Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 47 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::MetaField
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::MetaField> - A single metadata field.


Theis object represents a single metadata field, not the value of
that field. A field belongs (usually) to a dataset and has a large
number of properties. Optional and required properties vary between 

"type" is the most important property, it is the type of the metadata
field. For example: "text", "name" or "date".

A full description of metadata types and properties is in the eprints
documentation and will not be duplicated here.

=over 4


#  $self->{confid}
#     The conf-id of the dataset to which this field belongs. If this
#     field is not part of a dataset then this is just a string used 
#     to find config info about this field. Most importantly the name
#     and other information from the phrase file.
#  $self->{repository}
#     The repository to which this field belongs.
# The rest of the instance variables are the properties of the field.
# The most important properties (which are always required) are:
#  $self->{name}
#     The name of this field.
#  $self->{type}
#     The type of this field.

package EPrints::MetaField;

use strict;

use Unicode::String qw( utf8 );

$EPrints::MetaField::VARCHAR_SIZE 	= 255;
# get the default value from field defaults in the config
$EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG 	= "272b7aa107d30cfa9c67c4bdfca7005d_FROM_CONFIG";
# don't use a default, the code may have already set this value. setting it to undef
# has no effect rather than setting it to default value.
$EPrints::MetaField::NO_CHANGE	 	= "272b7aa107d30cfa9c67c4bdfca7005d_NO_CHANGE";
# this field must be explicitly set
$EPrints::MetaField::REQUIRED 		= "272b7aa107d30cfa9c67c4bdfca7005d_REQUIRED";
# this field defaults to undef
$EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF 		= "272b7aa107d30cfa9c67c4bdfca7005d_UNDEF";


=item $field = EPrints::MetaField->new( %properties )

Create a new metafield. %properties is a hash of the properties of the 
field, with the addition of "dataset", or if "dataset" is not set then
"confid" and "repository" must be provided instead.

Some field types require certain properties to be explicitly set. See
the main documentation.


sub new
	my( $class, %properties ) = @_;

	my $realclass = "EPrints::MetaField::\u$properties{type}";
	eval 'use '.$realclass.';';
	warn "couldn't parse $realclass: $@" if $@;

	# Pre 2.4 compatibility 

	# for when repository was called archive.
	if( defined $properties{archive} )
		$properties{repository} = $properties{archive};

	# end of 2.4

	my $self = {};
	bless $self, $realclass;

	$self->{confid} = $properties{confid};

	if( defined $properties{dataset} ) 
		$self->{confid} = $properties{dataset}->confid(); 
		$self->{dataset} = $properties{dataset};
		$self->{repository} = $properties{dataset}->get_repository;
		if( !defined $properties{repository} )
				"Tried to create a metafield without a ".
				"dataset or an repository." );
		$self->{repository} = $properties{repository};

	if( !defined $properties{name} )
		if( defined $properties{sub_name} && defined $properties{parent_name} )
			$properties{name} = $properties{parent_name}."_".$properties{sub_name};
			EPrints::abort( "A sub field needs sub_name and parent_name to be set." );

	# This gets reset later, but we need it for potential
	# debug messages.
	$self->{type} = $properties{type};
	$self->{field_defaults} = $self->{repository}->get_field_defaults( $properties{type} );
	if( !defined $self->{field_defaults} )
		my %props = $self->get_property_defaults;
		$self->{field_defaults} = {};
		foreach my $p_id ( keys %props )
			if( defined $props{$p_id} && $props{$p_id} eq $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG )
				my $v = $self->{repository}->get_conf( "field_defaults" )->{$p_id};
				if( !defined $v )
					$v = $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF;
				$props{$p_id} = $v;
			$self->{field_defaults}->{$p_id} = $props{$p_id};
		$self->{repository}->set_field_defaults( $properties{type}, $self->{field_defaults} );

	foreach my $p_id ( keys %{$self->{field_defaults}} )
		$self->set_property( $p_id, $properties{$p_id} );

	# warn of non-applicable parameters; handy for spotting
	# typos in the config file.
	foreach my $p_id ( keys %properties )
		# skip warning on ID fields, it's not relevant
		last if( $self->{type} eq "id" );
		# no warning if it's a valid param
		next if( defined $self->{field_defaults}->{$p_id} );
		# these params are always valid but have no defaults
		next if( $p_id eq "field_defaults" );
		next if( $p_id eq "repository" );
		next if( $p_id eq "dataset" );
		# internal values ignored. They start with .
		next if( $p_id =~ m/^\./ );
		$self->{repository}->log( "Field '".$self->{name}."' has invalid parameter:\n$p_id => $properties{$p_id}" );

	return $self;


=item $field->final

This method tells the metafield that it is now read only. Any call to
set_property will produce a abort error.


sub final
	my( $self ) = @_;

	$self->{".final"} = 1;


=item $field->set_property( $property, $value )

Set the named property to the given value.

This should not be called on metafields unless they've been cloned

This method will cause an abort error if the metafield is read only.

