Discussion_Papers / Papers / 1994 / 94-08 / DP9408SM-original.TEX






{\Large A Comparative Review of}


{\Large Functional Complexity Assessment Methods}


{\Large for Effort Estimation}


Dr Stephen G. MacDonell\footnote{{\scriptsize Address correspondence 
to: Dr S.G. MacDonell, Lecturer, Department of Information 
Science, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand. 
Fax: +64 3 479 8311  Email:}}


Department of Information Science


University of Otago


March 1994





Budgetary constraints are placing increasing pressure on project 
managers to effectively estimate development effort requirements at 
the earliest opportunity. With the rising impact of automation on 
commercial software development the attention of researchers 
developing effort estimation models has recently been focused on 
functional representations of systems, in response to the assertion 
that development effort is a function of specification content [1]. 
A number of such models exist---several, however, have received 
almost no research or industry attention. Project managers wishing 
to implement a functional assessment and estimation programme are 
therefore unlikely to be aware of the various methods or how they 
compare. This paper therefore attempts to provide this information, 
as well as forming a basis for the development and improvement of 
new methods.



\subsubsection*{1 Introduction}

Software development project planning frequently involves the use of 
estimates in the determination of projected effort requirements. 
Numerous research studies over the last two decades have therefore 
attempted to develop and validate estimation models, so that systems 
development effort can be predicted with some quantitative degree of 
accuracy and consistency [2, 3]. The intuitive relationship that 
exists between `software complexity' and development effort has 
provided the basis for many of these estimation models. This 
relationship states that a more complex piece of software will 
generally require greater effort in development than a less complex 
counterpart. Thus a wide variety of factors thought to contribute to 
complexity have been proposed as possible determinants of 
development effort. Most early estimation models, for example, 
provided post-development estimates of effort (to be used for future 
projects) based on the number of delivered lines of code [4, 5]. 
Other effort estimation models have been based on countable 
attributes of software designs [6]. Some approaches have also 
considered the impact of external factors, such as system type and 
developer experience, on projected effort estimates. Thus the 
influence of many diverse factors has been investigated in the 
pursuit of an adequate estimation model. 

A common element of these studies has been the assessment of product 
attributes with a view to the subsequent prediction of effort 
requirements, based on the assumption that the product attributes 
have an impact on development effort. Underlying this approach is 
another often stated assumption that the product characteristics 
examined are considered to be adequate indicators of product 
`complexity'. Although complexity is seldom defined in measurable 
terms, most of these studies have accepted the intuitive association 
between aspects of system size and interconnectivity and overall 
product complexity [7, 8]. It is not the object of this paper to 
debate the validity or otherwise of this approach---rather, we are 
concerned here with the adequacy of estimation models {\em given} 
this approach. Thus, complexity is considered here to be a function 
of product size and interconnectivity. It therefore follows that as 
size and interconnectivity increase, so the complexity of a system 
increases, and consequently development effort requirements are 

The demand for early estimates of effort, that is, before a project 
is fully under way, provides the motivation behind the development 
and use of {\em function-based} assessment and estimation methods 
which consider the impact of specification product attributes on 
development effort. In terms of the software process, a system 
specification product is a logical representation of system 
functionality, with no consideration of `physical' constraints, for 
example, the development language to be used or the required 
hardware platform. Factors such as these are generally incorporated 
in the design process, with subsequent translation into code during 
system implementation. Given this classification, a specification 
product in the commercial systems domain often includes logical or 
conceptual models of data, process and user interface requirements 
[1, 9]. Assessing the size and interconnectivity of these models 
enables the {\em functional complexity} of a system to be 
considered, rather than the complexity of a particular 
implementation. As the degree of automation in the development 
process has increased, through the use of computer aided software 
engineering (CASE) tools, it has been suggested that 
specification-based indicators derived from these models should 
provide a useful basis for relatively consistent effort predictions 
[9]. This paper therefore examines nine such functional assessment 
approaches for effort estimation according to a set of six 

The next section of this paper describes the six criteria against 
which the methods are evaluated. This is followed by a comparative 
review of currently known functional complexity assessment methods 
for business systems development effort estimation. An overall 
comparison of the approaches is presented in Section 4. 
Opportunities for improvement are then discussed as a basis for 
further research. 

