Handbook / makefile-templates / Makefile.misc
# File: $Id$
# Template makefile for building a general document.

SHELL = /bin/sh

# Required Environment Variables
#	This variable specifies the path to the top level of the teaching
#	shared directory hierarchy (e.g., /path/to/Teaching/Shared).
TEACHING_SHARED?=$(error The required environment variable TEACHING_SHARED has not been defined. It should point to the root level of the shared teaching directory (e.g., /path/to/Teaching/Shared))

# Set up paths to makefile include directories.
# GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE is the global include directory in the "Shared"
# hierarchy, and is defined relative to the root of that hierarchy.

# Clear out the suffixes list. DO NOT ALTER THIS LINE!
# Add any custom suffixes here (uncomment the line below).
# The "standard" suffixes list currently includes:
# .svg .pdf .tex .dvi .png .tif .plo .jpg .pict .eps .ps .R

# Define paths for various items here. The "standard" paths currently include:
# vpath %.pdf $(IMGDIR)
# vpath %.png $(IMGDIR)
# vpath %.tif $(IMGDIR)
# vpath %.jpg $(IMGDIR)
# vpath %.plo $(IMGDIR)
# vpath $(IMGDIR)
# vpath %.eps $(IMGDIR)
# vpath %.svg $(IMGDIR)
# vpath %.pict $(IMGDIR)
# vpath %.R $(IMGDIR)
# There's nothing to stop you adding new paths for these file types.
# vpath foo bar

# Specify the current paper number. THIS MUST BE DEFINED!
PAPER_NUMBER?=$(error The required variable PAPER_NUMBER has not been defined. Please set it to the correct value for this paper)

# Specify the base name for the document source. THIS MUST BE DEFINED!
BASE_NAME?=$(error The required variable BASE_NAME has not been defined. Please set it to the base name of the document source)

# Standard file list variables.
# List of images used in the print version as actual content.

# List of other files used in the print version as actual content.

# List of images used in the web version as actual content.

# List of other files used in the web version as actual content.

# Files to be cleaned by the various "clean" targets. The "standard" values
# are currently:
# TIDY_FILES=*.tmp *.out *.log *.nav *.toc *.snm *.head *.dvi \
#	*-derived.xml
# CLEAN_FILES=*.aux *.pdf *.html
# $(TIDY_FILES) is a list of generated intermediate files to clean up.
# $(CLEAN_FILES) is everything else that might need to be cleaned up.

# Specify LaTeX document options (comma-separated list). The "standard"
# value is currently: pdftex,usepdftitle=false,$(DRAFT).If you want to
# override the "standard" options, redefine this variable after the
# include line just below.

# List of "phony" build targets (remember to define rules for
# them!). The "standard" list is currently:
# all debug test clean tidy targets web print print2up

# Add custom variables below here as necessary.

# Include standard variables and rules for building miscellaneous documents.
include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/build_misc_rules.make

# Add custom rules below here as necessary.
# If a custom rule has the same target and prerequisite as a default rule,
# it overrides the default rule. If you want to replace it with a similar
# but different target and prerequisite, cancel the existing rule first,
# e.g.:
# :