Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 8 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::OpenArchives
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::OpenArchives> - Methods for open archives support in EPrints.


This module contains methods used by the EPrints OAI interface. 
See for more information.

=head1 METHODS 

=over 4


package EPrints::OpenArchives;

use EPrints;

use strict;


=item $xml = EPrints::OpenArchives::make_header( $session, $eprint, $oai2 )

Return a DOM tree containing the generic <header> part of a OAI response
describing an EPrint. 

Return the OAI2 version if $oai2 is true.


sub make_header
	my ( $session, $eprint, $oai2 ) = @_;

	my $header = $session->make_element( "header" );
	my $oai_id;
	if( $oai2 )
		$oai_id = $session->get_repository->get_conf( 
			"archive_id" );
		$oai_id = $session->get_repository->get_conf( 
			"archive_id" );
	$header->appendChild( $session->render_data_element(
			$eprint->get_id ) ) );

	my $datestamp = $eprint->get_value( "datestamp" );
	unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $datestamp ) )
		# is this a good default?
		$datestamp = '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z';
		my( $date, $time ) = split( " ", $datestamp );
		$datestamp = $date."T".$time."Z";
	$header->appendChild( $session->render_data_element(
		$datestamp ) );

	if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $oai2 ) )
		if( $eprint->get_dataset()->id() eq "deletion" )
			$header->setAttribute( "status" , "deleted" );
			return $header;

		my $viewconf = $session->get_repository->get_conf( "oai","sets" );
        	foreach my $info ( @{$viewconf} )
			my @values = $eprint->get_values( $info->{fields} );
			my $afield = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( 
					( split( "/" , $info->{fields} ) )[0] );

			foreach my $v ( @values )
				if( $v eq "" && !$info->{allow_null} ) { next;  }

				my @l;
				if( $afield->is_type( "subject" ) )
					my $subj = new EPrints::DataObj::Subject( $session, $v );
					next unless( defined $subj );
					my @paths = $subj->get_paths( 
						$afield->get_property( "top" ) );

					foreach my $path ( @paths )
						my @ids;
						foreach( @{$path} ) 
							push @ids, $_->get_id();
						push @l, encode_setspec( @ids );
					@l = ( encode_setspec( $v ) );

				foreach( @l )
					$header->appendChild( $session->render_data_element(
						encode_setspec( $info->{id}.'=' ).$_ ) );

	return $header;


=item $xml = EPrints::OpenArchives::make_record( $session, $eprint, $fn, $oai2 )

Return XML DOM describing the entire OAI <record> for a single eprint.

If $oai2 is true return the XML suitable for OAI v2.0

$fn is a pointer to a function which takes ( $eprint, $session ) and
returns an XML DOM tree describing the metadata in the desired format.


sub make_record
	my( $session, $eprint, $plugin, $oai2 ) = @_;

	my $record = $session->make_element( "record" );

	my $header = make_header( $session, $eprint, $oai2 );
	$record->appendChild( $session->make_indent( 4 ) );
	$record->appendChild( $header );

	if( $eprint->get_dataset()->id() eq "deletion" )
		unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $oai2 ) )
			$record->setAttribute( "status" , "deleted" );
		return $record;

	my $md = $plugin->xml_dataobj( $eprint );
	if( defined $md )
		my $metadata = $session->make_element( "metadata" );
		$metadata->appendChild( $session->make_indent( 6 ) );
		$metadata->appendChild( $md );
		$record->appendChild( $session->make_indent( 4 ) );
		$record->appendChild( $metadata );

	return $record;


=item $oai_id EPrints::OpenArchives::to_oai_identifier( $archive_id, $eprintid )

Give the full OAI identifier of an eprint, given the local eprint id.

$archive_id is the ID used for OAI, which may be different from that
used by EPrints.


sub to_oai_identifier
	my( $archive_id , $eprintid ) = @_;
	return( "oai:$archive_id:$eprintid" );


=item $eprintid = EPrints::OpenArchives::from_oai_identifier( $session, $oai_identifier )

Return the local eprint id of an oai eprint identifier.

Return undef if this does not match a possible eprint.

This does not check the eprint actually exists, just that the OAI
identifier is suitable.


sub from_oai_identifier
        my( $session , $oai_identifier ) = @_;
        my $arcid = $session->get_repository->get_conf( "oai", "archive_id" );
        my $arcid2 = $session->get_repository->get_conf( "oai", "v2", "archive_id" );
        if( $oai_identifier =~ /^oai:($arcid|$arcid2):(\d+)$/ )
                return( $2 );
                return( undef );


=item $encoded = EPrints::OpenArchives::encode_setspec( @bits )

This encodes a list of values in such a way that it is a legal 
OAI setspec, even if it contains non-ascii characters etc.


sub encode_setspec
	my( @bits ) = @_;
	foreach( @bits ) { $_ = text2bytestring( $_ ); }
	return join(":",@bits);


=item @decoded = EPrints::OpenArchives::decode_setspec( $encoded )

This decodes a list of parameters encoded by encode_setspec


sub decode_setspec
	my( $encoded ) = @_;
	my @bits = split( ":", $encoded );
	foreach( @bits ) { $_ = bytestring2text( $_ ); }
	return @bits;


=item $encoded = EPrints::OpenArchives::text2bytestring( $string )

Converts a string into hex. eg. "A" becomes "41".


sub text2bytestring
	my( $string ) = @_;
	my $encstring = "";
	for(my $i=0; $i<length($string); $i++)
		$encstring.=sprintf("%02X", ord(substr($string, $i, 1)));
	return $encstring;


=item $decoded = EPrints::OpenArchives::bytestring2text( $encstring )

Does the reverse of text2bytestring.


sub bytestring2text
	my( $encstring ) = @_;

	my $string = "";
	for(my $i=0; $i<length($encstring); $i+=2)
	return $string;



