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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE page SYSTEM "entities-en.dtd" > <ep:page xmlns="" xmlns:ep=""> <ep:title>&archivename; User Documentation</ep:title> <ep:body> <ul> <li><a href="#Browsing">Browsing</a></li> <li><a href="#Searching">Searching</a> <ul> <li><a href="#SearchTextFields">Text Search Fields</a></li> <li><a href="#SearchListsOfValues">Lists of Values</a></li> <li><a href="#SearchYears">Years</a></li> <li><a href="#SearchYesNoFields">Yes/No Fields</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="#Registering">Registering</a></li> <li><a href="#Depositing">Depositing Items</a> <ul> <li><a href="#UserRecord">Your User Record</a></li> <li><a href="#ManagingItems">Managing Your Repository Items</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="#Process">The Depositing Process</a> <ul> <li><a href="#DepositType">Deposit Type</a></li> <li><a href="#SuccessionCommentary">Succession/Commentary</a></li> <li><a href="#BibliographicInformation">Bibliographic Information</a></li> <li><a href="#AffiliationsSubjects">Affiliations and Subject Categories</a></li> <li><a href="#DocumentFormats">Document Storage Formats</a></li> <li><a href="#FileUpload">Document File Upload</a></li> <li><a href="#DepositVerification">Deposit Verification</a></li> </ul></li> </ul> <a name="Browsing"></a> <h2>Browsing</h2> <p>Browsing is a good way to access documents if you don’t have a specific idea of what you’re looking for. There are several ways to browse the repository, including by subject, by year, by publication type and by affiliated organisational unit (department, research group, series).</p> <p>To browse the repository either select Browse from the front page or from the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Then choose which property you wish to browse by eg. “subject”.</p> <p>You will be presented with a list of possible values; select one of these and you will be given a list of references to documents in the repository (if any) that match this value. To access a paper, simply click on its reference in the display.</p> <p>On the abstract page, you should be able to see what subjects and affiliations are pertinent to the current document. Clicking on one of these will take you back to the appropriate browse view.</p> <a name="Searching"></a> <h2>Searching</h2> <p>The repository offers two levels of searching, simple and advanced. They are similar, but the advanced form lets you perform a finer-grained search using more fields. Access the simple search using the <a href="&perl_url;/search">More options</a> link on the front page, or using the navigation bar at the top of the screen. To perform an advanced search, use either the <a href="&perl_url;/advsearch">Advanced search</a> link on the front page, or at the top of the simple search page.</p> <a name="SearchTextFields"></a> <h3>Text Search Fields</h3> <p>These are used to search fields like abstract or author. These are the fields where there is a text entry area, and a popup menu just to the right of it. Type your search terms into the box. You can decide how the system will use your search terms by selecting one of the options from the popup menu just to the right of the input box. For example, suppose that you have entered the search terms “patient care”:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="20%"><strong>Match all, in any order:</strong></td> <td class="p">The system will return records where <em>all</em> of the words “patient” and “care” appear in the relevant field(s).</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Match any:</strong></td> <td class="p">The system will return records where <em>at least one</em> of the words “patient” and “care” appear in the relevant field(s).</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Match as a phrase:</strong></td> <td class="p">In this case, the system will search for your terms appearing exactly as you type them. That is, the system will return records where <em>the exact phrase</em> “patient care” appears in the relevant field(s).</td> </tr> </table> <a name="SearchListsOfValues"></a> <h3>Lists of Values</h3> <p>With these you can select one or more search values from a list. If no value in the list is selected, the system will ignore this field (i.e., it will retrieve records with any value of this field.)</p> <p>In cases where an individual record may have more than one value from the list, you can also change the search behaviour by selecting “Any of these” or “All of these” from the popup menu on the right of the list.</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="20%"><strong>Any of these:</strong></td> <td class="p">Records that have <em>at least one</em> of the values that you select will be retrieved.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>All of these:</strong></td> <td class="p">Only records that have <em>all</em> the values that you select will be retrieved.</td> </tr> </table> <a name="SearchYears"></a> <h3>Years</h3> <p>When you’re searching a year field, you can specify a single year or range of years that you’re interested in, for example:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="20%"><strong>1999</strong></td> <td class="p">retrieves only records where the year is 1999;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>1987-1990</strong></td> <td class="p">retrieves records with years between 1987 and 1990 inclusive;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>1995-</strong></td> <td class="p">retrieves records with years of 1995 or later;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>-1998</strong></td> <td class="p">retrieves records with years up to and including 1998.</td> </tr> </table> <a name="SearchYesNoFields"></a> <h3>Yes/No Fields</h3> <p>Some fields can have the value yes or no, for example the “Refereed” field. In this case, the search field lets you specify whether you want retrieved records to have the value yes or no for this field, or whether you have no preference, in which case the field isn’t used to find records.</p> <a name="Registering"></a> <h2>Registering</h2> <p>Certain services require you to register with the system so that it can identify you, such as the <!-- NOT DONE YET!! subscription (alerting) and --> document depositing services. When you register with the system, you can register a username, email address and password which must be confirmed. The system will email you a confirmation URL to visit to enable the password.</p> <p>Before you can start uploading items, you need to <a href="&perl_url;/users/record">provide some personal details</a>; the registration e-mail will contain instruction on how to do this. The same form is used to change user details once registered.</p> <a name="Depositing"></a> <h2>Depositing Items</h2> <p>The first thing you’ll need to do, after registering, is <a href="&perl_url;/users/record">fill out your user record</a>. This should happen automatically the first time that you enter the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>. You can also change your user details at any time by selecting the “View/change your user record” option in the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>. The user record form is described <a href="#UserRecord">below</a>.