Digital_Repository / Repositories / otago_eprints3 / otago_eprints / cfg / lang / en / phrases / system.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE phrases SYSTEM "entities.dtd">

<epp:phrases xmlns="" xmlns:epp="" xmlns:epc="">

    <!-- Affiliations component -->
    <epp:phrase id="Plugin/InputForm/Component/Field/Subject:affiliations_search_bar"><div class="ep_subjectinput_searchbar">Search for affiliation: <epc:pin name="input"/> <epc:pin name="search_button"/> <epc:pin name="clear_button"/></div></epp:phrase>

    <!-- registration introduction. -->
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/register:created_new_user"><p>You have registered with username <big><strong><tt><epc:pin name="username"/></tt></strong></big>.</p><p>This registration <em>will not</em> be activated until you visit the confirmation URL that has been emailed to <tt><epc:pin name="email"/></tt>.</p></epp:phrase>

    <!-- Expand format upload page instructions to include an explanation in Additional Information if no formats are uploaded. -->
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:none_required"><p>You may upload one or more formats of the document at this stage. This is not required, but is strongly encouraged. <span style="color:red;">If there is a specific reason for not uploading any formats (such as copyright issues), please provide an explanation in the <strong><epc:phrase ref="eprint_fieldname_note" /></strong> field (on the <strong><epc:phrase ref="metapage_title_core" /></strong> page).</span> If the full text is only available from the publisher's web site, you should add a comment to this effect, and enter the URL of the document in the <strong><epc:phrase ref="eprint_fieldhelp_official_url" /></strong> field (on the <strong><epc:phrase ref="metapage_title_core" /></strong> page).</p></epp:phrase>

    <!-- Modified phrases for format upload page. -->
    <epp:phrase id="document_fieldhelp_formatdesc">You may provide an additional brief description of the format if you wish. <span class="color:red">It is highly recommended that you enter a description if you choose the format “Other”.</span></epp:phrase>

    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:current_docs"><p>Here are the document formats currently attached to this item, and how many files you have uploaded for each format.</p></epp:phrase>

    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:upload_layout">
You can upload multiple files at once if you first combine them into a .zip or .tar.gz archive. Select the appropriate file type from the list below, and the system will automatically expand the archive into its component files before attaching them to your submission. If you want to attach a compressed archive without expanding it, you should select “Single file”.<br/>
Type of file being uploaded: <epc:pin name="type"/><br/>
Select a file to upload: <epc:pin name="file"/><br/>
<epc:pin name="button"/>

    <epp:phrase id="format_fieldopt_arc_format_plain">Single file</epp:phrase>

    <epp:phrase id="format_fieldopt_arc_format_targz">Multiple files (.tar.gz archive)</epp:phrase>

    <epp:phrase id="format_fieldopt_arc_format_zip">Multiple files (.ZIP archive)</epp:phrase>

    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:fileview_page_layout">
<p>Adding files for format: <strong><epc:pin name="document"/></strong></p>
<epc:phrase ref="ruler" />
<epc:pin name="show_files"/>
<epc:phrase ref="ruler" />
<h3 style="border: none;">Upload a file from your PC</h3>
<p><strong style="color: red;">WARNING:</strong> It is your responsibility to ensure that the format of the file that you upload matches the format that you specified on the previous page (and shown above). The system will <em>not</em> check this for you!</p>
<epc:pin name="upload_form"/>
<epc:phrase ref="ruler" />
<h3 style="border: none;">Capture a file from a URL</h3>
<epc:pin name="url_form"/>

    <!-- Modified phrases for final deposit page. -->
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:please_verify"><p><strong style="color:red;">You have not finished yet!</strong></p><p>Please verify that all of the details about your deposit are correct, and that all necessary files have been correctly uploaded, including any figures.</p><p>When you are satisfied click the <strong>Deposit Item Now</strong> button at the foot of this page.</p></epp:phrase>

    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:controls_at_bottom">The control buttons are at the bottom of the page; please verify your submission details and read the deposit agreement before continuing.</epp:phrase>

    <!-- Modified phrases in the subject editor. -->
    <epp:phrase id="subject_fieldhelp_newsubjectid">This is the internal key for this subject. It is used in the database and to generate the “views” filenames. It should contain only a-z, 0-9 and dash, “/” and underscore “_”. If you enter the ID of an existing subject then that subject will be linked as a child of the current subject.</epp:phrase>

    <epp:phrase id="subject_radio_depositable"><label><epc:pin name="true"/>Yes, users can add items to this subject.</label><br/><label><epc:pin name="false"/>No. (In which case it should probably have some children.)</label></epp:phrase>

    <!-- Miscellaneous. -->
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/edit_eprint:moved"><p>Item successfully moved back into editorial review.</p><p>You may now <epc:pin name="link">edit it</epc:pin> if you wish.</p></epp:phrase>

    <epp:phrase id="lib/searchfield:help_name">Enter a name or names to search for. Either the family name, or the family name followed by a comma and the first name or initial. Names with spaces may be indicated by surrounding them with double quotes, eg. “van Damme, J”.</epp:phrase>

    <!-- "which" vs "that" -->
    <epp:phrase id="lib/session:no_login">You are somehow accessing a page that requires you to be logged in, without actually being logged in. This probably indicates a server misconfiguration.</epp:phrase>