In these cases a cloned version of the field should be used.


sub set_property
	my( $self , $property , $value ) = @_;

	if( $self->{".final"} )
		EPrints::abort( <<END );
Attempt to set property "$property" on a finalised metafield.
Field: $self->{name}, type: $self->{type}

	if( !defined $self->{field_defaults}->{$property} )
		EPrints::abort( <<END );
BAD METAFIELD get_property property name: "$property"
Field: $self->{name}, type: $self->{type}

	if( defined $value )
		$self->{$property} = $value;

	if( $self->{field_defaults}->{$property} eq $EPrints::MetaField::NO_CHANGE )
		# don't set a default, just leave it alone
	if( $self->{field_defaults}->{$property} eq $EPrints::MetaField::REQUIRED )
			$property." on a ".$self->{type}." metafield can't be undefined" );

	if( $self->{field_defaults}->{$property} eq $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF )
		$self->{$property} = undef;

	$self->{$property} = $self->{field_defaults}->{$property};


=item $newfield = $field->clone

Clone the field, so the clone can be edited without affecting the
original. Does not deep copy properties which are references - these
should be set to new values, rather than the contents altered. Eg.
don't push to a cloned options list, replace it.


sub clone
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return EPrints::MetaField->new( %{$self} );


=item $dataset = $field->get_dataset

Return the dataset to which this field belongs, or undef.


sub get_dataset
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return $self->{dataset};


=item $xhtml = $field->render_name( $session )

Render the name of this field as an XHTML object.


sub render_name
	my( $self, $session ) = @_;

	my $phrasename = $self->{confid}."_fieldname_".$self->{name};

	return $session->html_phrase( $phrasename );


=item $label = $field->display_name( $session )

DEPRECATED! Can't be removed because it's used in 2.2's default

Return the UTF-8 encoded name of this field, in the language of
the $session.


sub display_name
	my( $self, $session ) = @_;

#	print STDERR "CALLED DEPRECATED FUNCTION EPrints::MetaField::display_name\n";

	my $phrasename = $self->{confid}."_fieldname_".$self->{name};

	return $session->phrase( $phrasename );


=item $xhtml = $field->render_help( $session )

Return the help information for a user inputing some data for this
field as an XHTML chunk.


sub render_help
	my( $self, $session ) = @_;

	if( defined $self->{help_xhtml} )
		return $self->{help_xhtml};
	my $phrasename = $self->{confid}."_fieldhelp_".$self->{name};

	return $session->html_phrase( $phrasename );


=item $xhtml = $field->render_input_field( $session, $value, [$dataset], [$staff], [$hidden_fields], $obj, [$basename] )

Return the XHTML of the fields for an form which will allow a user
to input metadata to this field. $value is the default value for
this field.

The actual function called may be overridden from the config.


sub render_input_field
	my( $self, $session, $value, $dataset, $staff, $hidden_fields, $obj, $basename ) = @_;

	if( defined $basename )
		$basename = $basename."_".$self->{name};
		$basename = $self->{name};

	if( defined $self->{toform} )
		$value = $self->call_property( "toform", $value, $session );

	if( defined $self->{render_input} )
		return $self->call_property( "render_input",
			$basename );

	return $self->render_input_field_actual( 
			$basename );


=item $value = $field->form_value( $session, $object, [$prefix] )

Get a value for this field from the CGI parameters, assuming that
the form contained the input fields for this metadata field.


sub form_value
	my( $self, $session, $object, $prefix ) = @_;

	my $basename;
	if( defined $prefix )
		$basename = $prefix."_".$self->{name};
		$basename = $self->{name};

	my $value = $self->form_value_actual( $session, $object, $basename );

	if( defined $self->{fromform} )
		$value = $self->call_property( "fromform", $value, $session, $object, $basename );

	return $value;


=item $name = $field->get_name

Return the name of this field.


sub get_name
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{name};


=item $type = $field->get_type

Return the type of this field.


sub get_type
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{type};


=item $value = $field->get_property( $property )

Return the value of the given property.

Special note about "required" property: It only indicates if the
field is always required. You must query the dataset to check if
it is required for a specific type.


sub get_property
	my( $self, $property ) = @_;

	if( !defined $self->{field_defaults}->{$property} )
		EPrints::abort( <<END );
BAD METAFIELD get_property property name: "$property"
Field: $self->{name}, type: $self->{type}

	return( $self->{$property} ); 


=item $boolean = $field->is_type( @typenames )

Return true if the type of this field is one of @typenames.


sub is_type
	my( $self , @typenames ) = @_;

	foreach( @typenames )
		return 1 if( $self->{type} eq $_ );
	return 0;


=item $xhtml = $field->render_value( $session, $value, [$alllangs], [$nolink], $object )

Render the given value of this given string as XHTML DOM. If $alllangs 
is true and this is a multilang field then render all language versions,
not just the current language (for editorial checking). If $nolink is
true then don't make this field a link, for example subject fields 
might otherwise link to the subject view page.

