql );


=item @words = EPrints::Index::split_words( $session, $utext )

Splits a utf8 string into individual words. 


sub split_words
	my( $session, $utext ) = @_;

	my $len = $utext->length;
        my @words = ();
        my $cword = utf8( "" );
        for(my $i = 0; $i<$len; ++$i )
                my $s = $utext->substr( $i, 1 );
                # $s is now char number $i
                if( defined $EPrints::Index::FREETEXT_SEPERATOR_CHARS->{$s} || ord($s)<32 )
                        push @words, $cword unless( $cword eq "" ); 
                        $cword = utf8( "" );
                        $cword .= $s;
	push @words, $cword unless( $cword eq "" ); 

	return @words;


=item $utext2 = EPrints::Index::apply_mapping( $session, $utext )

Replaces certain unicode characters with ASCII equivalents and returns
the new string.

This is used before indexing words so that things like umlauts will
be ignored when searching.


sub apply_mapping
	my( $session, $text ) = @_;

	$text = "" if( !defined $text );
	my $utext = utf8( "$text" ); # just in case it wasn't already.
	my $len = $utext->length;
	my $buffer = utf8( "" );
	for( my $i = 0; $i<$len; ++$i )
		my $s = $utext->substr( $i, 1 );
		# $s is now char number $i
		if( defined $EPrints::Index::FREETEXT_CHAR_MAPPING->{$s} )
			$s = $EPrints::Index::FREETEXT_CHAR_MAPPING->{$s};

	return $buffer;

sub pidfile
	return EPrints::Config::get("var_path")."/";

sub tickfile
	return EPrints::Config::get("var_path")."/indexer.tick";

sub logfile
	return EPrints::Config::get("var_path")."/indexer.log";

sub binfile
	return EPrints::Config::get("bin_path")."/indexer";

sub suicidefile
	return EPrints::Config::get("var_path")."/indexer.suicide";

sub do_tick
	my $tickfile = EPrints::Index::tickfile();
	open( TICK, ">$tickfile" );
	print TICK <<END;
# This file is recreated by the indexer to indicate
# that the indexer is still running.
	close TICK;

sub write_pid
	my $pidfile = EPrints::Index::pidfile();
	open( PID, ">$pidfile" ) || EPrints::abort( "Can't open $pidfile for writing: $!" );
	print PID <<END;
# This file is automatically generated to indicate what process ID
# indexer is running as. If this file exists then indexer is assumed
# to be running.
	print PID $$."\n";
	print PID EPrints::Time::human_time()."\n";
	close PID;

sub get_pid
	my $pidfile = EPrints::Index::pidfile();
#	print "Reading $p->{pidfile}\n" if( $p->{noise} > 1 );
	open( PID, $pidfile ) || EPrints::abort( "Could not open $pidfile: $!" );
	my $pid;
	while( <PID> )
		if( m/^\d+$/ )
			$pid = $_;
	close PID;

	return $pid;

sub has_stalled
	my $last_tick = EPrints::Index::get_last_tick();
	return 1 if( $last_tick > 10*60 );
	return 0;

sub get_last_tick
	my $tickfile = tickfile();
	return undef unless( -e $tickfile );

	# Comes back in fractions of days, so rescale	
	my $age = ( -M $tickfile );
	return $age*24*60*60;

sub indexlog
	my( $txt ) = @_;

	if( !defined $txt )
		print STDERR "\n";

	print STDERR "[".localtime()."] ".$txt."\n";

sub rolllogs
	my( $p ) = @_;

	return if( $p->{loglevel} <= 0 );
	return if( $p->{rollcount} <= 0 );

	EPrints::Index::indexlog( "** End of log. Closing and rolling." ) if( $p->{loglevel} > 2 );
	for( my $n = $p->{rollcount}; $n > 0; --$n )
		my $src = $p->{logfile};	
		if( $n > 1 ) { $src.='.'.($n-1); }
		next unless( -f $src );
		my $tgt = $p->{logfile}.'.'.$n;
		rename( $src, $tgt ) || warn "Error renaming: $!";
	close STDERR;
	open( STDERR, ">>$p->{logfile}" ) || warn "Error opening: $p->{logfile}: $!";
	select( STDERR );
	$| = 1;

sub cleanup_indexer
	my( $p ) = @_;

	EPrints::Index::indexlog( "** Control process $$ stopping..." ) if( $p->{loglevel} > 2 );
	EPrints::Index::indexlog( "* Unlinking $p->{pidfile}" ) if( $p->{loglevel} > 3 );
	unlink( $p->{pidfile} ) || die( "Can't unlink $p->{pidfile}" );
	unlink( $p->{tickfile} ) || die( "Can't unlink $p->{tickfile}" );
	if( defined $p->{kid} )
		EPrints::Index::indexlog( "* Sending TERM signal to worker process: $p->{kid}" ) if( $p->{loglevel} > 2 );
		kill 15, $p->{kid};

	if( EPrints::Index::suicidal() ) 
		unlink( EPrints::Index::suicidefile() );