</p> <p>Once you’ve correctly filled out your user record, the registered users page will show a number of options and any any items that you are working on or have submitted but have not yet been approved by an editor. The options are <a href="#UserWorkspace">described below</a>. Note that the options and information that appear may vary slightly, depending on whether you are in the process of depositing any papers and whether you have any papers pending entry into the main repository.</p> <a name="UserRecord"></a> <h3>Your User Record</h3> <p>Your user record is used to hold contact information about you. Some of this information will be associated with eprints that you upload; some of it is purely for internal repository use. General information like your name, URL, address and e-mail address are public, so it’s inadvisable to put down a home address. (Usually a postal address isn’t required.) Information about your operating system is purely to help the repository administrators help you if you encounter problems.</p> <p>Enter the relevant information in the form. A red asterisk (<span class="requiredstar">*</span>) indicates a required field that you must fill out before you can deposit papers in to the repository.</p> <p>Note that you cannot change your e-mail address here. This is deliberate; if you inadvertently enter an incorrect e-mail address, the site will have no way of contacting you. Instructions for changing your e-mail address can be found in the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>.</p> <p>Rather than clicking in each box before you enter something into it, you may find that your browser will let you use the tab key to move the cursor between the boxes, allowing you to enter the information much more quickly.</p> <p>When you’ve entered the relevant information, click on the <strong>Update Record</strong> button at the bottom of the form. If the form is filled out correctly, you’ll be taken back to the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>. If there’s a problem with the form, the form will be presented to you again with a description of what’s wrong. Correct the error and click on <strong>Update Record</strong> again.</p> <a name="ManagingItems"></a> <h3>Managing Your Repository Items</h3> <p>At the top of the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>, you will see a section called “Manage Your Items”. Here you can add new items, make copies of existing items, request the removal of items and check the status of your submitted items.</p> <p>To submit a new paper, select the option <strong>Begin a new item</strong>. This option will add a fresh, empty record to your undeposited items list and allow you to start editing it. Note that you can wait until later before completing the submission, and start on another paper. Submissions that you are in the process of uploading are kept in your undeposited items list.</p> <p>If there are papers in your undeposited items list, you will see a list of those papers with some options. The title of each paper you are uploading will be shown in the list, or its ID if you haven’t yet given it a title. The options are described below:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Edit:</strong></td> <td class="p">If you select this option, you will be able to continue depositing the paper.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Deposit:</strong></td> <td class="p">If you’re satisfied that you’ve completed uploading the paper and associated information as you intended, then select this option to deposit the paper in the repository. Note that if there are problems with the paper (for instance, if a document file upload hasn’t worked, or the associated bibliographic information is invalid), you will be told what is wrong, and you won’t be able to deposit the paper until those problems are fixed. The depositing process is described in a <a href="#Process">following section</a>.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Use as template:</strong></td> <td class="p">This button makes a clone of the paper you have selected from the list. This is useful if you are depositing a number of papers with similar information. You can fill out the common information, clone that paper, and then edit the clones so you aren’t entering the same information twice.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="15%"><strong>Delete:</strong></td> <td class="p">If you select this option, the paper will be removed from your undeposited items list and discarded completely. You will be asked for confirmation first, so don’t worry about accidentally clicking on it. Clones of any paper that you delete are unaffected.</td> </tr> </table> <p>The pending items list shows the items that are currently awaiting editorial review. When they are accepted into the repository, they will disappear from this list and appear for a time in the recently accepted items list.</p> <p>The <strong>Review your items in the repository</strong> option will give you a list of all your items that have been accepted into the repository. They are presented in a list similar to the undeposited items list, with the following options:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>New version:</strong></td> <td class="p">This option makes a copy of the item in your undeposited items list. Do this if you are going to submit an updated version of the item. Any attached files will also be copied.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Use as template:</strong></td> <td class="p">If you want to submit a <em>similar</em> item this option will create a new item in your undeposited items list using the current item as a template. This option will <em>not</em> link the new item to the old one. Any attached files will not be copied.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="15%"><strong>Request removal:</strong></td> <td class="p">Request that the administrator remove this item from the repository.</td> </tr> </table> <a name="Process"></a> <h2>The Depositing Process</h2> <p>The depositing process is divided into a number of stages. You can move between these stages by using the <strong>Back</strong> and <strong>Next</strong> buttons at the bottom of each screen. This should be familiar to those accustomed to using the “wizard” style of interface popular on many modern operating systems.</p> <p>Don’t worry about losing information you’ve entered when you press the <strong>Back</strong> button on a form: the system will store everything you’ve entered when you press it. However, you should <em>not</em> use your browser’s “back” button when you are depositing papers.</p> <p>Each stage of the process is described in the following sections.</p> <a name="DepositType"></a> <h3>Deposit Type</h3> <p>In this screen, you should select the one option on the list that best describes your paper, for example “conference or workshop item” or “article”. The option you choose here will affect what bibliographic information about your deposit the system will collect in later stages. </p> <p>After selecting the deposit type, click on the <strong>Next</strong> button.</p> <a name="SuccessionCommentary"></a> <h3>Succession/Commentary</h3> <p>The repository can link together different versions of the same paper, as well as commentaries and responses to commentaries. These enable a reader to move easily around those versions, commentaries and responses.