If render_value or render_single_value properties are set then these
control the rendering instead.


sub render_value
	my( $self, $session, $value, $alllangs, $nolink, $object ) = @_;

	if( defined $self->{render_value} )
		return $self->call_property( "render_value", 
			$object );

	return $self->render_value_actual( $session, $value, $alllangs, $nolink, $object );

sub render_value_actual
	my( $self, $session, $value, $alllangs, $nolink, $object ) = @_;

	unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value ) )
		if( $self->{render_quiet} )
			return $session->make_doc_fragment;
			# maybe should just return nothing
			return $session->html_phrase( 
				fieldname => $self->render_name( $session ) );

	unless( $self->get_property( "multiple" ) )
		return $self->render_value_no_multiple( 
			$object );

	my @rendered_values = ();

	my $first = 1;
	my $html = $session->make_doc_fragment();
	for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@$value); ++$i )
		my $sv = $value->[$i];
		unless( $i == 0 )
			my $phrase = "lib/metafield:join_".$self->get_type;
			my $basephrase = $phrase;
			if( $i == 1 && $session->get_lang->has_phrase( 
						$basephrase.".first" ) ) 
				$phrase = $basephrase.".first";
			if( $i == scalar(@$value)-1 && 
						$basephrase.".last" ) ) 
				$phrase = $basephrase.".last";
			$html->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( $phrase ) );
				$object ) );
	return $html;



=item $xhtml = $field->render_value_no_multiple( $session, $value, $alllangs, $nolink, $object )

Render the XHTML for a non-multiple value. Can be either a from
a non-multiple field, or a single value from a multiple field.

Usually just used internally.


sub render_value_no_multiple
	my( $self, $session, $value, $alllangs, $nolink, $object ) = @_;

	my $rendered = $self->render_value_withopts( $session, $value, $nolink, $object );

	if( !defined $self->{browse_link} || $nolink)
		return $rendered;

	my $url = $session->get_repository->get_conf(
			"base_url" );
	my $views = $session->get_repository->get_conf( "browse_views" );
	my $linkview;
	foreach my $view ( @{$views} )
		if( $view->{id} eq $self->{browse_link} )
			$linkview = $view;

	if( !defined $linkview )
		$session->get_repository->log( "browse_link to view '".$self->{browse_link}."' not found for field '".$self->{name}."'\n" );
		return $rendered;

	if( $linkview->{fields} =~ m/,/ )
		# has sub pages
		$url .= "/view/".$self->{browse_link}."/".
			EPrints::Utils::escape_filename( $value )."/";
		# no sub pages
		$url .= "/view/".$self->{browse_link}."/".
			EPrints::Utils::escape_filename( $value ).

	my $a = $session->render_link( $url );
	$a->appendChild( $rendered );
	return $a;


=item $xhtml = $field->render_value_withopts( $session, $value, $nolink, $object )

Render a single value but adding the render_opts features.

This uses either the field specific render_single_value or, if one
is configured, the render_single_value specified in the config.

Usually just used internally.


sub render_value_withopts
	my( $self, $session, $value, $nolink, $object ) = @_;

	if( !defined $value )
		return $session->html_phrase( 
			fieldname => $self->render_name( $session ) );

	if( $self->{render_magicstop} )
		# add a full stop if the vale does not end with ? ! or .
		$value =~ s/\s*$//;
		if( $value !~ m/[\?!\.]$/ )
			$value .= '.';

	if( $self->{render_noreturn} )
		# turn  all CR's and LF's to spaces
		$value =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;

	if( defined $self->{render_single_value} )
		return $self->call_property( "render_single_value",
			$object );

	return $self->render_single_value( $session, $value, $object );


=item $out_list = $field->sort_values( $session, $in_list )

Sorts the in_list into order, based on the "order values" of the 
values in the in_list. Assumes that the values are not a list of
multiple values. [ [], [], [] ], but rather a list of single values.


sub sort_values
	my( $self, $session, $in_list ) = @_;

	my $o_keys = {};
	my $langid = $session->get_langid;
	foreach my $value ( @{$in_list} )
		$o_keys->{$value} = $self->ordervalue_basic( 
						$langid );
	my @out_list = sort { _normalcmp($o_keys->{$a}, $o_keys->{$b}) } @{$in_list};

	return \@out_list;

# $text = _normalize( $text )
# Internal function to assist sorts
# _normalize code taken from:
# by Sean M. Burke

sub _normalize 
	my( $in ) = @_;
	$in = lc($in);
	# lc probably didn't catch this
	$in =~ tr/Ñ/ñ/; 
	# lc probably failed to turn É to é, etc 
	$in =~ tr<áéíóúüÁÉÍÓÚÜ>  <aeiouuaeiouu>;
	$in =~ tr<abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz> <\x01-\x1B>; # 1B = 27
	return $in;

sub _normalcmp
	my( $a, $b ) = @_;

	return( (_normalize($a) cmp _normalize($b)) or ($a cmp $b ) );


=item @values = $field->list_values( $value )

Return a list of every distinct value in this field. 

