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<h2>Information Science Discussion Papers Series: 2003 Abstracts</h2>


<h3><a name="dp2003-01">2003/01: Software cinema</a></h3>
<h4>B. Bruegge, M. Purvis, O. Creighton and C. Sandor</h4>

<p>The process for requirements elicitation has traditionally been based on textual descriptions or graphical models using UML. While these may have worked for the design of desktop-based systems, we argue, that these notations are not adequate for a dialog with mobile end users, in particular for end users in &#8220;blue collar&#8221; application domains. We propose an alternative modelling technique &#8220;Software Cinema&#8221; based on the use of digital videos. We discuss one particular example of using Software cinema in the design of a user interface for a navigation system of a mobile end user.</p>

<p><a href="">Download</a> (gzipped PDF, 244KB)</p>


<h3><a name="dp2003-02">2003/02: Communicative acts and interaction protocols in a distributed information system</a></h3>
<h4>M. Nowostawski, D. Carter, S. Cranefield and M. Purvis</h4>

<p>In FIPA-style multi-agent systems, agents coordinate their activities by sending messages representing particular communicative acts (or performatives). Agent communication languages must strike a balance between simplicity and expressiveness by defining a limited set of communicative act types that fit the communication needs of a wide set of problems. More complex requirements for particular problems must then be handled by defining domain-specific predicates and actions within ontologies. This paper examines the communication needs of a multi-agent distributed information retrieval system and discusses how well these are met by the FIPA ACL.</p>

<p><a href="">Download</a> (gzipped PDF, 322KB)</p>


<h3><a name="dp2003-03">2003/03: Time-line Hidden Markov Experts and its application in time series prediction</a></h3>
<h4>X. Wang, P. Whigham and D. Deng</h4>

<p>A modularised connectionist model, based on the Mixture of Experts (ME) algorithm for time series prediction, is introduced. A set of connectionist modules learn to be local experts over some commonly appearing states of a time series. The dynamics for mixing the experts is a Markov process, in which the states of a time series are regarded as states of a HMM. Hence, there is a Markov chain along the time series and each state associates to a local expert. The state transition on the Markov chain is the process of activating a different local expert or activating some of them simultaneously by different probabilities generated from the HMM. The state transition property in the HMM is designed to be time-variant and conditional on the first order dynamics of the time series. A modified BaumÐWelch algorithm is introduced for the training of the time-variant HMM and it has been proved that by EM process the likelihood function will converge to a local minimum. Experiments, with two time series, show this approach achieves significant improvement in the generalisation performance over global models.</p>

<p><strong>Keywords: </strong>series prediction,
Mixture of Experts,
connectionist model,
expectation and maximization,
Gauss probability density distribution</p>

<p><a href="">Download</a> (gzipped PDF, 450KB)</p>


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