Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints / Workflow /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 3 KB - Added debian package source.
package EPrints::Workflow::Stage;

use strict;

sub new
	my( $class, $stage, $workflow ) = @_;
	my $self = {};
	bless $self, $class;

	$self->{workflow} = $workflow;
	$self->{session} = $workflow->{session};
	$self->{item} = $workflow->{item};
	$self->{repository} = $self->{session}->get_repository;

	$self->{name} = $stage->getAttribute("name");
	unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $self->{name} ) )
		EPrints::abort( "Workflow stage with no name attribute." );

	# Creating a new stage
	$self->_read_components( $stage->getChildNodes );

	return $self;


sub _read_components
	my( $self, @stage_nodes ) = @_;

	$self->{components} = [];
	foreach my $stage_node ( @stage_nodes )
		my $name = $stage_node->nodeName;
		if( $name eq "component" )

			# Nb. Cyclic refs on stage & workflow. May mess up g.c.
			my %params = (
					workflow=>$self->{workflow} ); 

			# Pull out the type

			my $type = $stage_node->getAttribute( "type" );
			$type = "Field" if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $type ) );

			my $surround = $stage_node->getAttribute( "surround" );
			$params{surround} = $surround if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $surround ) );
			my $collapse_attr = $stage_node->getAttribute( "collapse" );
			$params{collapse} = 1 if( defined $collapse_attr && $collapse_attr eq "yes" );

			# Grab any values inside
			my $class = $EPrints::Plugin::REGISTRY->{"InputForm::Component::$type"};
			if( !defined $class )
				print STDERR "Using placeholder for $type\n";
				$class = $EPrints::Plugin::REGISTRY->{"InputForm::Component::PlaceHolder"};
			if( defined $class )
				my $plugin = $class->new( %params );
				push @{$self->{components}}, $plugin;
		elsif( $name eq "title" )
			$self->{title} = $stage_node->getFirstChild->nodeValue;
		elsif( $name eq "short-title" )
			$self->{short_title} = $stage_node->getFirstChild->nodeValue;

sub get_name
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{name};

sub get_title
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{title};

sub get_short_title
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{short_title};

sub get_components
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return @{$self->{components}};

sub get_fields_handled
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my @list = ();
	foreach my $component ( $self->get_components )
		push @list, $component->get_fields_handled;
	return @list;

# return an array of problems
sub validate
	my( $self ) = @_;
	my @problems = ();
	foreach my $component (@{$self->{components}})
		push @problems, $component->validate();
	return @problems;

# return an array of problems
sub update_from_form
	my( $self , $processor ) = @_;

	foreach my $component (@{$self->{components}})

sub get_state_params
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $params = "";
	foreach my $component (@{$self->{components}})
		$params.= $component->get_state_params;
	return $params;

sub render
	my( $self, $session, $workflow ) = @_;

	my $dom = $session->make_doc_fragment();

	foreach my $component (@{$self->{components}})
		my $div;
		my $surround;
		$div = $session->make_element(
			class => "ep_form_field_input" );
		$div->appendChild( $component->get_surround()->render( $component, $session ) );
		$dom->appendChild( $div );

#  $form->appendChild( $session->render_action_buttons( %$submit_buttons ) ); 
	return $dom;
