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nstanger on 8 May 2003 1 KB Added DP 2003/01.
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<h2>Information Science Discussion Papers Series: 2003 Abstracts</h2>


<h3><a name="dp2003-01">2003/01: Software cinema</a></h3>
<h4>B. Bruegge, M. Purvis, O. Creighton and C. Sandor</h4>

<p>The process for requirements elicitation has traditionally been based on textual descriptions or graphical models using UML. While these may have worked for the design of desktop-based systems, we argue, that these notations are not adequate for a dialog with mobile end users, in particular for end users in &#8220;blue collar&#8221; application domains. We propose an alternative modelling technique &#8220;Software Cinema&#8221; based on the use of digital videos. We discuss one particular example of using Software cinema in the design of a user interface for a navigation system of a mobile end user.</p>

<p><a href="">Download</a> (gzipped PDF, 244KB)</p>


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