Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints / MetaField /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 12 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::MetaField::Name;
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::MetaField::Name> - no description


not done

=over 4


package EPrints::MetaField::Name;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Unicode::String qw( latin1 utf8 );

	our( @ISA );

	@ISA = qw( EPrints::MetaField::Text );

use EPrints::MetaField::Text;

my $VARCHAR_SIZE = 255;

sub get_sql_type
	my( $self, $notnull ) = @_;

	my $sqlname = $self->get_sql_name();
	my $param = ($notnull?" NOT NULL":"");
	my $vc = 'VARCHAR('.$VARCHAR_SIZE.')';

		$sqlname.'_honourific '.$vc.' '.$param.', '.
		$sqlname.'_given '.$vc.' '.$param.', '.
		$sqlname.'_family '.$vc.' '.$param.', '.
		$sqlname.'_lineage '.$vc.' '.$param;

# index the family part only...
sub get_sql_index
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return undef unless( $self->get_property( "sql_index" ) );

	return "INDEX( ".$self->get_sql_name."_family)";
sub render_single_value
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	my $order = $self->{render_order};
	# If the render opt "order" is set to "gf" then we order
	# the name with given name first. 

	return $session->render_name( 
			defined $order && $order eq "gf" );

sub get_input_bits
	my( $self, $session ) = @_;

	my @namebits;
	unless( $self->get_property( "hide_honourific" ) )
		push @namebits, "honourific";
	if( $self->get_property( "family_first" ) )
		push @namebits, "family", "given";
		push @namebits, "given", "family";
	unless( $self->get_property( "hide_lineage" ) )
		push @namebits, "lineage";

	return @namebits;

sub get_basic_input_elements
	my( $self, $session, $value, $basename, $staff, $obj ) = @_;

	my $parts = [];
	foreach( $self->get_input_bits( $session ) )
		my $size = $self->{input_name_cols}->{$_};
		push @{$parts}, {el=>$session->render_noenter_input_field(
			class => "ep_form_text",
			name => $basename."_".$_,
			id => $basename."_".$_,
			value => $value->{$_},
			size => $size,
			maxlength => $self->{maxlength} ) };

	return [ $parts ];

sub get_basic_input_ids
	my( $self, $session, $basename, $staff, $obj ) = @_;

	my @ids = ();
	foreach( $self->get_input_bits( $session ) )
		push @ids, $basename."_".$_;

	return @ids;

sub get_input_col_titles
	my( $self, $session, $staff ) = @_;

	my @r = ();
	foreach my $bit ( $self->get_input_bits( $session ) )
		# deal with some legacy in the phrase id's
		$bit = "given_names" if( $bit eq "given" );
		$bit = "family_names" if( $bit eq "family" );
		push @r, $session->html_phrase(	"lib/metafield:".$bit );
	return \@r;

sub form_value_basic
	my( $self, $session, $basename ) = @_;
	my $data = {};
	foreach( "honourific", "given", "family", "lineage" )
		$data->{$_} = 
			$session->param( $basename."_".$_ );

	unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $data ) )
		return( undef );

	return $data;

sub get_value_label
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	return $self->render_single_value( $session, $value );

sub ordervalue_basic
	my( $self , $value ) = @_;

	unless( ref($value) =~ m/^HASH/ ) { 
		EPrints::abort( "EPrints::MetaField::Name::ordervalue_basic called on something other than a hash." );

	my @a;
	foreach( "family", "lineage", "given", "honourific" )
		if( defined $value->{$_} )
			push @a, $value->{$_};
			push @a, "";
	return join( "," , @a );

sub split_search_value
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	# should use archive whitespaces
	# remove spaces around commas to make them single names
	$value =~ s/\s*,\s*/,/g; 

	# things in double quotes are treated as a single name
	# eg. "Harris Smith" or "Smith, J K"
	my @bits = ();
	while( $value =~ s/"([^"]+)"// )
		push @bits, $1;