 - for simple fields: return ( $value )
 - for multiple fields: return @{$value}

This function is used by the item_matches method in Search.


sub list_values
	my( $self, $value ) = @_;

	if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value ) )
		return ();

	if( $self->get_property( "multiple" ) )
		return @{$value};

	return $value;


=item $value = $field->most_local( $session, $value )

If this field is a multilang field then return the version of the 
value most useful for the language of the session. In order of
preference: The language of the session, the default language for
the repository, any language at all. If it is not a multilang field
then just return $value.


sub most_local
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;
	#cjg not done yet
	my $bestvalue =  EPrints::Session::best_language( 
		$session->get_repository, $session->get_langid(), %{$value} );
	return $bestvalue;


=item $value2 = $field->call_property( $property, @args )

Call the method described by $property. Pass it the arguments and
return the result.

The property may contain either a code reference, or the scalar name
of a method.


sub call_property
	my( $self, $property, @args ) = @_;

	my $v = $self->{$property};

	return unless defined $v;

	if( ref( $v ) eq "CODE" || $v =~ m/::/ )
		no strict 'refs';
		return &{$v}(@args);

	return $self->{repository}->call( $v, @args );


=item $sql = $field->get_sql_type( $notnull )

Return the SQL type of this field, used for creating tables. $notnull
being true indicates that this column may not be null.


sub get_sql_type
	my( $self, $notnull ) = @_;

	return $self->get_sql_name()." VARCHAR($EPrints::MetaField::VARCHAR_SIZE)".($notnull?" NOT NULL":"");


=item $sql = $field->get_sql_index

Return the SQL definition of the index/indexes required for this field 
or an empty string if no index is required.


sub get_sql_index
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return undef unless( $self->get_property( "sql_index" ) );

	return "INDEX( ".$self->get_sql_name.")";


=item $xhtml_dom = $field->render_single_value( $session, $value )

Returns the XHTML representation of the value. The value will be
non-multiple. Just the  simple value.


sub render_single_value
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	return $session->make_text( $value );


=item $xhtml = $field->render_input_field_actual( $session, $value, [$dataset], [$staff], [$hidden_fields], [$obj], [$basename] )

Return the XHTML of the fields for an form which will allow a user
to input metadata to this field. $value is the default value for
this field.

Unlike render_input_field, this function does not use the render_input
property, even if it's set.

The $obj is the current state of the object this field is associated 
with, if any.


sub render_input_field_actual
	my( $self, $session, $value, $dataset, $staff, $hidden_fields, $obj, $basename ) = @_;

	my $elements = $self->get_input_elements( $session, $value, $staff, $obj, $basename );

	# if there's only one element then lets not bother making
	# a table to put it in

#	if( scalar @{$elements} == 1 && scalar @{$elements->[0]} == 1 )
#	{
#		return $elements->[0]->[0]->{el};
#	}

	my $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>0, cellpadding=>0, cellspacing=>0, class=>"ep_form_input_grid" );

	my $col_titles = $self->get_input_col_titles( $session, $staff );
	if( defined $col_titles )
		my $tr = $session->make_element( "tr" );
		my $th;
		my $x = 0;
		if( $self->get_property( "multiple" ) && $self->{input_ordered})
			$th = $session->make_element( "th", class=>"empty_heading", id=>$basename."_th_".$x++ );
			$tr->appendChild( $th );

		if( !defined $col_titles )
			$th = $session->make_element( "th", class=>"empty_heading", id=>$basename."_th_".$x++ );
			$tr->appendChild( $th );
			foreach my $col_title ( @{$col_titles} )
				$th = $session->make_element( "th", id=>$basename."_th_".$x++ );
				$th->appendChild( $col_title );
				$tr->appendChild( $th );
		$table->appendChild( $tr );

	my $y = 0;
	foreach my $row ( @{$elements} )
		my $x = 0;
		my $tr = $session->make_element( "tr" );
		foreach my $item ( @{$row} )
			my %opts = ( valign=>"top", id=>$basename."_cell_".$x++."_".$y );
			foreach my $prop ( keys %{$item} )
				next if( $prop eq "el" );
				$opts{$prop} = $item->{$prop};
			my $td = $session->make_element( "td", %opts );
			if( defined $item->{el} )
				$td->appendChild( $item->{el} );
			$tr->appendChild( $td );
		$table->appendChild( $tr );

	return $table;

sub get_input_col_titles
	my( $self, $session, $staff ) = @_;
	return undef;

sub get_input_elements
	my( $self, $session, $value, $staff, $obj, $basename ) = @_;	

	my $assist;
	if( $self->{input_assist} )
		$assist = $session->make_doc_fragment;
		$assist->appendChild( $session->render_internal_buttons(
			$self->{name}."_assist" => 
					"lib/metafield:assist" ) ) );

