Various support files (makefile templates, makefile includes, configuration scripts) for building course handbooks

nstanger authored on 26 Feb 2010
calendar - Added Section.Continuation. 15 years ago
make-includes - Changed TIDY_FILES to delete temporary cropped PDFs. 14 years ago
makefile-templates - Added documentation on alternative uses of the SLIDES, etc., variables. 15 years ago
README.txt - Updated to reflect current practice and technologies. 16 years ago
Required environment variables

This variable specifies the path to the top level of the teaching shared directory hierarchy, whereever you happen to have put it (e.g., on my machine this is set to "/Users/nstanger/Documents/Teaching/Shared").

This variable specifies the path to the top level directory for all papers taught, i.e., the directory that contains the individual paper directory hierarchies. This assumes that you have all your current paper directories contained within a single hierarchy. If you don't, you're in trouble :)  For example, on my machine this is set to "/Users/nstanger/Documents/Teaching" (which contains symbolic links to the current directories for INFO212, INFO321, ...).

This variable specifies the path to the top level directory on the web server, under which the files for this paper will be installed (that is, the directory that contains the individual paper directory hierarchies). Under Windows this would typically point to "\\INFO-NTS-12\DBCourses$" (but this may require munging depending on how UNC paths are dealt with). On my machine this is set to "/Volumes/DBCOURSES$", because this is where the share gets mounted.

This variable specifies your preferred XSLT processor. Currently the valid options are "saxon" for SAXON 6.5.x, "saxon-b" for SAXON-B 9.x, "xalan-c" for the C++ implementation of Xalan and "xalan-j" for the Java implementation of Xalan (weirdly, the latter two have different command line options). For example, on my machine this is set to "saxon-b".

Including content files

Content files are included using XML includes. Source files are processed by xmllint (a utility that comes with libxml) to produce an intermediate XML file that contains all of the included fragments. This is then processed normally. Paths in XML includes should always be relative to the current directory, since we can't predict where in the file system hierarchy the source will be.

A typical include might looks something like this:

	<xi:include href="../../../Tutorials/Foo/Bar.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/document/*)" />

All fragments are represented by an XML document of class "fragment". The outermost <document> element is stripped off by the XPath expression in the xpointer attribute.