<h3>Abstract views and document downloads by year/month</h3> <?php // NJS 2006-04-24 // Add if to check whether there actually are any stats! if (! isset($GLOBALS["db_values"]["0"]["abstracts"])) { print "<table>\n"; print '<tr><td align="left" width="200" style="color:#ff0000;"><b>No statistics available.</b></td></tr>'; print "\n"; } else { $max_count = $GLOBALS["db_values"][0]["abstracts"]; for ($rs=0;$rs<count($GLOBALS["db_values"]);$rs++) { if($max_count < $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["abstracts"]) $max_count = $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["abstracts"]; // NJS 2006-06-14: Included downloads in the max_count // calculation for cases where there are more downloads // than abstracts. if($max_count < $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["downloads"]) $max_count = $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["downloads"]; } // NJS 2006-06-14: You never know, there may be no downloads or // abstracts yet... $max_count = max( $max_count, 1 ); $max_width = '500'; // Max pixel width of barchart. print "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'>\n"; print '<tr><td colspan="6"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a month to see document downloads for that month.<br /> The numbers in (parentheses) are the number of distinct countries that views/downloads originated from.</span></td></tr>'; print '<tr><th style="background-color:#cccccc;">Period</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Downloads</th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; for ($rs=0;$rs<count($GLOBALS["db_values"]);$rs++) { $monthnum = (int) strpos('JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec', $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["month"])/3 + 1; // NJS 2005-12-15: subtly highlight every alternate row print '<tr'; if ($rs % 2) print ' style="background-color:#EDF3FE;"'; print '><td style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">'; // NJS 2006-06-14: Added archive name to URL and only generate // a link if there are actually some downloads. if ( $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["downloads"] > 0 ) print '<a href="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. '?action=show_detail_date;year='. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["year"]. ';month=' . $monthnum . ';archive=' . $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"] . '">'; print $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["year"]. ' '. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["month"]; if ( $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["downloads"] > 0 ) print '</a>'; print '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["abstracts"]. '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">('. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["acountries"]. ')</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["downloads"]. '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">('. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["dcountries"]. ')</td>'; $cur_count = $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["abstracts"]; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); $col_width = max($col_width, 1); $col_width .= "px"; print '<td align="left"><img src="bars/hh.png" alt="abstracts" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '"><br />'; $cur_count = $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["downloads"]; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); $col_width = max($col_width, 1); $col_width .= "px"; print '<img src="bars/hp.png" alt="downloads" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '"></td></tr>'; } } // of else print "</table>\n"; ?>