Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 7 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::Time
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::Time> - Time and Date-related functions 


This package contains functions related to time/date functionality. 

=over 4


package EPrints::Time;

use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Time::Local 'timegm_nocheck';


=item $xhtml = EPrints::Time::render_date( $session, $datevalue )

Render the given date or date and time as a chunk of XHTML.

The date given is in UTC but it will be rendered in the local offset.


sub render_date
	my( $session, $datevalue) = @_;
	return _render_date( $session, $datevalue, 0 );

sub render_short_date
	my( $session, $datevalue) = @_;
	return _render_date( $session, $datevalue, 1 );

sub datestring_to_timet
	my( $session, $datevalue, $short ) = @_;

	my( $year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec ) = split /[- :TZ]/, $datevalue;

	my $t = timegm_nocheck $sec||0,$min||0,$hour,$day,$mon-1,$year-1900;

	return $t;

sub _render_date
	my( $session, $datevalue, $short ) = @_;

	if( !defined $datevalue )
		return $session->html_phrase( "lib/utils:date_unspecified" );

	# remove 0'd days and months
	$datevalue =~ s/(-0+)+$//;

	# the is the gmtime
	my( $year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec ) = split /[- :TZ]/, $datevalue;

	if( defined $hour )
		# if we have a time as well as a date then shift it to
		# localtime.
		my $t = timegm_nocheck $sec||0,$min||0,$hour,$day,$mon-1,$year-1900;
		my @l = localtime( $t );
		$l[0] = undef unless defined $sec;
		$l[1] = undef unless defined $min;
		( $sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year ) = ( $l[0], $l[1], $l[2], $l[3], $l[4]+1, $l[5]+1900 );

	if( !defined $year || $year eq "undef" || $year eq "" || $year == 0 ) 
		return $session->html_phrase( "lib/utils:date_unspecified" );

	# 1999
	my $r = $year;

	my $month_name;
	if( defined $mon )
		if( $short )	
			$month_name = EPrints::Time::get_month_label_short( $session, $mon );
			$month_name = EPrints::Time::get_month_label( $session, $mon );
		$r = "$month_name $r";
	if( $short ) 
		$r = sprintf( "%02d",$day)." $r" if( defined $day );
		$r = "$day $r" if( defined $day );

	if( !defined $hour )
		return $session->make_text( $r );

	my $time;
	if( defined $sec ) 
		$time = sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d",$hour,$min,$sec );
	elsif( defined $min )
		$time = sprintf( "%02d:%02d",$hour,$min );
		$time = sprintf( "%02d",$hour );
	$r .= " ".$time;

	my $gmt_off = gmt_off();
	my $hour_diff = $gmt_off/60/60;
	my $min_diff = ($gmt_off/60)%60;
	my $c = "";
	if( $hour_diff >= 0 ) { $c="+"; }
	my $off = sprintf( ' %s%02d:%02d', $c, $hour_diff, $min_diff );

	$r .= " ".$off if( !$short );

	return $session->make_text( $r );


=item $xhtml = EPrints::Time::gmt_off()

Render the current time offset in seconds. This just diffs gmtime
and localtime.


sub gmt_off
        my $time = time;
        my( @local ) = localtime($time);
        my( @gmt ) = gmtime($time);
        my @diff;
        for(0..2) { $diff[$_] = $local[$_] - $gmt[$_]; }

	my $local_cmp_code = $local[3]+$local[4]*100+$local[5]*10000; 
	my $gmt_cmp_code = $gmt[3]+$gmt[4]*100+$gmt[5]*10000; 
        if( $local_cmp_code > $gmt_cmp_code ) { $diff[2] += 24; }
        if( $local_cmp_code < $gmt_cmp_code ) { $diff[2] -= 24; }
        return $diff[2]*60*60 + $diff[1]*60 + $diff[0];


=item $label = EPrints::Time::get_month_label( $session, $monthid )

Return a UTF-8 string describing the month, in the current lanugage.

$monthid is a 3 character code: jan, feb, mar... etc.


sub get_month_label
	my( $session, $monthid ) = @_;

	my $code = sprintf( "lib/utils:month_%02d", $monthid );

	return $session->phrase( $code );

sub get_month_label_short
	my( $session, $monthid ) = @_;

	my $code = sprintf( "lib/utils:month_short_%02d", $monthid );

	return $session->phrase( $code );


=item ($year,$month,$day) = EPrints::Time::get_date_array( [$time] )

Static method that returns the given time (in UNIX time, seconds 
since 1.1.79) in an array.

This is the local date not the UTC date.

sub get_date { return get_date_array( @_ ); }

sub get_date_array
	my( $time ) = @_;

	$time = time unless defined $time;

	my @date = localtime( $time );

		sprintf( "%02d", $date[5]+1900 ),
		sprintf( "%02d", $date[4]+1 ),
		sprintf( "%02d", $date[3] ) );


=item  $datestamp = EPrints::Time::get_iso_date( [$time] )

Method that returns the given time (in UNIX time, seconds 
since 1.1.79) in the format used by EPrints and MySQL (YYYY-MM-DD).

This is the localtime date, not UTC.


sub get_iso_date
	my( $time ) = @_;

	$time = time unless defined $time;

	my( $year, $month, $day ) = EPrints::Time::get_date( $time );

	return( $year."-".$month."-".$day );


=item $timestamp = EPrints::Time::human_time( [$time] )

Return a string describing the current local date and time in the
current locale's format (see Perl's 'localtime).


sub human_time
	my( $time ) = @_;

	$time = time unless defined $time;

	my $stamp = sprintf("%s %s",
		strftime("%Z", localtime($time))

	return $stamp;


=item $timestamp = EPrints::Time::get_iso_timestamp( [$time] );

Return a UTC timestamp of the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ

e.g. 2005-02-12T09:23:33Z

$time in seconds from 1970. If not defined then assume current time.


sub get_iso_timestamp
	my( $time ) = @_;

	$time = time unless defined $time;

	my( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ) = gmtime($time);

	return sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", 
			$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, 
			$hour, $min, $sec );

sub human_delay
	my( $hours ) = @_;
	if( $hours < 24 )
		return $hours." hour".($hours>1?"s":"");

	my $days = int( $hours / 24 );

	if( $days < 7 )
		return $days." day".($days>1?"s":"");

	my $weeks = int( $days / 7 );

	return $weeks." week".($weeks>1?"s":"");