	# if there is anything left, split it on whitespace
	if( $value !~ m/^\s+$/ )
		push @bits, split /\s+/ , $value;
	return @bits;

sub render_search_value
        my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	my @bits = $self->split_search_value( $session, $value );
        return $session->make_text( '"'.join( '", "', @bits).'"' );

sub get_search_conditions
	my( $self, $session, $dataset, $search_value, $match, $merge,
		$search_mode ) = @_;

	if( $match eq "EX" )
		# not correct yet. Only used for browse-by-name
		return EPrints::Search::Condition->new( 
			$search_value );

	my $v2 = EPrints::Index::apply_mapping( 
			$search_value );

	my $indexmode = "index";

	if( $session->get_repository->get_conf( "match_start_of_name" ) )
		$indexmode = "index_start";

	# name searches are case sensitive
	$v2 = "\L$v2";

	if( $search_mode eq "simple" )
		return EPrints::Search::Condition->new( 
			$v2 );

	# split up initials
	$v2 =~ s/([A-Z])/ $1/g;

	# remove not a-z characters (except ,)
	$v2 =~ s/[^a-z,]/ /ig;

	my( $family, $given ) = split /\s*,\s*/, $v2;
	my @freetexts = ();
	foreach my $fpart ( split /\s+/, $family )
		next unless EPrints::Utils::is_set( $fpart );
		push @freetexts, EPrints::Search::Condition->new( 
						$fpart );

	# 2 family parts or one given part make it worth
	# doing the name crop. A single family part will 
	# obviously match.
	my $noskip = 0; 

	# grep only accepts "%" and "?" as special chars
	my $list = [ '%' ];
	foreach my $fpart ( split /\s+/, $family )
		next unless EPrints::Utils::is_set( $fpart );
		if( $indexmode eq "index_start" )
			$list->[0] .= '['.$fpart.'%';
			$list->[0] .= '['.$fpart.']%';
		++$noskip; # need at least 2 family parts to be worth cropping

	$list->[0] .= '-%';
	$given = "" unless( defined $given );
	foreach my $gpart ( split /\s+/, $given )
		next unless EPrints::Utils::is_set( $gpart );
		$noskip = 2;
		if( length $gpart == 1 )
			# inital
			foreach my $l ( @{$list} )
				$l .= '['.$gpart.'%';
		# a full given name
		my $nlist = [];
		foreach my $l ( @{$list} )
			push @{$nlist}, $l.'['.$gpart.']%';
			$gpart =~ m/^(.)/;
			push @{$nlist}, $l.'['.$1.']%';
		$list = $nlist;

	if( $noskip >= 2 )
		# it IS worth cropping 
		push @freetexts, EPrints::Search::Condition->new( 
						@{$list} );

	return EPrints::Search::Condition->new( 'AND', @freetexts );

# INHERRITS get_search_conditions_not_ex, but it's not called.

sub get_search_group { return 'name'; } 

sub get_property_defaults
	my( $self ) = @_;
	my %defaults = $self->SUPER::get_property_defaults;
	$defaults{input_name_cols} = $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG;
	$defaults{hide_honourific} = $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG;
	$defaults{hide_lineage} = $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG;
	$defaults{family_first} = $EPrints::MetaField::FROM_CONFIG;
	$defaults{render_order} = "fg";
	return %defaults;

sub get_unsorted_values
	my( $self, $session, $dataset, %opts ) = @_;

	my $list = $session->get_database->get_values( $self, $dataset );

	return $list;

	#my $out = [];
	#foreach my $name ( @{$list} )
		#push @{$out}, $name->{family}.', '.$name->{given};
	#return $out;

my $x=<<END;
			Glaser	Hugh/Glaser	H/Glaser	Hugh B/Glaser	Hugh Bob/Glaser	Smith Glaser
H/Glaser		X	X		X						
H/Glaser-Smith		X	X		X						.
H/Smith-Glaser		X	X		X						X
Hugh/Glaser		X	X		X						
Hugh K/Glaser		X	X		X						
Hugh-Bob/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X		
Hugh Bob/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X		
Hugh B/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X	
Hugh Bill/Glaser	X	X		X		X		 	
H B/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X 	
HB/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X 	
H P/Glaser		X	X		X						
Herbert/Glaser		X			X						
Herbert/Smith					X						
Q Hugh/Glaser		X	X								
Q H/Glaser		X									

