Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 11 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::Paginate
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::Paginate> - Methods for rendering a paginated List


=over 4


package EPrints::Paginate;

use URI::Escape;
use strict;


=item $xhtml = EPrints::Paginate->paginate_list( $session, $basename, $list, %opts )

Render a "paginated" view of the list i.e. display a "page" of items 
with links to navigate through the list.

$basename is the basename to use for pagination-specific CGI parameters, to avoid clashes.

%opts is a hash of options which can be used to customise the 
behaviour and/or rendering of the paginated list. See EPrints::Search 
for a good example!

B<Behaviour options:>

=over 4

=item page_size	

The maximum number of items to display on a page.

=item pagejumps

The maximum number of page jump links to display.

=item params

A hashref of parameters to include in the prev/next/jump URLs, 
e.g. to maintain the state of other controls on the page between jumps.


B<Rendering options:>

=over 4

=item controls_before, controls_after

Additional links to display before/after the page navigation controls.

=item container

A containing XML DOM element for the list of items on the current page.

=item render_result, render_result_params

A custom subroutine for rendering an individual item on the current 
page. The subroutine will be called with $session, $item, and the
parameter specified by the render_result_params option. The
rendered item should be returned.

=item phrase

The phrase to use to render the entire "page". Can make use of the following pins:

=over 4

=item controls

prev/next/jump links

=item searchdesc

description of list e.g. what search parameters produced it

=item matches

total number of items in list, range of items displayed on current page

=item results

list of rendered items

=item controls_if_matches

prev/next/jump links (only if list contains >0 items)


These can be overridden in the "pins" option (below).

=item pins

Named "pins" to render on the page. These may override the default 
"pins" (see above), or specify new "pins" (although you would need 
to define a custom phrase in order to make use of them).



sub paginate_list
	my( $class, $session, $basename, $list, %opts ) = @_;

	my $n_results = $list->count();
	my $offset = $session->param( $basename."_offset" ) + 0;
	#my $offset = $session->param( "_offset" ) + 0;
	my $pagesize = $opts{page_size} || 10; # TODO: get default from somewhere?
	my @results = $list->get_records( $offset , $pagesize );
	my $plast = $offset + $pagesize;
	$plast = $n_results if $n_results< $plast;

	my %pins;

	my $matches;	
	if( scalar $n_results > 0 )
		# TODO default phrase for item range
		# TODO override default phrase with opts
		my %numbers = ();
		$numbers{from} = $session->make_element( "span", class=>"ep_search_number" );
		$numbers{from}->appendChild( $session->make_text( $offset+1 ) );
		$numbers{to} = $session->make_element( "span", class=>"ep_search_number" );
		$numbers{to}->appendChild( $session->make_text( $plast ) );
		$numbers{n} = $session->make_element( "span", class=>"ep_search_number" );
		$numbers{n}->appendChild( $session->make_text( $n_results ) );
		$matches = $session->html_phrase( "lib/searchexpression:results", %numbers );
		# override default phrase with opts
		$matches = 
				"lib/searchexpression:noresults" );

	$pins{above_results} = $opts{above_results};
	if( !defined $pins{above_results} )
		$pins{above_results} = $session->make_doc_fragment;
	$pins{below_results} = $opts{below_results};
	if( !defined $pins{below_results} )
		$pins{below_results} = $session->make_doc_fragment;
	$pins{below_results} = $opts{searchdesc};

	# Add params to action urls
	my $url = $session->get_uri . "?";
	my @param_list;
	#push @param_list, "_cache=" . $list->get_cache_id; # if cached
	#my $escexp = $list->{encoded}; # serialised search expression
	#$escexp =~ s/ /+/g; # not great way...
	#push @param_list, "_exp=$escexp";
	if( defined $opts{params} )
		my $params = $opts{params};
		foreach my $key ( keys %$params )
			my $value = $params->{$key};
			push @param_list, "$key=$value";
	$url .= join "&", @param_list;

	my @controls; # page controls
	if( defined $opts{controls_before} )
		my $custom_controls = $opts{controls_before};
		foreach my $control ( @$custom_controls )
			my $custom_control = $session->render_link( $control->{url} );
			$custom_control->appendChild( $control->{label} );
			push @controls, $custom_control;

	# Previous page link
	if( $offset > 0 ) 
		my $bk = $offset-$pagesize;
		my $prevurl = "$url&$basename\_offset=".($bk<0?0:$bk);
		my $prevlink = $session->render_link( $prevurl );
		my $pn = $pagesize>$offset?$offset:$pagesize;
				n=>$session->make_doc_fragment ) );
				#n=>$session->make_text( $pn ) ) );
		push @controls, $prevlink;