\subsubsection*{2 Criteria for Comparison}        

Six characteristics were selected for the evaluation of the methods 
based on criticisms directed at previously proposed complexity 
assessment and effort estimation models.
\item Automation -- Product-based data collection necessary for 
complexity assessment and effort prediction should now be largely 
automated, given the development tools available and in use within 
commercial software development departments. Not only does this help 
to ensure the integrity of data, it also reduces the intrusive 
nature of the data collection task [10, 11].
\item Comprehensive assessment -- In criticising the effectiveness 
of previous models, Case [12] and Wrigley and Dexter [13] suggest 
that product factors other than those considered by the models 
should also have been included, if only so that they could be 
discarded at a later stage after evidence had illustrated that they 
were of little consequence. In terms of specification products, the 
impact of the size and interconnectivity of data, process and user 
interface models should be assessed, as each may make some 
contribution to development effort requirements [1, 9].
\item Objectivity -- Kulkarni {\em et al}.\ [14] and Lederer and 
Prasad [15] cite the issue of subjectivity as a significant drawback 
associated with models employing product-based effort predictions. 
Criticism generally centres around the fact that the impact of the 
subjective component can overwhelm the usefulness of the approach. 
Some degree of consistency may be possible when experienced 
assessors and estimators remain in a development group, but problems 
can arise when new personnel are required to perform similar tasks.
\item Specification basis -- As stated in the previous section, one 
of the main motivating factors behind the development of new effort
estimation approaches is the opportunity for the earliest possible 
predictions to be generated whilst still maintaining some degree of 
accuracy. If this requirement is to be fulfilled, the product 
complexity assessment should be performed using conceptual 
specification system models (rather than those developed during and 
after the design phase) [16, 17].
\item Testing -- Munson and Khoshgoftaar [18] state that there have 
been more than ninety assessment methods proposed within the realm 
of software measurement. It is almost certain, however, that some of 
these methods remain untested in the relevant environment. This is a 
most necessary characteristic if an assessment procedure is to be 
used with confidence in the software development industry [19].
\item Validity -- In relation to the previous point, any complexity 
assessment and effort estimation approach should be validated on 
data sets derived from systems other than those used in the original 
model testing [15].

Thus the six characteristics above have been selected as desirable 
attributes of complexity assessment and effort estimation models 
derivable from system specifications. For the purpose of 
repeatability, they are more succinctly and objectively defined as 
\item [Char 1: Automatic] -- can the product complexity assessment 
task be {\em totally} performed in an automated manner, requiring 
{\em no} input from personnel?
\item [Char 2: Comprehensive] -- are aspects of the size and 
interconnectivity of the data, process and user interface 
representations considered by the model?
\item [Char 3: Objective] -- will the model as defined {\em always} 
produce the same result for a given system at a given point in time 
(assuming no counting errors) irrespective of the person requiring 
or performing the assessment and/or estimation?
\item [Char 4: Specification basis] -- can the complexity assessment 
task be {\em totally} undertaken using implementation-independent 
system representations?
\item [Char 5: Tested] -- has the complete model been tested using 
appropriate real-world data?
\item [Char 6: Validated] -- has the complete model been evaluated 
using systems other than those employed in testing the model?
These descriptions should now enable objective binary decisions to 
be made concerning the provision of each characteristic by the 
various models.

\subsubsection*{3 Functional Complexity Assessment and Effort 
Estimation Models}

DeMarco [1] suggests that development effort is a function of a 
system's information content.  He further asserts that the 
information content of a final coded system is a well-behaved 
function of the information content of that system's specification.  
Unfortunately the lack of uniformity among specification structures, 
he continues, prevents direct information theory evaluation of  
traditional requirements documents---however, he does suggest that 
the use of standard specification models would provide a consistent 
framework for structural comparison.  In essence, this provides the 
basis for the development and use of functional assessment methods. 
A number of existing techniques are now discussed and evaluated 
according to the six criteria described in the previous section. 
Although several of these existing assessment methods have size or 
productivity estimation as their overall goal they have all 
attempted to consider system complexity and development effort in 
some way. \\

\noindent 3.1 Bang metrics \\

\noindent Bang [1] is offered as an implementation-independent, 
quickly derived approach for effort prediction that can lead to the 
development of size, cost and productivity estimates.  The Bang 
system of measures is based on a three-view perspective of system 
specifications, ignoring all details of the method to be used in 
system implementation.  The three views consist of a functional 
model, a retained data model and a state transition model.  This 
complete representation enables the use of quantitative analysis to 
provide a measure of the function to be delivered by the system as 
perceived by the user.  DeMarco [1] does state that most systems can 
be adequately specified using just two of the three 
views---particularly for business software this would normally 
consist of the data and functional models.

There are three main basic attributes that can be used as the 
principal indicators of Bang.  They are the count of functional 
primitives or elementary processes {\em FP}, the count of 
inter-object relationships {\em RE} and the count of data elements 
flowing out of the system {\em DEO}.  The ratio {\em RE/FP} is said 
to be a reasonable measure of data strength.  If the ratio is less 
than 0.7, this implies a function-strong system---that is, a system 
that can be thought of almost completely in terms of operations, for 
example, robotic systems; if {\em RE/FP} is greater than 1.5, this 
implies a data-strong system, or one that should be thought of in 
terms of the data it acts upon.  The middle range identifies hybrid 
systems.  The {\em DEO/FP} ratio is indicative of the system's focus 
on either data movement or data computation.  Commercial systems 
tend to have high levels of {\em DEO/FP}, scientific systems, low.