			Glaser	Hugh/Glaser	H/Glaser	Hugh B/Glaser	Hugh Bob/Glaser	Smith Glaser
H/Glaser		X	X		X						
H/Glaser-Smith		X	X		X						X
H/Smith-Glaser		X	X		X						X
Hugh/Glaser		X	X		X						
Hugh K/Glaser		X	X		X						
Hugh-Bob/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X		
Hugh Bob/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X		
Hugh B/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X	
Hugh Bill/Glaser	X	X		X		X		 	
H B/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X 	
HB/Glaser		X	X		X		X		X 	
H P/Glaser		X	X		X						
Herbert/Glaser		X			X						
Herbert/Smith					X						
Q Hugh/Glaser		X	X								
Q H/Glaser		X									

Smith Glaser		Whole word in family IS glaser AND Whole word in family IS smith 	

Glaser			Whole word in family IS glaser	

Hugh/Glaser		Glaser + (Whole word in given is Hugh OR first initial in given is "H")

H/Glaser		Glaser + (first initial in given is "H" OR first word in given starts with "H")

Hugh B/Glaser		Glaser + (first initial in given is "H" OR first word in given is "Hugh" ) +
				(second initial in given is "B" OR second word in given starts with "B")

Hugh Bob/Glaser		Glaser + (first initial in given is "H" OR first word in given is "Hugh" ) +
				(second iniital in given is "B" or second word in given is "Bob")



Ben Quantum Fierdash				[B][Q][Fierdash]


Ben F






*[J]*-*[Smith]* AND *[John]*-*[Smith]*


sub get_index_codes_basic
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	return( [], [], [] ) unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value ) );

	my $f = &EPrints::Index::apply_mapping( $session, $value->{family} );
	my $g = &EPrints::Index::apply_mapping( $session, $value->{given} );

	# Add a space before all capitals to break
	# up initials. Will screw up names with capital
	# letters in the middle of words. But that's
	# pretty rare.
	my $len_g = $g->length;
        my $new_g = utf8( "" );
        for(my $i = 0; $i<$len_g; ++$i )
                my $s = $g->substr( $i, 1 );
                if( $s eq "\U$s" )
			$new_g .= ' ';
		$new_g .= $s;

	my $code = '';
	my @r = ();
	foreach( EPrints::Index::split_words( $session, $f ) )
		next if( $_ eq "" );
		push @r, "\L$_";
		$code.= "[\L$_]";
	$code.= "-";
	foreach( EPrints::Index::split_words( $session, $new_g ) )
		next if( $_ eq "" );
#		push @r, "given:\L$_";
		$code.= "[\L$_]";
	return( \@r, [$code], [] );

sub get_values
	my( $self, $session, $dataset, %opts ) = @_;

	my $langid = $opts{langid};
	$langid = $session->get_langid unless( defined $langid );

	my $unsorted_values = $self->get_unsorted_values( 
		%opts );

	my %orderkeys = ();
	my @values;
	foreach my $value ( @{$unsorted_values} )
		my $v2 = $value;
		$v2 = {} unless( defined $value );
		push @values, $v2;

		# uses function _basic because value will NEVER be multiple
		my $orderkey = $self->ordervalue_basic(
			$langid );
		$orderkeys{_f($v2)} = $orderkey;

	my @outvalues = sort {$orderkeys{_f($a)} cmp $orderkeys{_f($b)}} @values;
	return \@outvalues;

sub _f
	my( $name ) = @_;

	return $name->{family}.':'.$name->{given}.':'.$name->{lineage}.':'.$name->{honourific};

sub to_xml_basic
	my( $self, $session, $value ) = @_;

	my $r = $session->make_doc_fragment;	

	foreach my $part ( qw/ family given honourific lineage / )
		my $nv = $value->{$part};
		next unless defined $nv;
		next unless $nv ne "";
		my $tag = $session->make_element( $part );
		$tag->appendChild( $session->make_text( $nv ) );
		$r->appendChild( $tag );
	return $r;
