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    <title>UTas ePrints - Detection and mapping of QTL on bovine chromosomes 2 and 5 segregating for live weight, average daily gain and body measurements in Japanese Black Cattle</title>
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    <meta content="Malau-Aduli, A.E.O." name="eprints.creators_name" />
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<meta content="Kojima, T." name="eprints.creators_name" />
<meta content="Oshima, K." name="eprints.creators_name" />
<meta content="Mizoguchi, Y." name="eprints.creators_name" />
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<meta content="Detection and mapping of QTL on bovine
chromosomes 2 and 5 segregating for live weight,
average daily gain and body measurements in
Japanese Black Cattle" name="eprints.title" />
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<meta content="QTL mapping, Japanese Black cattle, BTA2, BTA5, body measurements, live weight, daily gain." name="eprints.keywords" />
<meta content="Bovine chromosomes 2 (BTA2) and 5 (BTA5) of purebred, half-sib progeny sired by five Japanese black
bulls were genotyped using microsatellite DNA markers. The data were subjected to linkage analysis for
the detection and mapping of segregating quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing live weight, average
daily gain and body measurements at weaning. Probability coefficients of inheriting allele 1 or 2 from the
sire at specific chromosomal intervals were computed. The phenotypic data on progeny were regressed on
these probability coefficients in a within-common-parent regression analysis. Fixed effects of sex, parity
and season of birth as well as age as a covariate, were fitted in a linear model to the phenotypic data and
subsequently analysed using QTL Express by generating an F-statistic through permutation tests at
chromosome-wide significance thresholds over 10, 000 iterations at 1 cM intervals. Highly significant
(P<0.01) segregating QTL for body measurements were detected on BTA2 for hip width (1 cM) and chest
depth (8 cM) in Sire Family 1 and pin bone width (16 cM) in Sire Family 3. Other significant QTL (P<0.05)
detected were withers height (3 cM), hip height (4 cM), body length (4 cM), shoulder width (6 cM), lumbar
width (3 cM), thurl width (3 cM) and canon circumference (2 cM) in Sire Family 1, shoulder width (16 cM) in
Sire Family 3 and thurl width (24 cM), pin bone width (19 cM), heart girth (26 cM) and abdominal width (69
cM) in Sire Family 4. Significant (P<0.05) QTL for live weight and average daily gain were detected on BTA2
for birth weight (5 cM) and weaning weight (3 cM) in Sire Family 1 and post-weaning average daily gain (68
cM) in Sire Family 4. BTA 5 contained QTL for birth weight, pin bone width and heart girth in Sire Family 3
that were only suggestive and not significant. Such localization of economically important QTL as
demonstrated in this study, will expedite genetic improvement via marker-assisted selection, gene
introgression and positional cloning in Japanese black cattle." name="eprints.abstract" />
<meta content="2007" name="" />
<meta content="published" name="eprints.date_type" />
<meta content="Journal of Cell and Animal Biology" name="eprints.publication" />
<meta content="1" name="eprints.volume" />
<meta content="3" name="eprints.number" />
<meta content="034-043" name="eprints.pagerange" />
<meta content="TRUE" name="eprints.refereed" />
<meta content="1996-0867" name="eprints.issn" />
<meta content="" name="eprints.official_url" />
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RT (2003). Detection of quantitative trait loci for growth and carcass
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Casas E, Shackleford SD, Keele JW, Stone RT, Kappes SM,
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carcass composition of cattle segregating alternate forms of myostatin.