</p> <p>If the paper you are depositing is a later version of a paper you previously deposited in the repository, enter its ID code into the <strong>Later Version Of</strong> field. If you used the <strong>Use as template</strong> option on the <strong>Review Items</strong> page, then this box will have already been filled out for you, but it can be overwritten.</p> <p>To find the ID of a document, use the repository’s <a href="&perl_url;/search">search feature</a> to find the item. You may wish to have a second browser window opened in which to perform this search, so that you can copy and paste the ID code across to this form. </p> <p>If you are depositing a commentary on a paper in the repository, enter its ID code in the <strong>Commentary On</strong> field. If you are responding to a commentary, enter the ID code of the commentary you are responding to in this field.</p> <p>You can make sure that you’ve entered the correct ID codes by clicking on the <strong>Verify ID’s</strong> button. The system will then show you what papers the ID codes relate to, so you can ensure that you’ve entered the right codes. Note that the system will not let you proceed with the deposit if either ID code is invalid.</p> <p>You can of course leave either field empty if your paper is not a later version of another, a commentary or a response. Click on the <strong>Next</strong> button when you’re sure the information you’ve entered is correct.</p> <p>Note that you cannot deposit a later version of a paper that has been submitted by someone else.</p> <a name="BibliographicInformation"></a> <h3>Bibliographic Information</h3> <p>Next you will be asked to enter bibliographic information about your paper. The exact details that are required will vary depending on the deposit type you selected in the first stage.</p> <p>Above each input field will be a short explanation of what should be entered into the field. To the left of each input field is the field name. If the field name has a ref asterisk (<span class="requiredstar">*</span>), then the field must be filled out before the paper can be deposited; all other fields are optional.</p> <p>The following are the types of input field that you may see:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="15%"><strong>Text boxes</strong></td> <td class="p">Fairly straightforward. Just type the relevant information in, or copy and paste directly from your document.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Popup menus</strong></td> <td class="p">Just select the most appropriate option from the popup menu.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Checkboxes</strong></td> <td class="p">Used to indicate a yes or no value.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Lists</strong></td> <td class="p">Select one or more appropriate options from the list.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Page ranges</strong></td> <td class="p">Type the first page in the range into the box on the left, and the last page in the box on the right. If the range consists of a single page, just enter the page number into the left-hand box, and leave the right-hand box empty.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Names</strong></td> <td class="p">You can enter title, given name, family name and lineage. Title and lineage can be ignored if you wish. Sometimes you can enter a list of names. In these cases, you can add more boxes for names by clicking on the <strong>More Spaces</strong> button on the right. Note that empty boxes are ignored.<br /> To remove names from a list just remove the name from the relevant boxes and leave it empty. Don’t worry about leaving a blank box in the middle of the list; the system will “bunch up” the list.</td> </tr> </table> <p>Once you’ve entered the requested information, click on the <strong>Next</strong> button. If there are any omissions from the data, the system will explain what is wrong and re-display the form so that you can fix the problems.</p> <p>As with user records, most browsers will allow you to use the tab key to move between the input fields, allowing you to enter the information quickly.</p> <a name="AffiliationsSubjects"></a> <h3>Affiliations and Subject Categories</h3> <p>In the affiliations stage, you should select all of the organisational unit(s) within the University with which your paper is associated. For example, if your paper was published in a departmental working papers series, you would add both your department and the working paper series as affiliations. If the paper was associated with a particular research group, you would add this as well. Add all the affiliations that are appropriate to your submission to ensure that it appears in the corresponding browse pages.</p> <p>In the subject categories stage, you should select the subject or subjects from the list that best represent the content of your paper. Please try and be as accurate as possible here, and please don’t just select lots of categories if you’re unsure, just pick the categories that you are sure of.</p> <!-- <p>If you think there’s a serious omission from the subject category list, you can suggest a new category in the two boxes below the subject list. Note that you shouldn’t expect the repository to necessarily agree with your suggestion; don’t be offended if they don’t add your suggestion. This box is there purely for you to suggest categories you really believe are serious omissions.</p> --> <p>Once you’ve selected your subject categories, click on the <strong>Next</strong> button.</p> <a name="DocumentFormats"></a> <h3>Document Storage Formats</h3> <p>This stage allows you to upload files in various formats and attach them to your deposit. You may upload as many files as required, including none. However, if you upload no files, you should provide an explanation why in the <strong>Additional Information</strong> field (for example, the publisher may allow full text access only through their web site).</p> <p>Click the <strong>Add a Format to this Item</strong> button to start uploading files. You will be presented with a list of possible document formats; choose the one that most closely matches the physical format of the file(s) that you are uploading. For example, if you are uploading the slides of a presentation in PDF format, select “PDF” rather than “Presentation” (but note that “HTML” can include image and other supporting files of various formats, as necessary). If there is no entry for the file format that you want to upload, select “Other”.</p> <p>You can enter a brief comment about the file format if you wish (this is mandatory if you select a format of “Other”). This is strongly encouraged if you select one of the “generic” formats, such as “Audio” or “Word processor”, in order to further specify the exact file format (for example, “MP3 file” or “Microsoft Word”).</p> <p>You can also control who is allowed to download attached files. Select the appropriate security level from the list and click <strong>Next</strong> to continue.</p> <!-- <p>This page shows you an overview of the document files you have uploaded to the repository. The table shows the list of formats that you have uploaded on the left, and the number of files you have uploaded in that format in the middle column.</p> <p>If you want to upload some files for a format, or remove some files you’ve already uploaded for a format, click on the relevant “Upload/Edit” button. When you do this, you’ll be presented with the “Document file upload” screen described in the next section.