For function-strong systems it is suggested that the size or 
information content of a process can be approximated as a function 
of the number of tokens {\em TC}, or data elements, involved in the 
process. Variations in process complexity can then be accounted for 
through the assignment of weighting correction factors {\em W}, 
based on sixteen functional classes, to each primitive's raw value 
{\em BANGf}.  These weighted figures are then summed over all 
elementary processes to provide a final value of function Bang {\em 
FBANG} for the system:
\[FBANG = \sum BANGf_{i} * W_{i} \]
\[BANGf_{i} = (TC_{i} * log_{2}(TC_{i}))/2 \]
The count of objects {\em OB}, or entities, in the database is the 
base metric for data-strong systems, corrected for the amount of 
connectedness among the objects {\em COB}.  Data Bang {\em DBANG} is 
the overall result obtained by this procedure:
\[DBANG = \sum COB_{i} \]
Hybrid systems require separate computation of both function and 
data Bang so that the two figures can be used in the prediction of 
different activities.  DeMarco [1] states that combining the two 
totals would be difficult, as it would be almost certain that one 
should be weighted more heavily than the other but that the 
magnitudes of these weightings would depend specifically on the 
system in question. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent Consideration of complexity is achieved in Bang through 
the use of weightings that are dependent on the flows of data 
elements or on the amount of entity connectedness.  Although DeMarco 
[1] provides a beginning set of correction factors, these weightings 
must then be determined through trial and error and with extensive 
in-house calibration.  The amount of work required by a department 
to determine the appropriate weightings has inhibited the wider use 
of Bang [20].  Furthermore, results for database-oriented systems, 
most common in the business domain, are sparse, despite the fact 
that the technique is now more than ten years old [21].

Bang can be applied at the conceptual modelling phase and does 
consider the number of data elements processed.  However, it fails to 
distinguish between input and output data elements, even though the 
effort required to develop their respective processing components is 
different [22].  Data Bang also considers the number of entity 
relationships, but no assessment of the relationship types is 
performed. Furthermore, assignment of the sixteen complexity classes 
must be performed manually by personnel, reducing the possibility 
for automatic calculation.
Outcome:   \= Bang metrics     \\
           \> Automatic -- No  \\
           \> Comprehensive -- Yes  \\
           \> Objective -- No  \\
           \> Specification basis -- Yes  \\
           \> Tested -- Yes  \\
           \> Validated -- No  \\

\noindent 3.2 Bang metric analysis (BMA) \\

\noindent This is an adaptation of the original Bang method that 
considers both processing and data requirements in transaction-based 
systems [23].  Each functional primitive or elementary process is 
assigned a level of complexity according to the number of create, 
read, update and delete operations that it performs, with each of 
these operations carrying a weighting factor.  This forms the basis 
for the calculation of a process' function Bang.  The formulation of 
data Bang is the same as in DeMarco's theory [1], that is, 
complexity is dependent on the number of entity relationships.  
Total Bang is the sum of both function and data Bang for each 
elementary process. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent In terms of data-oriented transaction systems this is a 
much more useful approach, in that database operations are 
considered instead of DeMarco's sixteen weighted functional classes 
[1].  The weightings used for the operations were intuitively 
proposed, but have proved to be useful in testing.  Regression 
techniques have been used to determine the appropriate coefficients 
for function and data Bang in the prediction of overall development 
effort.  This method, however, still suffers from the same drawbacks 
as DeMarco's original proposal [1], that is, a failure to 
distinguish between input and output data elements and 
non-assessment of relationship types.
Outcome:   \= BMA     \\
           \> Automatic -- Yes  \\
           \> Comprehensive -- Yes  \\
           \> Objective -- Yes  \\
           \> Specification basis -- Yes  \\
           \> Tested -- Yes  \\
           \> Validated -- No  \\

\noindent 3.3 CASE size metrics \\

\noindent Tate and Verner [9, 21] and Tate [24] assert that the 
automatic measurement of size as a function of data dictionary 
entries should be possible in a CASE environment.  Furthermore, they 
state that the widespread use of graphics within CASE tools and the 
relative absence of lines of code means that more appropriate size 
measures should be chosen.  They therefore suggest that measures of 
specification {\em size} applicable to transaction-oriented database 
systems may include those based on the data model, the data flow 
model and the user interface.  Examples of specific product measures 
suggested include counts of entities and attributes, data flows, 
processes and data stores. It is suggested that measures such as 
these will be useful in the development of effort estimates. 
Measurement of {\em complexity}, on the other hand, is described by 
Tate and Verner [9] as a relatively well-defined area of 
conventional development that should follow similar principles 
within CASE, except that it may be based on data structure and data 
flow models.  At the risk of oversimplification, they suggest that 
complexity is a measure of component interconnectivity within a 
software product, an aspect that should be automatically computable 
within a CASE environment and that should present no particular 
problems. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent As discussed earlier in this paper, complexity is 
considered to be a combination of aspects of size and 
interconnectivity.  Thus, Tate and Verner's discussion of 
specification size [9] remains particularly appropriate here as size 
is certainly thought to have an impact on overall complexity.  
Therefore the automatically derivable measures suggested above are 
relevant. Their study was a preliminary examination of metric 
possibilities and consequently no evidence supporting or refuting 
their suggestions was provided. Subsequent empirical investigations 
into the relationship between the measures and development effort, 
however, have provided some support for the approach [25].
Outcome:   \= CASE Size metrics     \\
           \> Automatic -- Yes  \\
           \> Comprehensive -- Yes  \\
           \> Objective -- Yes  \\
           \> Specification basis -- Yes  \\
           \> Tested -- Yes  \\
           \> Validated -- No  \\