	EPrints::Index::indexlog( "** Control process $$ stopped", 1 ) if( $p->{loglevel} > 2 );
	EPrints::Index::indexlog( "**** Indexer stopped" ) if( $p->{loglevel} > 0 );
	EPrints::Index::indexlog() if( $p->{loglevel} > 0 );

sub do_index
	my( $session, $p ) = @_;

	my $seen_action = 0;

	# $session->get_database->set_debug( 1 );
	my $sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), field FROM index_queue ORDER BY added LIMIT 10";
	my $sth = $session->get_database->prepare( $sql );
	$session->get_database->execute( $sth, $sql );
	my $now;
	my %todo = (); # use a hash so we only do each field in the set once.
	while( my @info = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
		$todo{$info[1]} = 1;
		$seen_action = 1;
		$now = $info[0] unless defined $now;
	foreach my $fieldcode ( keys %todo )
		my( $datasetid, $objectid, $fieldid ) = split( /\./, $fieldcode );
		my $dataset = $session->get_repository->get_dataset( $datasetid );
		if( !defined $dataset )
			EPrints::Index::indexlog( "Could not make dataset: $datasetid ($fieldcode)" );
		my $field = $dataset->get_field( $fieldid );
		if( !defined $field )
			EPrints::Index::indexlog( "No such field: $fieldid (found on index queue).. skipping.\n" );
		EPrints::Index::indexlog( "* de-indexing: $fieldcode" ) if( $p->{loglevel} > 4 );
		EPrints::Index::remove( $session, $dataset, $objectid, $fieldid );
		next unless( $field->get_property( "text_index" ) );
		my $item = $dataset->get_object( $session, $objectid );
		next unless ( defined $item );
		my $value = $item->get_value( $fieldid );
		next unless EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value );	
		EPrints::Index::indexlog( "* indexing: $fieldcode" ) if( $p->{loglevel} > 4 );
		EPrints::Index::add( $session, $dataset, $objectid, $fieldid, $value );
	# always remove them, even if they didn't index right.
	foreach my $fieldcode ( keys %todo )
		my $sql = "DELETE FROM index_queue where field=\"$fieldcode\" AND added<FROM_UNIXTIME($now-1)";
		$session->get_database->do( $sql );
	return $seen_action;

sub is_running
	my $pidfile = EPrints::Index::pidfile();
	return 0 if( !-e $pidfile );
	return 1;

sub suicidal
	return 1 if( -e EPrints::Index::suicidefile() );
	return 0;

sub stop
	# no params
	return -1 if( !EPrints::Index::is_running );

	my $suicidefile = EPrints::Index::suicidefile();
	open( SUICIDE, ">$suicidefile" );
	print SUICIDE <<END;
# This file is recreated by the indexer to indicate
# that the indexer should exit. 
	close SUICIDE;
	# give it 8 seconds
	my $counter = 8;
	for( 1..$counter )
		if( !EPrints::Index::is_running )
			return 1;
		sleep 1;
	# That didn't work - try to stop it using the command-line
	# approach.

	my $bin_path = EPrints::Index::binfile();
	system( "$bin_path", "stop" );
	# give it 10 seconds
	$counter = 10;
	for( 1..$counter )
		if( !EPrints::Index::is_running )
			return 1;
		sleep 1;
	return 0 if( EPrints::Index::is_running );
	return 1;

sub start
	my( $session ) = @_;

	return -1 if( EPrints::Index::is_running );

	EPrints::Index::_run_indexer( $session, "start" );	

	# give it 10 seconds
	my $counter = 10;
	for( 1..$counter )
		if( EPrints::Index::is_running )
			return 1;
		sleep 1;
	return 0 if( !EPrints::Index::is_running );
	return 1;

sub force_start
	my( $session ) = @_;

	EPrints::Index::stop( $session );

	unlink( EPrints::Index::pidfile() );
	unlink( EPrints::Index::tickfile() );

	return EPrints::Index::start( $session );

sub _run_indexer
	my( $session, $action ) = @_;
	my $bin_path = EPrints::Index::binfile();
	my $prog = <<END;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX 'setsid';
chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: \$!";
open STDIN, '/dev/null'  or die "Can't read /dev/null: \$!";
open STDOUT, '+>>', '/tmp/error_log' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: \$!";
open STDERR, '>&STDOUT'  or die "Can't dup stdout: \$!";
setsid or die "Can't start a new session: \$!";
exec( "$bin_path", "$action" );
	$session->get_request->spawn_proc_prog( $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{executables}->{perl},
		["-e", $prog ] );


# This map is used to convert Unicode characters
# to ASCII characters below 127, in the word index.
# This means that the word F�te is indexed as 'fete' and
# "fete" or "f�te" will match it.
# There's no reason mappings have to be a single character.