</p> <p>To remove all of the files for a format completely, click on the relevant “Remove” button.</p> <p>Note that you must upload files for at least one of the formats shown in bold type.</p> <p>The “Other” format allows you to upload the document in any other format you think may be useful. For example, you may wish to upload a Microsoft Word document.</p> <p>When you’re happy that you’ve uploaded all of the document files, click on the “Finished” button. Later, you’ll have a chance to make sure that the uploads have all worked, and to come back and fix anything that’s amiss.</p> <p>Once you’ve clicked the “finished” button on this page, you’ll be taken to the “Deposit Verification” page described in a later section.</p> --> <a name="FileUpload"></a> <h3>Document File Upload</h3> <p>You will now be presented with an upload page from which you can select how you’d like to upload files to the repository (described below).</p> <p>When you have finished uploading files, click the <strong>Finished</strong> button, and you will be taken back to the <strong>Documents Attached to Item</strong> page, which will now display a list of the formats attached to your deposit, and the number of files for each format. Use the <strong>Edit</strong> button to change the files for a format, or the <strong>Remove</strong> button to completely delete a format and all its attached files.</p> <p>Click the <strong>Add another Format to this Item</strong> button to attach more files, or click the <strong>Next</strong> button if you have finished uploading files.</p> <h4>Upload Files from Your PC</h4> <p>Choose this option if the file(s) associated with this format are somewhere on your PC’s hard disk. To upload a file, click on the <strong>Choose File</strong> button, and find the file using the file browser that appears. Then click the <strong>Upload</strong> to upload the file to into the system.</p> <p>A list of all the files that you have uploaded so far for this format appears near the top of the page. You can remove an uploaded file by clicking on the <strong>Delete</strong> option next to the file. <strong>Delete all files</strong> will wipe the slate clean (for this document storage format only) so that you can start again.</p> <p>Your paper may comprise a single file (such as a PDF), or it may be stored in several separate but interconnected files. This is often the case if your paper is stored in HTML format and contains figures. EPrints can take all of these related files and treat them like a single attachment, rather than as several distinct attachments. (Note that if you want to attach several files in the same format, such as the data files used in your experiments, you should either upload these as separate attachments, or combine them all into a single compressed archive and attach that).</p> <p>You have three options for uploading files into the system:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="20%"><strong>Single file:</strong></td> <td class="p">Choose this option if you want to upload a single file from your computer as-is. For example, if you have a PDF file on your hard disk, you would choose this option. If you have more than one file to upload, you will need to repeat the upload process for each file.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Multiple files (.ZIP):</strong></td> <td class="p">This option lets you use a ZIP tool (available on all operating systems) to collect all of the files for your deposit into one compressed archive. When you upload this file into the system, it will automatically expand the archive and attach the individual files to your deposit.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Multiple files (.tar.gz):</strong></td> <td class="p">This is identical to the previous option, except that it uses the tar and gzip tools (commonly used on UNIX systems).</td> </tr> </table> <p>Note that if you want to attach a compressed archive file (such as a .ZIP file) to your deposit as-is, you should use the <strong>Single file</strong> option. However, if you get it wrong, it is easy to remove the attached files.</p> <p>At least one file needs to be shown first. In many cases (e.g. PDF, PostScript) there will only be one file, but if you’ve uploaded many files for this format you will need to select the one to be shown first. This should be the first file in the document that a reader should be presented with; the main <tt>.html</tt> file if your document is in HTML format, or the contents page if your document is spread over several linked documents. Use the <strong>Make Primary</strong> option to tell the system which file should be shown first.</p> <h4>Capturing Files from a URL</h4> <p>If your paper is already available elsewhere on the Web, this option will let you specify the URL of that paper. The repository software will then copy your paper from that Web site. If the URL points to an HTML file, the repository will also copy the images associated with that HTML file, and any other HTML files directly linked to it.</p> <p>You must supply the URL of the first page of the actual document itself, <strong>NOT</strong> the top-level URL of the web site that the document appears on, nor the URL of a contents page listing multiple documents, an index page or an abstract page. For example:</p> <p><tt></tt> (<span style="color:green;">CORRECT</span>)<br /> <tt></tt> (<span style="color:red;">INCORRECT</span>)</p> <p>In order to prevent the repository from trying to copy the whole World Wide Web by following every single link, some rules are applied when the system collects your document:</p> <ul> <li>Only files reached by “relative” links are retrieved. For example, if the HTML contains a link to <tt>node1.html</tt> then <tt>node1.html</tt> will be copied. If the link points to <tt></tt>, then that URL will not be copied.</li> <li>Only files at the same depth or deeper in the web site file hierarchy are retrieved. For example, if a link points to <tt>/index.html </tt>or <tt>../index.html</tt>, the file will not be copied.</li> </ul> <p>This method of uploading papers cannot have a guaranteed 100% success rate. However it has been used at Southampton University for quite some time and usually works very well. If something does go wrong, it’s normally best to select <strong>Delete All Files</strong> from the <strong>Document File Upload</strong> screen, and try a different uploading method.</p> <a name="DepositVerification"></a> <h3>Deposit Verification</h3> <p>This page displays the abstract page for your document as it will appear in the repository. You should carefully check that all information has been uploaded correctly. Note that your paper will not appear in the “available versions” or “commentary/response” lists at the bottom of the page; this is normal.</p> <p>You should also check that the document files have been uploaded correctly, including any associated figures and links. If you spot a mistake, you can use the <strong>Back</strong> buttons (<em>not</em> the browser’s “back” button) to cycle back through the depositing process and fix any mistakes.</p> <p>If you’re satisfied that everything is correct and has been uploaded correctly, and have read, understood and complied with the agreement at the bottom of the page, click on the <strong>Deposit</strong> button to deposit your paper in the repository. It will then be put in the editorial buffer.