	unless( $self->get_property( "multiple" ) )
		my $rows = $self->get_input_elements_single( 
				$obj );
		if( defined $self->{input_advice_right} )
			my $advice = $self->call_property( "input_advice_right", $session, $self, $value );
			my $row = pop @{$rows};
			push @{$row}, { el=>$advice };
			push @{$rows}, $row;

		my $cols = scalar @{$rows->[0]};
		if( defined $self->{input_lookup_url} )
			my $n = length( $basename) - length( $self->{name}) - 1;
			my $componentid = substr( $basename, 0, $n );
			my $lookup = $session->make_doc_fragment;
			my $drop_div = $session->make_element( "div", id=>$basename."_drop", class=>"ep_drop_target" );
			$lookup->appendChild( $drop_div );

			my @ids = $self->get_basic_input_ids($session, $basename, $staff, $obj );
			my $script = $session->make_element( "script", type=>"text/javascript" );
			$script->appendChild( $session->make_text( "\n" ) ); 
			my $extra_params = $self->{input_lookup_params};
			if( defined $extra_params ) 
				$extra_params = "&$extra_params";
				$extra_params = "";
			foreach my $id ( @ids )
				my @wcells = ( $id );
				$script->appendChild( $session->make_text( 'ep_autocompleter( "'.$id.'", "'.$basename.'_drop", "'.$self->{input_lookup_url}.'", {relative: "'.$basename.'", component: "'.$componentid.'" }, [ $("'.join('"),$("',@wcells).'")], [], "'.$extra_params.'" );'."\n" ) );
			$lookup->appendChild( $script );
			push @{$rows}, [ {el=>$lookup,colspan=>$cols,class=>"ep_form_input_grid_wide"} ];
		if( defined $self->{input_advice_below} )
			my $advice = $self->call_property( "input_advice_below", $session, $self, $value );
			push @{$rows}, [ {el=>$advice,colspan=>$cols,class=>"ep_form_input_grid_wide"} ];

		if( defined $assist )
			push @{$rows}, [ {el=>$assist,colspan=>3,class=>"ep_form_input_grid_wide"} ];
		return $rows;

	# multiple field...

	my $boxcount = $session->param( $self->{name}."_spaces" );
	if( !defined $boxcount )
		$boxcount = $self->{input_boxes};
	$value = [] if( !defined $value );
	my $cnt = scalar @{$value};
	#cjg hack hack hack
	if( $boxcount<=$cnt )
		if( $self->{name} eq "editperms" )
			$boxcount = $cnt;
			$boxcount = $cnt+$self->{input_add_boxes};

	my $swap = $session->param( $self->{name}."_swap" );
	if( $swap =~ m/^(\d+),(\d+)$/ )
		my( $a, $b ) = ( $value->[$1-1], $value->[$2-1] );
		( $value->[$1-1], $value->[$2-1] ) = ( $b, $a );
		# If the last item was moved down then extend boxcount by 1
		$boxcount++ if( $2 == $boxcount ); 

	my $imagesurl = $session->get_repository->get_conf( "base_url" )."/style/images";
	my $esec = $session->get_request->dir_config( "EPrints_Secure" );
	if( defined $esec && $esec eq "yes" )
		$imagesurl = $session->get_repository->get_conf( "securepath" )."/style/images";
	my $rows = [];
	for( my $i=1 ; $i<=$boxcount ; ++$i )
		my $section = $self->get_input_elements_single( 
				$obj );
		my $first = 1;
		for my $n (0..(scalar @{$section})-1)
			my $row =  [  @{$section->[$n]} ];
			my $col1 = {};
			my $lastcol = {};
			if( $n == 0 && $self->{input_ordered})
				$col1 = { el=>$session->make_text( $i.". " ), class=>"ep_form_input_grid_pos" };
				my $arrows = $session->make_doc_fragment;
				$arrows->appendChild( $session->make_element(
					src=> "$imagesurl/multi_down.png",
					title=>"move down",
					value=>"1" ));
				if( $i > 1 )
					$arrows->appendChild( $session->make_text( " " ) );
					$arrows->appendChild( $session->make_element(
						title=>"move up",
						src=> "$imagesurl/multi_up.png",
						value=>"1" ));
				$lastcol = { el=>$arrows, valign=>"middle", class=>"ep_form_input_grid_arrows" };
				$row =  [ $col1, @{$section->[$n]}, $lastcol ];
			if( defined $self->{input_advice_right} )
				my $advice = $self->call_property( "input_advice_right", $session, $self, $value->[$i-1] );
				push @{$row}, { el=>$advice };
			push @{$rows}, $row;