J. Anim. Sci. 78: 560-569.
Casas E, Stone RT (2006). Putative quantitative trait loci associated
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Casas E, White SN, Riley DG, Smith TPL, Brenneman RA, Olson TA,
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<meta content="Malau-Aduli, A.E.O. and Niibayashi, T. and Kojima, T. and Oshima, K. and Mizoguchi, Y. and Komatsu, M. (2007) Detection and mapping of QTL on bovine chromosomes 2 and 5 segregating for live weight, average daily gain and body measurements in Japanese Black Cattle. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology, 1 (3). pp. 034-043. ISSN 1996-0867" name="eprints.citation" />
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<meta content="Detection and mapping of QTL on bovine
chromosomes 2 and 5 segregating for live weight,
average daily gain and body measurements in
Japanese Black Cattle" name="DC.title" />
<meta content="Malau-Aduli, A.E.O." name="DC.creator" />
<meta content="Niibayashi, T." name="DC.creator" />
<meta content="Kojima, T." name="DC.creator" />
<meta content="Oshima, K." name="DC.creator" />
<meta content="Mizoguchi, Y." name="DC.creator" />
<meta content="Komatsu, M." name="DC.creator" />
<meta content="270200 Genetics" name="DC.subject" />
<meta content="270207 Quantitative Genetics" name="DC.subject" />
<meta content="300401 Animal Breeding" name="DC.subject" />
<meta content="270208 Molecular Evolution" name="DC.subject" />
<meta content="300406 Animal Growth and Development" name="DC.subject" />
<meta content="300400 Animal Production" name="DC.subject" />
<meta content="270800 Biotechnology" name="DC.subject" />
<meta content="Bovine chromosomes 2 (BTA2) and 5 (BTA5) of purebred, half-sib progeny sired by five Japanese black
bulls were genotyped using microsatellite DNA markers. The data were subjected to linkage analysis for
the detection and mapping of segregating quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing live weight, average
daily gain and body measurements at weaning. Probability coefficients of inheriting allele 1 or 2 from the
sire at specific chromosomal intervals were computed. The phenotypic data on progeny were regressed on
these probability coefficients in a within-common-parent regression analysis. Fixed effects of sex, parity
and season of birth as well as age as a covariate, were fitted in a linear model to the phenotypic data and
subsequently analysed using QTL Express by generating an F-statistic through permutation tests at
chromosome-wide significance thresholds over 10, 000 iterations at 1 cM intervals. Highly significant
(P<0.01) segregating QTL for body measurements were detected on BTA2 for hip width (1 cM) and chest
depth (8 cM) in Sire Family 1 and pin bone width (16 cM) in Sire Family 3. Other significant QTL (P<0.05)
detected were withers height (3 cM), hip height (4 cM), body length (4 cM), shoulder width (6 cM), lumbar
width (3 cM), thurl width (3 cM) and canon circumference (2 cM) in Sire Family 1, shoulder width (16 cM) in
Sire Family 3 and thurl width (24 cM), pin bone width (19 cM), heart girth (26 cM) and abdominal width (69
cM) in Sire Family 4. Significant (P<0.05) QTL for live weight and average daily gain were detected on BTA2
for birth weight (5 cM) and weaning weight (3 cM) in Sire Family 1 and post-weaning average daily gain (68
cM) in Sire Family 4. BTA 5 contained QTL for birth weight, pin bone width and heart girth in Sire Family 3
that were only suggestive and not significant. Such localization of economically important QTL as
demonstrated in this study, will expedite genetic improvement via marker-assisted selection, gene
introgression and positional cloning in Japanese black cattle." name="DC.description" />
<meta content="2007" name="" />
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<meta content="Malau-Aduli, A.E.O. and Niibayashi, T. and Kojima, T. and Oshima, K. and Mizoguchi, Y. and Komatsu, M. (2007) Detection and mapping of QTL on bovine chromosomes 2 and 5 segregating for live weight, average daily gain and body measurements in Japanese Black Cattle. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology, 1 (3). pp. 034-043. ISSN 1996-0867" name="DC.identifier" />
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    <h1 class="ep_tm_pagetitle">Detection and mapping of QTL on bovine chromosomes 2 and 5 segregating for live weight, average daily gain and body measurements in Japanese Black Cattle</h1>
    <p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><span class="person_name">Malau-Aduli, A.E.O.</span> and <span class="person_name">Niibayashi, T.</span> and <span class="person_name">Kojima, T.</span> and <span class="person_name">Oshima, K.</span> and <span class="person_name">Mizoguchi, Y.</span> and <span class="person_name">Komatsu, M.</span> (2007) <xhtml:em>Detection and mapping of QTL on bovine chromosomes 2 and 5 segregating for live weight, average daily gain and body measurements in Japanese Black Cattle.</xhtml:em> Journal of Cell and Animal Biology, 1 (3). pp. 034-043. ISSN 1996-0867</p><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"></p><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><tr><td valign="top" style="text-align:center"><a onmouseover="EPJS_ShowPreview( event, 'doc_preview_4231' );" href="" onmouseout="EPJS_HidePreview( event, 'doc_preview_4231' );"><img alt="[img]" src="" class="ep_doc_icon" border="0" /></a><div class="ep_preview" id="doc_preview_4231"><table><tr><td><img alt="" src="" class="ep_preview_image" border="0" /><div class="ep_preview_title">Preview</div></td></tr></table></div></td><td valign="top"><a href=""><span class="ep_document_citation">PDF</span></a> - Requires a PDF viewer<br />205Kb</td></tr></table><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block">Official URL: <a href=""></a></p><div class="not_ep_block"><h2>Abstract</h2><p style="padding-bottom: 16px; text-align: left; margin: 1em auto 0em auto">Bovine chromosomes 2 (BTA2) and 5 (BTA5) of purebred, half-sib progeny sired by five Japanese black&#13;