\noindent 3.4 Entity metrics \\

\noindent Gray {\em et al}.\ [26] describe a set of techniques for 
the assessment of the complexity of various tasks relating to the 
development of data-oriented systems.  They firstly propose an ER 
metric for determining the effort required to implement a database 
design.  There are said to be four factors that influence the 
complexity of a database design: the number of entities in the 
design, the number of relationships for each entity, the number of 
attributes for each entity and the distribution of relationships and 
attributes. The overall complexity of a complete ER diagram is shown 
as the sum of the complexities of the entities that comprise it.  
Individual entity complexity is calculated using the values of the 
number of relationships, functionally dependent attributes and 
non-functionally dependent attributes for each entity.  Weightings 
for these factors are also used in the formula---it is suggested 
that these weightings can be used to reflect the impact of 
characteristics from the local development environment.  The 
calculation also considers the `functional complexity' of each 
entity, but this is assumed to have the constant value of one for 
every entity.

The third measure is an enhancement of Shepperd's structural IF4 
metric [27] which was itself derived from Henry and Kafura's 
Information Flow metric [8].  The original IF4 measure makes no 
consideration for the use of a database---therefore an extension is 
suggested.  Each entity in a database is regarded as a type of module 
that can receive information, through create and update transactions, 
and can also provide information, through read and delete operations. 
A delete operation is said to be an information extraction because 
the entity will contain less information after the transaction is 
completed.  Thus the enhanced IF4 metric (IF4+) is said to enable the 
assessment of both processing and data in a single metric approach.

Finally a measure of database operation complexity is proposed.  
This treats each operation (create, read, update and delete) as a 
virtual entity, being composed of the parts of the entities accessed 
by the operation.  The ER metrics as proposed can then be used, with 
the number of entities replacing the number of relationships in the 
original formula, to assess the overall complexity of each 
operation. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent Overall this would seem to be a positive approach for the 
analysis of business systems, particularly given that its focus is 
on the impact of both data {\em and} processing.

The decision to assign a delete operation as a provision of data is 
interesting.  Although it is certainly true that an entity will 
contain fewer elements after the operation, it can equally be said 
that the operation itself is one that writes a blank record, 
therefore suggesting that it should be classified as a `receive' by 
the entity. Placing this issue aside, the new IF4+ metric could be 
useful as a more comprehensive structural complexity measure.  It is 
not strictly a functional measure, however, because the processing 
assessment is based on design-phase module structure charts.

The final measurement approach, considering database operation 
complexity, is also a valid and worthwhile proposal.  Again, it 
would seem to be more comprehensive than many other techniques in 
that it attempts to consider processing and data in one metric.  
Moreover, the basic measures could be determined automatically if 
the representations were stored electronically. However, there is no 
indication as to whether one type of operation will be inherently 
more complex than another, without consideration of the data that it 
manipulates.  Furthermore, the number and type of relationships 
between the entities are not considered, and there is no explicit 
guidance provided as to how entity look-ups or relationship 
exclusivity should be treated in the assessment.
Outcome:   \= Entity metrics     \\
           \> Automatic -- Yes  \\
           \> Comprehensive -- Yes  \\
           \> Objective -- Yes  \\
           \> Specification basis -- Yes  \\
           \> Tested -- No  \\
           \> Validated -- No  \\