			# additional rows
			my $y = scalar @{$rows}-1;
			my $cols = scalar @{$row};
			if( defined $self->{input_lookup_url} )
				my $n = length( $basename) - length( $self->{name}) - 1;
				my $componentid = substr( $basename, 0, $n );
				my $ibasename = $basename."_".$i;
				my $lookup = $session->make_doc_fragment;
				my $drop_div = $session->make_element( "div", id=>$ibasename."_drop", class=>"ep_drop_target" );
				$lookup->appendChild( $drop_div );
				my @ids = $self->get_basic_input_ids( $session, $ibasename, $staff, $obj );
				my $script = $session->make_element( "script", type=>"text/javascript" );
				$script->appendChild( $session->make_text( "\n" ) ); 
				my $extra_params = $self->{input_lookup_params};
				if( defined $extra_params ) 
					$extra_params = "&$extra_params";
					$extra_params = "";
				foreach my $id ( @ids )
					my @wcells = ();
					for( 1..scalar(@{$row})-2 ) { push @wcells, $basename."_cell_".$_."_".$y; }
					my @relfields = ();
					foreach ( @ids )
						my $id2 = $_; # prevent changing it!
						push @relfields, $id2;
					$script->appendChild( $session->make_text( 'ep_autocompleter( "'.$id.'", "'.$ibasename.'_drop", "'.$self->{input_lookup_url}.'", { relative: "'.$ibasename.'", component: "'.$componentid.'" }, [$("'.join('"),$("',@wcells).'")], [ "'.join('","',@relfields).'"],"'.$extra_params.'" );' ) );
				$lookup->appendChild( $script );
				my @row = ();
				push @row, {} if( $self->{input_ordered} );
				push @row, {el=>$lookup,colspan=>$cols-1, class=>"ep_form_input_grid_wide"};
				push @{$rows}, \@row;
			#, {afterUpdateElement: updated}); " ));
			if( defined $self->{input_advice_below} )
				my $advice = $self->call_property( "input_advice_below", $session, $self, $value->[$i-1] );
				push @{$rows}, [ {},{el=>$advice,colspan=>$cols-1, class=>"ep_form_input_grid_wide"} ];
	my $more = $session->make_doc_fragment;
	$more->appendChild( $session->render_hidden_field(
					$boxcount ) );
	$more->appendChild( $session->render_internal_buttons(
		$self->{name}."_morespaces" => 
				"lib/metafield:more_spaces" ) ) );
	if( defined $assist )
		$more->appendChild( $assist );

	my @row = ();
	push @row, {} if( $self->{input_ordered} );
	push @row, {el=>$more,colspan=>3,class=>"ep_form_input_grid_wide"};
	push @{$rows}, \@row;

	return $rows;

sub get_state_params
	my( $self, $session, $prefix ) = @_;

	my $params = "";
	my $jump = "";

	my $ibutton = $session->get_internal_button;
	my $name = $self->{name};
	if( $ibutton eq "${name}_morespaces" ) 
		my $spaces = $session->param( $self->{name}."_spaces" );
		$spaces += $self->{input_add_boxes};
		$params.= "&".$self->{name}."_spaces=$spaces";
		$jump = "#".$self->{name};
	my $ndown = $name."_down_";
	if( $ibutton =~ m/^$ndown(\d+)$/ )
		$params.= "&".$self->{name}."_swap=$1,".($1+1);
		$jump = "#".$self->{name};
	my $nup = $name."_up_";
	if( $ibutton =~ m/^$nup(\d+)$/ )
		$params.= "&".$self->{name}."_swap=".($1-1).",$1";
		$jump = "#".$self->{name};

	return $params.$jump;	

sub get_input_elements_single
	my( $self, $session, $value, $basename, $staff, $obj ) = @_;

	return $self->get_basic_input_elements( 
			$obj );

sub get_basic_input_elements
	my( $self, $session, $value, $basename, $staff, $obj ) = @_;

	my $maxlength = $self->get_max_input_size;
	my $size = ( $maxlength > $self->{input_cols} ?
					$self->{input_cols} : 
					$maxlength );

	my $input = $session->render_noenter_input_field(
		name => $basename,
		id => $basename,
		value => $value,
		size => $size,
		maxlength => $maxlength );

	return [ [ { el=>$input } ] ];

# array of all the ids of input fields

sub get_basic_input_ids
	my( $self, $session, $basename, $staff, $obj ) = @_;

	return( $basename );

sub get_max_input_size
	return $EPrints::MetaField::VARCHAR_SIZE;

# $foo = $field->form_value_actual( $session, $object, $basename )
# undocumented

sub form_value_actual
	my( $self, $session, $object, $basename ) = @_;

	if( $self->get_property( "multiple" ) )
		my @values = ();
		my $boxcount = $session->param( $self->{name}."_spaces" );
		$boxcount = 1 if( $boxcount < 1 );
		for( my $i=1; $i<=$boxcount; ++$i )
			my $value = $self->form_value_single( $session, $basename."_".$i, $object );
			next unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value ) );
			push @values, $value;
		if( scalar @values == 0 )
			return undef;
		return \@values;

	return $self->form_value_single( $session, $basename, $object );

# $foo = $field->form_value_single( $session, $n, $object )
# undocumented

sub form_value_single
	my( $self, $session, $basename, $object ) = @_;

	my $value = $self->form_value_basic( $session, $basename, $object );
	return undef unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value ) );
	return $value;