</p> </ep:body> </ep:page>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE page SYSTEM "entities-en.dtd" > <ep:page xmlns="" xmlns:ep=""> <ep:title>&archivename; User Documentation</ep:title> <ep:body> <ul> <li><a href="#Browsing">Browsing</a></li> <li><a href="#Searching">Searching</a> <ul> <li><a href="#SearchTextFields">Text Search Fields</a></li> <li><a href="#SearchListsOfValues">Lists of Values</a></li> <li><a href="#SearchYears">Years</a></li> <li><a href="#SearchYesNoFields">Yes/No Fields</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="#Registering">Registering</a></li> <li><a href="#Depositing">Depositing Items</a> <ul> <li><a href="#UserRecord">Your User Record</a></li> <li><a href="#ManagingItems">Managing Your Repository Items</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="#Process">The Depositing Process</a> <ul> <li><a href="#DepositType">Deposit Type</a></li> <li><a href="#SuccessionCommentary">Succession/Commentary</a></li> <li><a href="#BibliographicInformation">Bibliographic Information</a></li> <li><a href="#AffiliationsSubjects">Affiliations and Subject Categories</a></li> <li><a href="#DocumentFormats">Document Storage Formats</a></li> <li><a href="#FileUpload">Document File Upload</a></li> <li><a href="#DepositVerification">Deposit Verification</a></li> </ul></li> </ul> <a name="Browsing"></a> <h2>Browsing</h2> <p>Browsing is a good way to access documents if you don't have a specific idea of what you're looking for. There are several ways to browse the repository, including by subject, by year, by publication type and by affiliated organisational unit (department, research group, series).</p> <p>To browse the repository either select Browse from the front page or from the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Then choose which property you wish to browse by eg. "subject".</p> <p>You will be presented with a list of possible values; select one of these and you will be given a list of references to documents in the repository (if any) that match this value. To access a paper, simply click on its reference in the display.</p> <p>On the abstract page, you should be able to see what subjects and affiliations are pertinent to the current document. Clicking on one of these will take you back to the appropriate browse view.</p> <a name="Searching"></a> <h2>Searching</h2> <p>The repository offers two levels of searching, simple and advanced. They are similar, but the advanced form lets you perform a finer-grained search using more fields. Access the simple search using the <a href="&perl_url;/search">More options</a> link on the front page, or using the navigation bar at the top of the screen. To perform an advanced search, use either the <a href="&perl_url;/advsearch">Advanced search</a> link on the front page, or at the top of the simple search page.</p> <a name="SearchTextFields"></a> <h3>Text Search Fields</h3> <p>These are used to search fields like abstract or author. These are the fields where there is a text entry area, and a popup menu just to the right of it. Type your search terms into the box. You can decide how the system will use your search terms by selecting one of the options from the popup menu just to the right of the input box. For example, suppose that you have entered the search terms "patient care":</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="20%"><strong>Match all, in any order:</strong></td> <td class="p">The system will return records where <em>all</em> of the words "patient" and "care" appear in the relevant field(s).</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Match any:</strong></td> <td class="p">The system will return records where <em>at least one</em> of the words "patient" and "care" appear in the relevant field(s).</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Match as a phrase:</strong></td> <td class="p">In this case, the system will search for your terms appearing exactly as you type them. That is, the system will return records where <em>the exact phrase</em> "patient care" appears in the relevant field(s).</td> </tr> </table> <a name="SearchListsOfValues"></a> <h3>Lists of Values</h3> <p>With these you can select one or more search values from a list. If no value in the list is selected, the system will ignore this field (i.e., it will retrieve records with any value of this field.)</p> <p>In cases where an individual record may have more than one value from the list, you can also change the search behaviour by selecting "Any of these" or "All of these" from the popup menu on the right of the list.</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="20%"><strong>Any of these:</strong></td> <td class="p">Records that have <em>at least one</em> of the values that you select will be retrieved.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>All of these:</strong></td> <td class="p">Only records that have <em>all</em> the values that you select will be retrieved.</td> </tr> </table> <a name="SearchYears"></a> <h3>Years</h3> <p>When you're searching a year field, you can specify a single year or range of years that you're interested in, for example:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="20%"><strong>1999</strong></td> <td class="p">retrieves only records where the year is '1999';</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>1987-1990</strong></td> <td class="p">retrieves records with years between 1987 and 1990 inclusive;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>1995-</strong></td> <td class="p">retrieves records with years of 1995 or later;</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>-1998</strong></td> <td class="p">retrieves records with years up to and including 1998.</td> </tr> </table> <a name="SearchYesNoFields"></a> <h3>Yes/No Fields</h3> <p>Some fields can have the value yes or no, for example the "Refereed" field. In this case, the search field lets you specify whether you want retrieved records to have the value yes or no for this field, or whether you have no preference, in which case the field isn't used to find records.</p> <a name="Registering"></a> <h2>Registering</h2> <p>Certain services require you to register with the system so that it can identify you, such as the <!-- NOT DONE YET!! subscription (alerting) and --> document depositing services. When you register with the system, you can register a username, email address and password which must be confirmed. The system will email you a confirmation URL to visit to enable the password.</p> <p>Before you can start uploading items, you need to <a href="&perl_url;/users/record">provide some personal details</a>; the registration e-mail will contain instruction on how to do this. The same form is used to change user details once registered.</p> <a name="Depositing"></a> <h2>Depositing Items</h2> <p>The first thing you'll need to do, after registering, is <a href="&perl_url;/users/record">fill out your user record</a>. This should happen automatically the first time that you enter the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>. You can also change your user details at any time by selecting the "View/change your user record" option in the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>. The user record form is described <a href="#UserRecord">below</a>.