	# Page jumps
	my $pages_to_show = $opts{pagejumps} || 10; # TODO: get default from somewhere?
	my $cur_page = $offset / $pagesize;
	my $num_pages = int( $n_results / $pagesize );
	$num_pages++ if $n_results % $pagesize;
	$num_pages--; # zero based

	my $start_page = $cur_page - ( $pages_to_show / 2 );
	my $end_page = $cur_page + ( $pages_to_show / 2 );

	if( $start_page < 0 )
		$end_page += -$start_page; # end page takes up slack
	if( $end_page > $num_pages )
		$start_page -= $end_page - $num_pages; # start page takes up slack

	$start_page = 0 if $start_page < 0; # normalise
	$end_page = $num_pages if $end_page > $num_pages; # normalise
	unless( $start_page == $end_page ) # only one page, don't need jumps
		for my $page_n ( $start_page..$end_page )
			my $jumplink;
			if( $page_n != $cur_page )
				my $jumpurl = "$url&$basename\_offset=" . $page_n * $pagesize;
				$jumplink = $session->render_link( $jumpurl );
				$jumplink->appendChild( $session->make_text( $page_n + 1 ) );
				$jumplink = $session->make_element( "strong" );
				$jumplink->appendChild( $session->make_text( $page_n + 1 ) );
			push @controls, $jumplink;

	# Next page link
	if( $offset + $pagesize < $n_results )
		my $nexturl="$url&$basename\_offset=".($offset+$pagesize);
		my $nextlink = $session->render_link( $nexturl );
		my $nn = $n_results - $offset - $pagesize;
		$nn = $pagesize if( $pagesize < $nn);
		$nextlink->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "lib/searchexpression:next",
					n=>$session->make_doc_fragment ) );
					#n=>$session->make_text( $nn ) ) );
		push @controls, $nextlink;

#	if( defined $opts{controls_after} )
#	{
#		my $custom_controls = $opts{controls_after};
#		foreach my $control ( @$custom_controls )
#		{
#			my $custom_control = $session->render_link( $control->{url} );
#			$custom_control->appendChild( $control->{label} );
#			push @controls, $custom_control;
#		}
#	}

	if( scalar @controls )
		$pins{controls} = $session->make_element( "div" );
		$pins{controls}->appendChild( $matches );

		$pins{controls}->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) );

		my $first = 1;
		foreach my $control ( @controls )
			if( $first )
				$first = 0;
				$pins{controls}->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "lib/searchexpression:seperator" ) );
			my $cspan = $session->make_element( 'span', class=>"ep_search_control" );
			$cspan->appendChild( $control );
			$pins{controls}->appendChild( $cspan );
	if( defined $opts{controls_after} )
		$pins{controls}->appendChild( $opts{controls_after} );	

	my $type;
	# Container for results (e.g. table, div..)
	if( defined $opts{container} )
		$pins{results} = $opts{container};
		$type = $session->get_citation_type( $list->get_dataset );
		if( $type eq "table_row" )
			$pins{results} = $session->make_element( 
					class=>"ep_paginate_list" );
			$pins{results} = $session->make_element( 
					class=>"ep_paginate_list" );

	my $n = $offset;
	foreach my $result ( @results )
		$n += 1;
		# Render individual results
		if( defined $opts{render_result} )
			# Custom rendering routine specified
			my $params = $opts{render_result_params};
			my $custom = &{ $opts{render_result} }( 
						$n );
			$pins{results}->appendChild( $custom );
		elsif( $type eq "table_row" )
				$result->render_citation_link() ); 
			my $div = $session->make_element( 
				class=>"ep_paginate_result" );
				$result->render_citation_link() ); 
			$pins{results}->appendChild( $div );

	# If we have no results, we can use a custom renderer to	
	# put a descriptive phrase in place of the result list.

	if( $n_results == 0 )
		if( defined $opts{render_no_results} )
			my $params = $opts{render_result_params};
			my $no_res = &{ $opts{render_no_results} }(
						"lib/paginate:no_items" )
			$pins{results}->appendChild( $no_res );
	# Render a page of results
	my $custom_pins = $opts{pins};
	for( keys %$custom_pins )
		$pins{$_} = $custom_pins->{$_} if defined $custom_pins->{$_};

	my $page = $session->make_doc_fragment;

	if( defined $pins{controls} )
		my $div = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_search_controls" );
		$div->appendChild( $pins{controls} );
		$page->appendChild( $div );
	if( defined $pins{above_results} )
		$page->appendChild( $pins{above_results} );
	if( defined $pins{results} )
		my $div = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_search_results" );
		$div->appendChild( $pins{results} );
		$page->appendChild( $div );
	if( defined $pins{below_results} )
		$page->appendChild( $pins{below_results} );
	if( $n_results > 0 && defined $pins{controls} )
		my $div = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_search_controls_bottom" );
		$div->appendChild( $session->clone_for_me( $pins{controls}, 1 ) );
		$page->appendChild( $div );

	return $page;