\noindent 3.5 Function point analysis (FPA) \\

\noindent Function point analysis [28] is the most widely 
investigated of the function-based approaches.  Quantification of 
complexity under this technique is performed as a sub-task of the 
complete model, the overall original purpose being the determination 
and prediction of development productivity.  Each system is 
considered in terms of the number of inputs, outputs, inquiries, 
files and external system interfaces that it contains.  The system 
total for each of these attributes is multiplied by a weighting 
factor appropriate to its complexity in the system (simple, average 
or complex), based on the number of data elements and/or file types 
referenced.  The combined total of all of these products is then 
adjusted for application and environment complexity---this can cause 
an increase or decrease of up to 35\% in the raw function point 
total.  Calculation of the adjustment factor is carried out by 
considering the need for certain features in the system, for 
example, distributed processing, on-line data entry, end user 
efficiency and ease of installation.  Each of the fourteen factors 
is assigned a degree of influence of between zero (no influence) and 
five (strong influence), and these are summed to give a total degree 
of influence, denoted {\em N\/}.  One of the fourteen factors is 
allocated for the consideration of complex processing.  A technical 
adjustment factor is then calculated as (0.65 + 0.01({\em N\/})).  
This adjustment factor is subsequently multiplied by the raw 
function point total to determine the final function point value 
delivered by the system. According to Grupe and Clevenger [7] the 
underlying assumption of FPA is that higher numbers of function 
points reflect more complex systems; these systems will consequently 
take longer to develop than simpler counterparts. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent Complexity is therefore considered in two ways during 
function point analysis. It is questionable, however, whether this 
consideration is completely adequate.  Albrecht acknowledges that 
the complexity weights applied to the raw function point counts were 
``$\ldots$determined by debate and trial.'' [29 p.639].  The absence 
of empirical foundation for these weights has since received 
criticism from several quarters [30, 31]. Moreover, with respect to 
the raw counts, the categorisation of the system components as 
simple, average or complex, although clearly straightforward, seems 
to be rather simplistic in terms of a comprehensive assessment of 
complexity---Symons [32] provides the example that a component 
consisting of over 100 data elements is assigned at most twice the 
points of a component that contains just one data element.  It is 
also suggested that the weightings are unlikely to be valid in all 
development situations.

There are similar problems with the technical complexity adjustment 
process.  It would seem unlikely that the consideration of the same 
fourteen factors would be sufficient to cope with all types of 
applications.  Also, adjustments to the raw counts can only be 
affected by a factor within the zero to five range which, although 
simple, is unlikely to be appropriate in all cases. Consideration of 
processing complexity in only one of the fourteen factors is not only 
inadequate, it may also not be practically applicable at the software 
specification stage.  It is recommended that the value of the 
adjustment factor for complex processing should be based on a number 
of factors, including the need for sensitive control/security 
processing and extensive logical or mathematical processing [29, 33, 
34].  It would seem unlikely, however, that information of this kind 
would be available at the conceptual modelling stage.  This 
reinforces another drawback of the method, in that it is not based 
on modern structured analysis and data modelling techniques [21].

Overall, then, the technique tends to underestimate systems that are 
procedurally complex and that have large numbers of data elements 
per component [32, 35].  Shepperd [31] and Ratcliff and Rollo [36] 
also remark that the identification of the basic components from the 
specification can be difficult and rather subjective---different 
analyzers may therefore use different logic to determine the number 
and complexity of the functions provided by the system [37, 38].  It 
has been suggested that this subjective element can dominate the 
final results, reducing the utility of a seemingly quantitative 
process [13, 32, 39]. A recent investigation by Kemerer [40], 
however, has provided some evidence to refute this assertion. 
Moreover, the method itself is widely used and supported.
Outcome:   \= FPA                        \\
           \> Automatic -- No            \\
           \> Comprehensive -- Yes       \\
           \> Objective -- No            \\
           \> Specification basis -- No  \\
           \> Tested -- Yes              \\
           \> Validated -- Yes           \\

\noindent 3.6 Information engineering metrics \\

\noindent Data representing complexity variables thought to 
influence development phase effort was collected from a number of 
information engineering development projects [41].  In producing an 
information strategy plan for an organisation it was found that the 
number of entity types had a large impact on project effort, based 
on twenty-eight projects from seventeen domains.  Other important 
complexity variables were the number of lowest-level functions, the 
number of proposed data stores and several other factors relating to 
the structure and personnel of the organisation concerned.  For 
business area analyses, the number of elementary processes to be 
implemented in a system was found to be highly influential, based on 
data derived from twenty projects over ten application domains.  
Other factors included the number of users interviewed, the number 
of relationships, the number of attributes and the number of action 
diagrams. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent This approach is a practical, empirical evaluation of 
intuitive relationships with minimal background theory.  The results 
obtained may be useful in the information engineering (IE) 
environment, but because the formul\ae\ derived are totally oriented 
towards steps of the IE methodology, their general application may 
be less effective. Furthermore, the effort data was used after the 
fact for metric analysis.  That is, it was not collected 
specifically for assessment purposes.  Therefore much of the data 
was based on personal notes, personal memory, accounting data and 
best guesses.  Finally, several variables relate to the development 
and organisational environment, reducing the functional basis of the 
method.  This may have been due to the fact that only some of the 
projects made use of CASE or similar tools.
Outcome:   \= IE metrics                 \\
           \> Automatic -- No            \\
           \> Comprehensive -- Yes       \\
           \> Objective -- No            \\
           \> Specification basis -- No  \\
           \> Tested -- Yes              \\
           \> Validated -- Yes           \\

\noindent 3.7 Mark II FPA \\

\noindent Symons [22, 32] has developed a specification-based sizing 
and effort estimation technique based on a revised version of the 
function point analysis method.  He identified several failings with 
Albrecht's original technique, as outlined earlier in this section, 
pertaining particularly to the classification and weighting 
strategies used in the original theory.  Symons [32] further 
suggested that these problems were compounded by technology-driven 
changes, so that, for example, the original concept of a logical 
file was no longer appropriate in the database environment that now 
dominates business systems.  Symons [32] therefore adopted the 
entity type as the basic data equivalent for transaction-centred 

The Mark II method involves the identification of all the inputs, 
outputs and processes associated with each externally triggered 
logical transaction performed by a system.  To assess the size 
contribution of the input and output components, Symons' method [32] 
counts the number of data elements that are used in and produced by 
the transaction.  This is founded on the assumption that the effort 
for formatting and validating an input or an output is proportional 
to the number of data elements in each.  Symons [32] suggests that 
this provides greater objectivity in the counting procedure when 
compared to Albrecht's somewhat subjective approach.