</p> <p>Once you've correctly filled out your user record, the registered users page will show a number of options and any any items that you are working on or have submitted but have not yet been approved by an editor. The options are <a href="#UserWorkspace">described below</a>. Note that the options and information that appear may vary slightly, depending on whether you are in the process of depositing any papers and whether you have any papers pending entry into the main repository.</p> <a name="UserRecord"></a> <h3>Your User Record</h3> <p>Your user record is used to hold contact information about you. Some of this information will be associated with eprints that you upload; some of it is purely for internal repository use. General information like your name, URL, address and e-mail address are public, so it's inadvisable to put down a home address. (Usually a postal address isn't required.) Information about your operating system is purely to help the repository administrators help you if you encounter problems.</p> <p>Enter the relevant information in the form. A red asterisk (<span class="requiredstar">*</span>) indicates a required field that you must fill out before you can deposit papers in to the repository.</p> <p>Note that you cannot change your e-mail address here. This is deliberate; if you inadvertently enter an incorrect e-mail address, the site will have no way of contacting you. Instructions for changing your e-mail address can be found in the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>.</p> <p>Rather than clicking in each box before you enter something into it, you may find that your browser will let you use the tab key to move the cursor between the boxes, allowing you to enter the information much more quickly.</p> <p>When you've entered the relevant information, click on the <strong>Update Record</strong> button at the bottom of the form. If the form is filled out correctly, you'll be taken back to the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>. If there's a problem with the form, the form will be presented to you again with a description of what's wrong. Correct the error and click on <strong>Update Record</strong> again.</p> <a name="ManagingItems"></a> <h3>Managing Your Repository Items</h3> <p>At the top of the <a href="&userhome;">Registered Users Area</a>, you will see a section called "Manage Your Items". Here you can add new items, make copies of existing items, request the removal of items and check the status of your submitted items.</p> <p>To submit a new paper, select the option <strong>Begin a new item</strong>. This option will add a fresh, empty record to your undeposited items list and allow you to start editing it. Note that you can wait until later before completing the submission, and start on another paper. Submissions that you are in the process of uploading are kept in your undeposited items list.</p> <p>If there are papers in your undeposited items list, you will see a list of those papers with some options. The title of each paper you are uploading will be shown in the list, or its ID if you haven't yet given it a title. The options are described below:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Edit:</strong></td> <td class="p">If you select this option, you will be able to continue depositing the paper.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Deposit:</strong></td> <td class="p">If you're satisfied that you've completed uploading the paper and associated information as you intended, then select this option to deposit the paper in the repository. Note that if there are problems with the paper (for instance, if a document file upload hasn't worked, or the associated bibliographic information is invalid), you will be told what is wrong, and you won't be able to deposit the paper until those problems are fixed. The depositing process is described in a <a href="#Process">following section</a>.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Use as template:</strong></td> <td class="p">This button makes a clone of the paper you have selected from the list. This is useful if you are depositing a number of papers with similar information. You can fill out the common information, clone that paper, and then edit the clones so you aren't entering the same information twice.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="15%"><strong>Delete:</strong></td> <td class="p">If you select this option, the paper will be removed from your undeposited items list and discarded completely. You will be asked for confirmation first, so don't worry about accidentally clicking on it. Clones of any paper that you delete are unaffected.</td> </tr> </table> <p>The pending items list shows the items that are currently awaiting editorial review. When they are accepted into the repository, they will disappear from this list and appear for a time in the recently accepted items list.</p> <p>The <strong>Review your items in the repository</strong> option will give you a list of all your items that have been accepted into the repository. They are presented in a list similar to the undeposited items list, with the following options:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>New version:</strong></td> <td class="p">This option makes a copy of the item in your undeposited items list. Do this if you are going to submit an updated version of the item. Any attached files will also be copied.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Use as template:</strong></td> <td class="p">If you want to submit a <em>similar</em> item this option will create a new item in your undeposited items list using the current item as a template. This option will <em>not</em> link the new item to the old one. Any attached files will not be copied.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="15%"><strong>Request removal:</strong></td> <td class="p">Request that the administrator remove this item from the repository.</td> </tr> </table> <a name="Process"></a> <h2>The Depositing Process</h2> <p>The depositing process is divided into a number of stages. You can move between these stages by using the <strong>Back</strong> and <strong>Next</strong> buttons at the bottom of each screen. This should be familiar to those accustomed to using the "wizard" style of interface popular on many modern operating systems.</p> <p>Don't worry about losing information you've entered when you press the <strong>Back</strong> button on a form: the system will store everything you've entered when you press it. However, you should <em>not</em> use your browser's "back" button when you are depositing papers.</p> <p>Each stage of the process is described in the following sections.</p> <a name="DepositType"></a> <h3>Deposit Type</h3> <p>In this screen, you should select the one option on the list that best describes your paper, for example "conference or workshop item" or "article". The option you choose here will affect what bibliographic information about your deposit the system will collect in later stages. </p> <p>After selecting the deposit type, click on the <strong>Next</strong> button.</p> <a name="SuccessionCommentary"></a> <h3>Succession/Commentary</h3> <p>The repository can link together different versions of the same paper, as well as commentaries and responses to commentaries. These enable a reader to move easily around those versions, commentaries and responses.</p> <p>If the paper you are depositing is a later version of a paper you previously deposited in the repository, enter its ID code into the <strong>Later Version Of</strong> field. If you used the <strong>Use as template</strong> option on the <strong>Review Items</strong> page, then this box will have already been filled out for you, but it can be overwritten.