# $foo = $field->form_value_basic( $session, $basename, $object )
# undocumented

sub form_value_basic
	my( $self, $session, $basename, $object ) = @_;
	my $value = $session->param( $basename );

	return undef if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value ) );

	# strip line breaks (turn them to "space")
	$value=~s/[\n\r]+/ /gs;

	return $value;


=item $sqlname = $field->get_sql_name

Return the name of this field as it appears in an SQL table.


sub get_sql_name
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return $self->{name};


=item $boolean = $field->is_browsable

Return true if this field can be "browsed". ie. Used as a view.


sub is_browsable
	return( 1 );


=item $values = $field->get_values( $session, $dataset, %opts )

Return a reference to an array of all the values of this field. 
For fields like "subject" or "set"
it returns all the variations. For fields like "text" return all 
the distinct values from the database.

Results are sorted according to the ordervalues of the $session.


sub get_values
	my( $self, $session, $dataset, %opts ) = @_;

	my $langid = $opts{langid};
	$langid = $session->get_langid unless( defined $langid );

	my $unsorted_values = $self->get_unsorted_values( 
		%opts );

	my %orderkeys = ();
	my @values;
	foreach my $value ( @{$unsorted_values} )
		my $v2 = $value;
		$v2 = "" unless( defined $value );
		push @values, $v2;

		# uses function _basic because value will NEVER be multiple
		my $orderkey = $self->ordervalue_basic(
			$langid );
		$orderkeys{$v2} = $orderkey || "";

	my @outvalues = sort {$orderkeys{$a} cmp $orderkeys{$b}} @values;

	return \@outvalues;

sub get_unsorted_values
	my( $self, $session, $dataset, %opts ) = @_;

	return $session->get_database->get_values( $self, $dataset );


=item $xhtml = $field->get_value_label( $session, $value )

Return an XHTML DOM object describing the given value. Normally this
is just the value, but in the case of something like a "set" field 
this returns the name of the option in the current language.


sub get_value_label
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	return $session->make_text( $value );

#	if( $self->is_type( "id" ) )
#	{
#		return $session->get_repository->call( 
#			"id_label", 
#			$self, 
#			$session, 
#			$value );
#	}


=item $ov = $field->ordervalue( $value, $session, $langid )

Return a string representing this value which can be used to sort
it into order by comparing it alphabetically.


sub ordervalue
	my( $self , $value , $session , $langid ) = @_;

	return "" if( !defined $value );

	if( defined $self->{make_value_orderkey} )
		no strict "refs";
		return $self->call_property( "make_value_orderkey",
			$langid );

	if( !$self->get_property( "multiple" ) )
		return $self->ordervalue_single( $value , $session , $langid );

	my @r = ();	
	foreach( @$value )
		push @r, $self->ordervalue_single( $_ , $session , $langid );
	return join( ":", @r );

# $ov = $field->ordervalue_single( $value, $session, $langid )
# undocumented

sub ordervalue_single
	my( $self , $value , $session , $langid ) = @_;

	return "" unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value ) );

	if( defined $self->{make_single_value_orderkey} )
		return $self->call_property( "make_single_value_orderkey",
			$value ); 

	return $self->ordervalue_basic( $value );

# $ov = $field->ordervalue_basic( $value )
# undocumented

sub ordervalue_basic
	my( $self , $value ) = @_;

	return $value;

# XML output methods

sub to_xml
	my( $self, $session, $value, $dataset ) = @_;

	if( defined $self->{parent_name} )
		return $session->make_doc_fragment;

	my $tag = $session->make_element( $self->get_name );	
	if( $self->get_property( "multiple" ) )
		foreach my $single ( @{$value} )
			my $item = $session->make_element( "item" );
			$item->appendChild( $self->to_xml_basic( $session, $single, $dataset ) );
			$tag->appendChild( $item );
		$tag->appendChild( $self->to_xml_basic( $session, $value, $dataset ) );

	return $tag;

sub to_xml_basic
	my( $self, $session, $value, $dataset ) = @_;

	if( !defined $value ) 
		return $session->make_text( "" );
	return $session->make_text( $value );

#### old xml v1

sub to_xml_old
	my( $self, $session, $v, $no_xmlns ) = @_;

	my $r = $session->make_doc_fragment;

	if( $self->is_virtual )
		return $r;

	if( $self->get_property( "multiple" ) )
		my @list = @{$v};
		# trim empty elements at end
		while( scalar @list > 0 && !EPrints::Utils::is_set($list[(scalar @list)-1]) )
			pop @list;
		foreach my $item ( @list )
			$r->appendChild( $session->make_text( "    " ) );
			$r->appendChild( $self->to_xml_old_single( $session, $item, $no_xmlns ) );
			$r->appendChild( $session->make_text( "\n" ) );
		$r->appendChild( $session->make_text( "    " ) );
		$r->appendChild( $self->to_xml_old_single( $session, $v, $no_xmlns ) );
		$r->appendChild( $session->make_text( "\n" ) );
	return $r;

sub to_xml_old_single
	my( $self, $session, $v, $no_xmlns ) = @_;

	my %attrs = ( name=>$self->get_name() );
	$attrs{'xmlns'}="" unless( $no_xmlns );

	my $r = $session->make_element( "field", %attrs );