Identification and evaluation of the process component is more 
difficult, in terms of developing an appropriate size parameter for 
this aspect of a transaction.  The method suggested by Symons [32] 
relies on previous work on internal structure measurement based on 
code branching and looping [42].  It is suggested that the data 
structure employed by a system may provide a basis for the 
assessment of processing complexity.  At the specification stage, 
this is represented by the access path of a transaction through the 
system entity model.  Symons [32] states that since each step in the 
path correlates to a branch or a loop, the processing complexity 
will be directly related to the number of entities referenced by the 
transaction.  Although this argument was originally considered to be 
rather tentative, providing only a crude measure of processing 
complexity, it has remained intact and has been reinforced in Symons' 
more recent work [22].

The formula for the raw size factor in unadjusted function points is 
therefore calculated by multiplying locally calibrated weighting 
factors with the basic counts of input and output data elements and 
the number of entity references in the system, and then summing 
together the three weighted totals for all of the system's 
transactions.  An industry standard set of weightings is available as 
a starting point.  The technical complexity adjustment procedure is 
very similar to that of the original theory except that the fourteen 
Albrecht factors [28] are augmented by five or more new 
characteristics. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent Using counts of data elements for the input and output 
components is a positive and more contemporary approach, as is the 
adoption of entity-based assessment.  Under this method, however, 
there is no consideration of the entity link types traversed, 
despite the fact that, as Symons [32] acknowledges, they produce 
different processing requirements.  The technique also counts a 
maximum of one reference to each entity per transaction, in spite of 
the fact that a transaction may refer to a given entity more than 
once in order to manipulate different data elements.  Mark II also 
fails to consider the types of operation that are performed in each 
transaction (that is, create, read, update or delete), even though 
others [23, 26] suggest that the operations are of differing 
complexities.  As justification, Symons [22] suggests that operation 
types should not be counted as they might depend on the logical 
database design, the file structure or the database tools used, that 
is, physical considerations.  This, he suggests, is contrary to 
gaining a measure of the logical representation.

The use of McCabe's work as a basis for process complexity in terms 
of logical structure is certainly valid to an extent; however, 
evidence has also shown that McCabe's measure is not comprehensive 
enough to reflect overall complexity and that other contributors are 
assessed inadequately using this approach [43].  Therefore this 
basis should be further investigated.  In calculating the input and 
output components, no distinction is made between data elements that 
are read from/written to the database and those that are provided 
by/for the user, even though the processing and validation 
requirements for each of these situations may be quite different.

In order to perform estimation for future project requirements, 
historical effort data from past development projects must be 
allocated by staff after the fact to the input/output/process 
components and to each of the nineteen adjustment factors.  Also 
acknowledged as crude in 1988, Symons [22] has subsequently stated 
that the method has provided reasonable results in validation 
studies based on the analysis of more than sixty systems.  It is 
somewhat subjective, however, and may be jeopardised by leading 
questions from the assessor.  Moreover, collection of the data 
required for the nineteen adjustment factors would be difficult to 
automate [44]. Finally, Albrecht [45] states that the use of local 
weights in the initial functional assessment makes the method 
invalid as a purely functional approach.  This seems reasonable, in 
that he asserts that the functional measure should be derived first 
and then adjusted or weighted accordingly.
Outcome:   \= Mark II FPA     \\
           \> Automatic -- No  \\
           \> Comprehensive -- Yes  \\
           \> Objective -- No  \\
           \> Specification basis -- Yes  \\
           \> Tested -- Yes  \\
           \> Validated -- Yes  \\

\noindent 3.8 Metrics Guided Methodology (MGM) \\

\noindent The Metrics Guided Methodology (MGM) was proposed by 
Ramamoorthy {\em et al}.\ [46] as a reflection of the need for 
metrics from all development phases.  Discussion of the 
specification stage is based on the use of requirements 
specification languages (RSLs).  It is suggested that a spectrum of 
measures is needed to assess the different aspects of a 
specification, as it is normally not possible to specify 
requirements fully from just one perspective.  Normally, then, both 
processing and data requirements are developed.  A set of metrics 
that considers the control-flow and entity models of an RSL 
specification is therefore described.  Measures include the number 
of paths, nesting levels, ANDs and ORs, statements, data types and 
files. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent Although this approach does consider the function of a 
system, the measurements used are more lexical or topological, due 
to the language-based form of RSLs.  This also means that the 
technique is not applicable to conceptual data or structured 
analysis models. Moreover, some of the measures (such as those that 
are concerned with determining the style and meaning of the RSL 
specifications) can only be determined in a subjective manner.
Outcome:   \= MGM                        \\
           \> Automatic -- No            \\
           \> Comprehensive -- Yes       \\
           \> Objective -- No            \\
           \> Specification basis -- No  \\
           \> Tested -- No               \\
           \> Validated -- No            \\