</p> <p>To find the ID of a document, use the repository's <a href="&perl_url;/search">search feature</a> to find the item. You may wish to have a second browser window opened in which to perform this search, so that you can copy and paste the ID code across to this form. </p> <p>If you are depositing a commentary on a paper in the repository, enter its ID code in the <strong>Commentary On</strong> field. If you are responding to a commentary, enter the ID code of the commentary you are responding to in this field.</p> <p>You can make sure that you've entered the correct ID codes by clicking on the <strong>Verify ID's</strong> button. The system will then show you what papers the ID codes relate to, so you can ensure that you've entered the right codes. Note that the system will not let you proceed with the deposit if either ID code is invalid.</p> <p>You can of course leave either field empty if your paper is not a later version of another, a commentary or a response. Click on the <strong>Next</strong> button when you're sure the information you've entered is correct.</p> <p>Note that you cannot deposit a later version of a paper that has been submitted by someone else.</p> <a name="BibliographicInformation"></a> <h3>Bibliographic Information</h3> <p>Next you will be asked to enter bibliographic information about your paper. The exact details that are required will vary depending on the deposit type you selected in the first stage.</p> <p>Above each input field will be a short explanation of what should be entered into the field. To the left of each input field is the field name. If the field name has a ref asterisk (<span class="requiredstar">*</span>), then the field must be filled out before the paper can be deposited; all other fields are optional.</p> <p>The following are the types of input field that you may see:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="15%"><strong>Text boxes</strong></td> <td class="p">Fairly straightforward. Just type the relevant information in, or copy and paste directly from your document.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Popup menus</strong></td> <td class="p">Just select the most appropriate option from the popup menu.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Checkboxes</strong></td> <td class="p">Used to indicate a yes or no value.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Lists</strong></td> <td class="p">Select one or more appropriate options from the list.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Page ranges</strong></td> <td class="p">Type the first page in the range into the box on the left, and the last page in the box on the right. If the range consists of a single page, just enter the page number into the left-hand box, and leave the right-hand box empty.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Names</strong></td> <td class="p">You can enter title, given name, family name and lineage. Title and lineage can be ignored if you wish. Sometimes you can enter a list of names. In these cases, you can add more boxes for names by clicking on the <strong>More Spaces</strong> button on the right. Note that empty boxes are ignored.<br /> To remove names from a list just remove the name from the relevant boxes and leave it empty. Don't worry about leaving a blank box in the middle of the list; the system will "bunch up" the list.</td> </tr> </table> <p>Once you've entered the requested information, click on the <strong>Next</strong> button. If there are any omissions from the data, the system will explain what is wrong and re-display the form so that you can fix the problems.</p> <p>As with user records, most browsers will allow you to use the tab key to move between the input fields, allowing you to enter the information quickly.</p> <a name="AffiliationsSubjects"></a> <h3>Affiliations and Subject Categories</h3> <p>In the affiliations stage, you should select all of the organisational unit(s) within the University with which your paper is associated. For example, if your paper was published in a departmental working papers series, you would add both your department and the working paper series as affiliations. If the paper was associated with a particular research group, you would add this as well. Add all the affiliations that are appropriate to your submission to ensure that it appears in the corresponding browse pages.</p> <p>In the subject categories stage, you should select the subject or subjects from the list that best represent the content of your paper. Please try and be as accurate as possible here, and please don't just select lots of categories if you're unsure, just pick the categories that you are sure of.</p> <!-- <p>If you think there's a serious omission from the subject category list, you can suggest a new category in the two boxes below the subject list. Note that you shouldn't expect the repository to necessarily agree with your suggestion; don't be offended if they don't add your suggestion. This box is there purely for you to suggest categories you really believe are serious omissions.</p> --> <p>Once you've selected your subject categories, click on the <strong>Next</strong> button.</p> <a name="DocumentFormats"></a> <h3>Document Storage Formats</h3> <p>This stage allows you to upload files in various formats and attach them to your deposit. You may upload as many files as required, including none. However, if you upload no files, you should provide an explanation why in the <strong>Additional Information</strong> field (for example, the publisher may allow full text access only through their web site).</p> <p>Click the <strong>Add a Format to this Item</strong> button to start uploading files. You will be presented with a list of possible document formats; choose the one that most closely matches the physical format of the file(s) that you are uploading. For example, if you are uploading the slides of a presentation in PDF format, select "PDF" rather than "Presentation" (but note that "HTML" can include image and other supporting files of various formats, as necessary). If there is no entry for the file format that you want to upload, select "Other".</p> <p>You can enter a brief comment about the file format if you wish (this is mandatory if you select a format of "Other"). This is strongly encouraged if you select one of the "generic" formats, such as "Audio" or "Word processor", in order to further specify the exact file format (for example, "MP3 file" or "Microsoft Word").</p> <p>You can also control who is allowed to download attached files. Select the appropriate security level from the list and click <strong>Next</strong> to continue.</p> <!-- <p>This page shows you an overview of the document files you have uploaded to the repository. The table shows the list of formats that you have uploaded on the left, and the number of files you have uploaded in that format in the middle column.</p> <p>If you want to upload some files for a format, or remove some files you've already uploaded for a format, click on the relevant "Upload/Edit" button. When you do this, you'll be presented with the "Document file upload" screen described in the next section.</p> <p>To remove all of the files for a format completely, click on the relevant "Remove" button.