	$r->appendChild( $self->to_xml_basic( $session, $v ) );

	return $r;

########## end of old XML

sub render_search_input
	my( $self, $session, $searchfield ) = @_;
	my $frag = $session->make_doc_fragment;

	# complex text types
	my @text_tags = ( "ALL", "ANY" );
	my %text_labels = ( 
		"ANY" => $session->phrase( "lib/searchfield:text_any" ),
		"ALL" => $session->phrase( "lib/searchfield:text_all" ) );
			labels=>\%text_labels ) );
	$frag->appendChild( $session->make_text(" ") );
			class => "ep_form_text",
			type => "text",
			name => $searchfield->get_form_prefix,
			value => $searchfield->get_value,
			size => $self->get_property( "search_cols" ),
			maxlength => 256 ) );
	return $frag;

sub from_search_form
	my( $self, $session, $basename ) = @_;

	# complex text types

	my $val = $session->param( $basename );
	return unless defined $val;

	my $search_type = $session->param( $basename."_merge" );
	my $search_match = $session->param( $basename."_match" );
	# Default search type if none supplied (to allow searches 
	# using simple HTTP GETs)
	$search_type = "ALL" unless defined( $search_type );
	$search_match = "IN" unless defined( $search_match );
	return unless( defined $val );

	return( $val, $search_type, $search_match );	

sub render_search_description
	my( $self, $session, $sfname, $value, $merge, $match ) = @_;

	my( $phraseid );
	if( $match eq "EQ" || $match eq "EX" )
		$phraseid = "lib/searchfield:desc_is";
	elsif( $merge eq "ANY" ) # match = "IN"
		$phraseid = "lib/searchfield:desc_any_in";
		$phraseid = "lib/searchfield:desc_all_in";

	my $valuedesc = $self->render_search_value(
		$value );
	return $session->html_phrase(
		name => $sfname, 
		value => $valuedesc );

sub render_search_value
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	return $session->make_text( '"'.$value.'"' );

sub split_search_value
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

#	return EPrints::Index::split_words( 
#			$session,
#			EPrints::Index::apply_mapping( $session, $value ) );

	return split /\s+/, $value;

sub get_search_conditions
	my( $self, $session, $dataset, $search_value, $match, $merge,
		$search_mode ) = @_;

	if( $match eq "EX" )
		if( $search_value eq "" )
			return EPrints::Search::Condition->new( 
					$self );

		return EPrints::Search::Condition->new( 
				$search_value );

	return $self->get_search_conditions_not_ex(
			$search_mode );

sub get_search_group { return 'basic'; } 

# return system defaults for this field type
sub get_property_defaults
	return (
		allow_null 	=> 0,
		browse_link 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		can_clone 	=> 1,
		confid 		=> $EPrints::MetaField::NO_CHANGE,
		export_as_xml 	=> 1,
		fromform 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		import		=> 1,
		input_add_boxes => $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG,
		input_advice_right => $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		input_advice_below => $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		input_assist	=> 0,
		input_boxes 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG,
		input_cols 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG,
		input_lookup_url 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		input_lookup_params 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		input_ordered 	=> 1,
		make_single_value_orderkey 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		make_value_orderkey 		=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		show_in_fieldlist	=> 1,
		maxlength 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::VARCHAR_SIZE,
		multiple 	=> 0,
		name 		=> $EPrints::MetaField::REQUIRED,
		show_in_html	=> 1,
		render_input 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		render_single_value 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		render_quiet	=> 0,
		render_magicstop	=> 0,
		render_noreturn	=> 0,
		render_dont_link	=> 0,
		render_value 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		required 	=> 0,
		requiredlangs 	=> [],
		search_cols 	=> $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG,
		sql_index 	=> 1,
		text_index 	=> 0,
		toform 		=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		type 		=> $EPrints::MetaField::REQUIRED,
		sub_name	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		parent_name	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
		help_xhtml	=> $EPrints::MetaField::UNDEF,
# Most types are not indexed		
sub get_index_codes
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	return( [], [], [] );

sub get_value
	my( $self, $object ) = @_;

	return $object->get_value_raw( $self->{name} );
sub set_value
	my( $self, $object, $value ) = @_;

	return $object->set_value_raw( $self->{name},$value );

# return true if this is a virtual field which does not exist in the
# database.
sub is_virtual
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return 0;

# if ordering by this field, should we sort highest first?
sub should_reverse_order { return 0; }

# return an array of dom problems
sub validate
	my( $self, $session, $value, $object ) = @_;

	return $session->get_repository->call(
		$session );