\noindent 3.9 Usability measures \\

\noindent Wilson [47] has described a method for determining the 
usability of systems, in order to enable the comparison of designs 
that conform to the same requirements.  The approach is based on 
cognitive issues not generally covered in quantitative assessment.  
The procedure considers the number of user-visible concepts, terms 
and inter-relationships in a system, prior to implementation.  This 
practice is said to actually measure the complexity of application 
problems, system designs and system-supported solutions, based on 
the semantic analysis of a design model similar to the ER 
representation. Under this model there are five mutually exclusive 
concept types: \begin{enumerate} \item entity -- something that 
(usually) persists in time as (some of) its attributes and 
relationships change; \item event -- an occurrence of a change in 
the attributes and/or relationships of one or more things; \item 
relationship -- a directed association or connection between 
something and (usually) something else; \item attribute -- an aspect 
of something that can be qualitatively or quantitatively assessed; 
\item value -- an assessment of an attribute of something. 

Different system design approaches, that is, using different 
methodologies, can be assessed for complexity using various factors, 
such as the number of entity types, the number of event types, the 
number of value types, the number of new terms and the average number 
of attributes per subject.  Generally, the design method with the 
lowest total number of concepts and terms is the least complex and 
therefore the most usable.  Wilson suggests that the average values 
of the features mentioned should conform as a general rule to 
Miller's 7$\pm$2 constraint [48], which is believed to be related to 

The complexity of solutions proposed for a system requirement can be
measured using the following factors: number of entity types, number
of entity attributes or relationships, number of event types, number
of event attributes or relationships and the number of value
types---these figures give the total concepts---and the average number
of attributes/relationships per subject, the average number of events
per subject, number of non 1 to 1 problem-solution choices (the number
of times the user is faced with alternative ways to map problem
concepts to solution concepts) and the number of non 1 to 1
problem-solution relationships (where a problem requires none or more
than one solutions)---these values give the total number of
problem-solution relationships.  The solution with the fewest concepts
is generally the one that supports the entities and operations with
the best match to the problem and is therefore the easiest to
implement.  Again, Miller's constraint [48] is recommended for
evaluation of the average figures. \\

\noindent {\em Evaluation} \\

\noindent Although a novel approach, this method has seen no further 
investigation. The focus on understandability reduces the usefulness 
of this technique as a general, objective procedure. The only 
consideration of processing in this scheme is the counting of entity 
event types and only the number of relationships is considered, not 
the type.
Outcome:   \= Usability measures     \\
           \> Automatic -- No        \\
           \> Comprehensive -- No    \\
           \> Objective -- No        \\
           \> Specification basis -- Yes   \\
           \> Tested -- No           \\
           \> Validated -- No        \\

\subsubsection*{4 Comparison of Methods}

The following two tables summarise the relative merits of the nine 
development effort estimation procedures considered above, in terms 
of the six characteristics. (Due to restrictions on room the six 
criteria have been abbreviated in the heading of Table~\ref{quan}.)

\begin{tabular}{||l||l||} \hline
Method & Comments \\ \hline \hline
Bang & Intuitive and early, but partly subjective and not validated. \\ 
BMA & No subjectivity and easy to automate, but minimal testing. 
 \\ \hline
CASE Size & Basis in conceptual models, objective and tested. \\ 
Entity & Early and objective, but as yet untested. \\ \hline
FPA & Question over objectivity, but widely used, tested and 
 supported. \\ \hline
IE & Several subjective elements but relatively comprehensive. \\ 
Mark II FPA & Not completely objective or automatable, but well tested.
 \\ \hline
MGM & Partially automatable, but only after conceptual phase. \\ \hline
Usability & Somewhat subjective and completely untested. \\ \hline
\caption{General comments on functional assessment and estimation methods}

\begin{tabular}{||l||c|c|c|c|c|c||r||} \hline
Method & Char 1 & Char 2 & Char 3 & Char 4 & Char 5 & Char 6 & Rating \\
       & Auto.  & Comp.  & Obj.   & Spec.  & Tested & Valid. & (out 
of 6) \\ \hline \hline
Bang         & N & Y & N & Y & Y & N & 3 \\ \hline
BMA          & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & 5 \\ \hline
CASE Size    & Y & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & 5 \\ \hline
Entity       & Y & Y & Y & Y & N & N & 4 \\ \hline
FPA          & N & Y & N & N & Y & Y & 3 \\ \hline
IE           & N & Y & N & N & Y & Y & 3 \\ \hline
Mark II FPA  & N & Y & N & Y & Y & Y & 4 \\ \hline
MGM          & N & Y & N & N & N & N & 1 \\ \hline
Usability    & N & N & N & Y & N & N & 1 \\ \hline
\caption{Comparison of functional assessment and estimation methods}