</p> <p>Note that you must upload files for at least one of the formats shown in bold type.</p> <p>The "Other" format allows you to upload the document in any other format you think may be useful. For example, you may wish to upload a Microsoft Word document.</p> <p>When you're happy that you've uploaded all of the document files, click on the "Finished" button. Later, you'll have a chance to make sure that the uploads have all worked, and to come back and fix anything that's amiss.</p> <p>Once you've clicked the "finished" button on this page, you'll be taken to the "Deposit Verification" page described in a later section.</p> --> <a name="FileUpload"></a> <h3>Document File Upload</h3> <p>You will now be presented with an upload page from which you can select how you'd like to upload files to the repository (described below).</p> <p>When you have finished uploading files, click the <strong>Finished</strong> button, and you will be taken back to the <strong>Documents Attached to Item</strong> page, which will now display a list of the formats attached to your deposit, and the number of files for each format. Use the <strong>Edit</strong> button to change the files for a format, or the <strong>Remove</strong> button to completely delete a format and all its attached files.</p> <p>Click the <strong>Add another Format to this Item</strong> button to attach more files, or click the <strong>Next</strong> button if you have finished uploading files.</p> <h4>Upload Files from Your PC</h4> <p>Choose this option if the file(s) associated with this format are somewhere on your PC's hard disk. To upload a file, click on the <strong>Choose File</strong> button, and find the file using the file browser that appears. Then click the <strong>Upload</strong> to upload the file to into the system.</p> <p>A list of all the files that you have uploaded so far for this format appears near the top of the page. You can remove an uploaded file by clicking on the <strong>Delete</strong> option next to the file. <strong>Delete all files</strong> will wipe the slate clean (for this document storage format only) so that you can start again.</p> <p>Your paper may comprise a single file (such as a PDF), or it may be stored in several separate but interconnected files. This is often the case if your paper is stored in HTML format and contains figures. EPrints can take all of these related files and treat them like a single attachment, rather than as several distinct attachments. (Note that if you want to attach several files in the same format, such as the data files used in your experiments, you should either upload these as separate attachments, or combine them all into a single compressed archive and attach that).</p> <p>You have three options for uploading files into the system:</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right" width="20%"><strong>Single file:</strong></td> <td class="p">Choose this option if you want to upload a single file from your computer as-is. For example, if you have a PDF file on your hard disk, you would choose this option. If you have more than one file to upload, you will need to repeat the upload process for each file.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Multiple files (.ZIP):</strong></td> <td class="p">This option lets you use a ZIP tool (available on all operating systems) to collect all of the files for your deposit into one compressed archive. When you upload this file into the system, it will automatically expand the archive and attach the individual files to your deposit.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="p" align="right"><strong>Multiple files (.tar.gz):</strong></td> <td class="p">This is identical to the previous option, except that it uses the tar and gzip tools (commonly used on UNIX systems).</td> </tr> </table> <p>Note that if you want to attach a compressed archive file (such as a .ZIP file) to your deposit as-is, you should use the <strong>Single file</strong> option. However, if you get it wrong, it is easy to remove the attached files.</p> <p>At least one file needs to be shown first. In many cases (e.g. PDF, PostScript) there will only be one file, but if you've uploaded many files for this format you will need to select the one to be shown first. This should be the first file in the document that a reader should be presented with; the main <tt>.html</tt> file if your document is in HTML format, or the contents page if your document is spread over several linked documents. Use the <strong>Make Primary</strong> option to tell the system which file should be shown first.</p> <h4>Capturing Files from a URL</h4> <p>If your paper is already available elsewhere on the Web, this option will let you specify the URL of that paper. The repository software will then copy your paper from that Web site. If the URL points to an HTML file, the repository will also copy the images associated with that HTML file, and any other HTML files directly linked to it.</p> <p>You must supply the URL of the first page of the actual document itself, <strong>NOT</strong> the top-level URL of the web site that the document appears on, nor the URL of a contents page listing multiple documents, an index page or an abstract page. For example:</p> <p><tt></tt> (<span style="color:green;">CORRECT</span>)<br /> <tt></tt> (<span style="color:red;">INCORRECT</span>)</p> <p>In order to prevent the repository from trying to copy the whole World Wide Web by following every single link, some rules are applied when the system collects your document:</p> <ul> <li>Only files reached by "relative" links are retrieved. For example, if the HTML contains a link to <tt>node1.html</tt> then <tt>node1.html</tt> will be copied. If the link points to <tt></tt>, then that URL will not be copied.</li> <li>Only files at the same depth or deeper in the web site file hierarchy are retrieved. For example, if a link points to <tt>/index.html </tt>or <tt>../index.html</tt>, the file will not be copied.</li> </ul> <p>This method of uploading papers cannot have a guaranteed 100% success rate. However it has been used at Southampton University for quite some time and usually works very well. If something does go wrong, it's normally best to select <strong>Delete All Files</strong> from the <strong>Document File Upload</strong> screen, and try a different uploading method.</p> <a name="DepositVerification"></a> <h3>Deposit Verification</h3> <p>This page displays the abstract page for your document as it will appear in the repository. You should carefully check that all information has been uploaded correctly. Note that your paper will not appear in the "available versions" or "commentary/response" lists at the bottom of the page; this is normal.</p> <p>You should also check that the document files have been uploaded correctly, including any associated figures and links. If you spot a mistake, you can use the <strong>Back</strong> buttons (<em>not</em> the browser's "back" button) to cycle back through the depositing process and fix any mistakes.</p> <p>If you're satisfied that everything is correct and has been uploaded correctly, and have read, understood and complied with the agreement at the bottom of the page, click on the <strong>Deposit</strong> button to deposit your paper in the repository. It will then be put in the editorial buffer.</p> </ep:body> </ep:page>
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