bulls were genotyped using microsatellite DNA markers. The data were subjected to linkage analysis for&#13;
the detection and mapping of segregating quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing live weight, average&#13;
daily gain and body measurements at weaning. Probability coefficients of inheriting allele 1 or 2 from the&#13;
sire at specific chromosomal intervals were computed. The phenotypic data on progeny were regressed on&#13;
these probability coefficients in a within-common-parent regression analysis. Fixed effects of sex, parity&#13;
and season of birth as well as age as a covariate, were fitted in a linear model to the phenotypic data and&#13;
subsequently analysed using QTL Express by generating an F-statistic through permutation tests at&#13;
chromosome-wide significance thresholds over 10, 000 iterations at 1 cM intervals. Highly significant&#13;
(P&lt;0.01) segregating QTL for body measurements were detected on BTA2 for hip width (1 cM) and chest&#13;
depth (8 cM) in Sire Family 1 and pin bone width (16 cM) in Sire Family 3. Other significant QTL (P&lt;0.05)&#13;
detected were withers height (3 cM), hip height (4 cM), body length (4 cM), shoulder width (6 cM), lumbar&#13;
width (3 cM), thurl width (3 cM) and canon circumference (2 cM) in Sire Family 1, shoulder width (16 cM) in&#13;
Sire Family 3 and thurl width (24 cM), pin bone width (19 cM), heart girth (26 cM) and abdominal width (69&#13;
cM) in Sire Family 4. Significant (P&lt;0.05) QTL for live weight and average daily gain were detected on BTA2&#13;
for birth weight (5 cM) and weaning weight (3 cM) in Sire Family 1 and post-weaning average daily gain (68&#13;
cM) in Sire Family 4. BTA 5 contained QTL for birth weight, pin bone width and heart girth in Sire Family 3&#13;
that were only suggestive and not significant. Such localization of economically important QTL as&#13;
demonstrated in this study, will expedite genetic improvement via marker-assisted selection, gene&#13;
introgression and positional cloning in Japanese black cattle.</p></div><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" cellpadding="3" class="not_ep_block" border="0"><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Item Type:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Article</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Keywords:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">QTL mapping, Japanese Black cattle, BTA2, BTA5, body measurements, live weight, daily gain.</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Subjects:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a href="">270000 Biological Sciences &gt; 270200 Genetics</a><br /><a href="">270000 Biological Sciences &gt; 270200 Genetics &gt; 270207 Quantitative Genetics</a><br /><a href="">300000 Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences &gt; 300400 Animal Production &gt; 300401 Animal Breeding</a><br /><a href="">270000 Biological Sciences &gt; 270200 Genetics &gt; 270208 Molecular Evolution</a><br /><a href="">300000 Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences &gt; 300400 Animal Production &gt; 300406 Animal Growth and Development</a><br /><a href="">300000 Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences &gt; 300400 Animal Production</a><br /><a href="">270000 Biological Sciences &gt; 270800 Biotechnology</a></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Collections:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">UNSPECIFIED</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ID Code:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">3083</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited By:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><span class="ep_name_citation"><span class="person_name">Dr Aduli E.O. Malau-Aduli</span></span></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited On:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">23 Jan 2008 13:45</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Last Modified:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">24 Jan 2008 11:02</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ePrint Statistics:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a target="ePrintStats" href="/es/index.php?action=show_detail_eprint;id=3083;">View statistics for this ePrint</a></td></tr></table><p align="right">Repository Staff Only: <a href=";eprintid=3083">item control page</a></p>

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