	# Basic latin1 mappings
	latin1("�") => "!",	latin1("�") => "c",	
	latin1("�") => "L",	latin1("�") => "o",	
	latin1("�") => "Y",	latin1("�") => "|",	
	latin1("�") => "S",	latin1("�") => "\"",	
	latin1("�") => "(c)",	latin1("�") => "a",	
	latin1("�") => "<<",	latin1("�") => "-",	
	latin1("�") => "-",	latin1("�") => "(R)",	
	latin1("�") => "-",	latin1("�") => "o",	
	latin1("�") => "+-",	latin1("�") => "2",	
	latin1("�") => "3",	latin1("�") => "'",	
	latin1("�") => "u",	latin1("�") => "q",	
	latin1("�") => ".",	latin1("�") => ",",	
	latin1("�") => "1",	latin1("�") => "o",	
	latin1("�") => ">>",	latin1("�") => "1/4",	
	latin1("�") => "1/2",	latin1("�") => "3/4",	
	latin1("�") => "?",	latin1("�") => "A",	
	latin1("�") => "A",	latin1("�") => "A",	
	latin1("�") => "A",	latin1("�") => "A",	
	latin1("�") => "A",	latin1("�") => "AE",	
	latin1("�") => "C",	latin1("�") => "E",	
	latin1("�") => "E",	latin1("�") => "E",	
	latin1("�") => "E",	latin1("�") => "I",	
	latin1("�") => "I",	latin1("�") => "I",	
	latin1("�") => "I",	latin1("�") => "D",	
	latin1("�") => "N",	latin1("�") => "O",	
	latin1("�") => "O",	latin1("�") => "O",	
	latin1("�") => "O",	latin1("�") => "O",	
	latin1("�") => "x",	latin1("�") => "O",	
	latin1("�") => "U",	latin1("�") => "U",	
	latin1("�") => "U",	latin1("�") => "U",	
	latin1("�") => "Y",	latin1("�") => "TH",	
	latin1("�") => "B",	latin1("�") => "a",	
	latin1("�") => "a",	latin1("�") => "a",	
	latin1("�") => "a",	latin1("�") => "a",	
	latin1("�") => "a",	latin1("�") => "ae",	
	latin1("�") => "c",	latin1("�") => "e",	
	latin1("�") => "e",	latin1("�") => "e",	
	latin1("�") => "e",	latin1("�") => "i",	
	latin1("�") => "i",	latin1("�") => "i",	
	latin1("�") => "i",	latin1("�") => "d",	
	latin1("�") => "n",	latin1("�") => "o",	
	latin1("�") => "o",	latin1("�") => "o",	
	latin1("�") => "o",	latin1("�") => "o",	
	latin1("�") => "/",	latin1("�") => "o",	
	latin1("�") => "u",	latin1("�") => "u",	
	latin1("�") => "u",	latin1("�") => "u",	
	latin1("�") => "y",	latin1("�") => "th",	
	latin1("�") => "y",	latin1("'") => "",

	# Hungarian characters. 
	'�' => "o",	
	'Ő' => "o",  
	'ű' => "u",  
	'Ű' => "u",

# Minimum size word to normally index.
$EPrints::Index::FREETEXT_MIN_WORD_SIZE = 3;

# We use a hash rather than an array for good and bad
# words as we only use these to lookup if words are in
# them or not. If we used arrays and we had lots of words
# it might slow things down.

# Words to never index, despite their length.
$EPrints::Index::FREETEXT_STOP_WORDS = {
	"this"=>1,	"are"=>1,	"which"=>1,	"with"=>1,
	"that"=>1,	"can"=>1,	"from"=>1,	"these"=>1,
	"those"=>1,	"the"=>1,	"you"=>1,	"for"=>1,
	"been"=>1,	"have"=>1,	"were"=>1,	"what"=>1,
	"where"=>1,	"is"=>1,	"and"=>1, 	"fnord"=>1

# Words to always index, despite their length.
		"ok" => 1 

# Chars which seperate words. Pretty much anything except
# A-Z a-z 0-9 and single quote '

# If you want to add other seperator characters then they
# should be encoded in utf8. The Unicode::String man page
# details some useful methods.

	'@' => 1, 	'[' => 1, 	'\\' => 1, 	']' => 1,
	'^' => 1, 	'_' => 1,	' ' => 1, 	'`' => 1,
	'!' => 1, 	'"' => 1, 	'#' => 1, 	'$' => 1,
	'%' => 1, 	'&' => 1, 	'(' => 1, 	')' => 1,
	'*' => 1, 	'+' => 1, 	',' => 1, 	'-' => 1,
	'.' => 1, 	'/' => 1, 	':' => 1, 	';' => 1,
	'{' => 1, 	'<' => 1, 	'|' => 1, 	'=' => 1,
	'}' => 1, 	'>' => 1, 	'~' => 1, 	'?' => 1