The rating assigned to each method in Table~\ref{quan} is based on 
the method's satisfaction of the six criteria. If a method 
completely satisfies the requirements of a characteristic it 
receives a `Y' in the table. Each `Y' is worth one `mark'. An `N' in 
the table denotes that the method does not satisfy the necessary 
requirement and therefore receives no `marks' for that 
characteristic. Clearly this is an arbitrary assignment of value to 
the six criteria and no weightings have been applied, in spite of 
the fact that some aspects may be more important than others to 
project managers. Moreover, characteristics other than those 
included in the table may also be of greater interest to 
managers---inclusion of such criteria in the table may lead to 
changes in the ratings achieved. This reflects the nature of this 
discussion as an exploratory comparison of the various methods, 
however. Indeed, it may not be comprehensive, but it should at least 
provide some comparative information of value to those managers 
considering their functional assessment and estimation options.

\subsubsection*{5 Opportunities and Recommendations for Improvement}

All nine approaches discussed above have some useful features and 
a few in particular would appear to be promising avenues for both 
practice and further research.  Several issues of concern, however, 
have also been identified.  In particular, some of the approaches 
have been criticised for their lack of objectivity, in that much of 
the assessment can be directly dependent on decisions made by 
individual evaluators.  This is in spite of the fact that automatic 
measurement extraction would now seem to be a prerequisite for any 
successful approach [10].  Some of the methods are not completely 
applicable at the conceptual modelling phase and some are also not 
comprehensive in their assessment.  Most of the methods still suffer 
from a lack of significant validation and are therefore likely to 
remain underutilised in industry.

Clearly, then, there are a number of areas in which improvements to 
the assessment function could be made.  Of particular importance (as 
illustrated in Table~\ref{probs}) are the issues of automatic collection, 
subjectivity  and validation.  All of these issues need to be addressed 
if any method, new or existing, is to be accepted by the development 
industry.  Any degree of subjectivity places too much emphasis on 
the working methods of particular individual assessors---if counting 
methods can be interpreted differently by individuals then the 
measures obtained from the same system by different people are 
likely to vary.  Consequently any recommendations based on those 
measures will also vary.  Any new method must therefore be totally 
objective to ensure consistent results and conclusions.

\begin{tabular}{||l||c|c|c|c|c|c||} \hline
       & Char 1 & Char 2 & Char 3 & Char 4 & Char 5 & Char 6  \\
       & Auto.  & Comp.  & Obj.   & Spec.  & Tested & Valid.  \\ 
\hline \hline
Number of `Y's  & 3 & 8 & 3 & 6 & 6 & 3  \\ \hline
Number of `N's  & 6 & 1 & 6 & 3 & 3 & 6  \\ \hline
\caption{Satisfaction of the six criteria}

As well as reducing the influence of subjectivity on the assessment 
procedure, automated data collection also lessens the work effort 
imposed on developers and assessors. Furthermore, automatic 
collection reduces the risk of errors being introduced into the 
extracted data. Finally, any new analysis procedure needs to be 
tested {\em and} validated with real-world systems to illustrate 
that it is indeed effective in the relevant development domain. Of 
the six criteria considered here, these were the most poorly 
fulfilled by the nine techniques.

To summarise, any new functional assessment method should enable:
\item [early application] - the requirements specification is one of 
the earliest available products of the development 
process---analysis of this representation would enable rapid 
measurement and estimate determination
\item [objective quantification] - any assessment scheme should be 
based totally on the functional specification of system 
requirements; consequently, all of the measures would be directly 
quantifiable in an unambiguous, assessor-independent manner
\item [automatic collection] - collection and analysis of the measures 
should be incorporated into automated development tools so that 
collection and interpretation errors can be reduced or avoided
\item [comprehensive assessment] - since a specification can be 
considered from a number of perspectives, for example, data, process 
and/or user interface, measures applicable to the size and 
interconnectivity of each perspective should be included in any new 
assessment scheme
\item [independent results] - given that automation now plays a 
significant part in the development of business systems (with the 
use of CASE tools), it has been asserted that the development 
environment will have far less impact on the data obtained from 
different sites [9]; therefore results from different environments 
may be more easily compared
\item [rapid uptake] - as a result of the last point it is also 
suggested that a lesser degree of calibration will be needed, 
enabling more rapid uptake of the analysis recommendations by 
organisations that do not have pools of recent project data
\item [testing and validation] - new assessment schemes should be 
tested and validated with actual systems developed within the 
commercial software industry.


The work described in this paper was carried out while the author 
was a graduate student at Cambridge University.  Financial support 
for the work came from the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, the New 
Zealand Vice-Chancellors Committee, British Telecom plc, Clare 
College, Cambridge, the Cambridge University Engineering Department 
and the University of Otago.


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