LaTeX / otagoslides.cls
\def\classdate{12 December 2024}
% Document class for lecture slides.
% Version History
% v1.0    Initial version, rebuilt from deprecated lectureslides class.
% v1.0.1  Stopped hyperref complaining about invalid tokens in PDF metadata.
% v1.1    Added bibliography customisations.
% v1.2    Switched to fontawesome5.
% v1.3    Revamped colour control.
% v1.3.1  fontawesome5 no longer defaults to regular style.
% v1.4    Generalised department type.
% v1.4.1  Normalised package info messages.

         [\classdate\space v\classversion\space Otago lecture slides]

% "Stream of conciousness" chapters vs. explicit individual classes. NOTE:
% you can't have both chapters and classes! This is because we use the same
% chapter macros for both cases, but they're applied differently (e.g., if
% nochapters is set, then \insertchapternumber represents the class number).
\newif\if@chapters \@chapterstrue


% Load required packages.
% \RequirePackage{pgf} % DEPRECATED: only included for backwards compatibility
% \RequirePackage{otagologo}
% fontawesome5 must load after otagofonts to avoid fontspec option clash

% Check that the UO logo files are installed somewhere in the TeX path.
    \PackageError{otagoslides}{The University of Otago logo images are not installed}{%
        You should be able to download a bundle of the UO logo images from\MessageBreak%
        the same place you got this document class. The files should be\MessageBreak%
        put in a folder somewhere inside your local LaTeX tree.%


% graphicx setup.

% Simple code listing setup.
% Note: maximum 13 tab stops in a tabbing environment. (Bah.)

% Environment for boxed exercises.
% Arguments: #1 width of box to set the exercise text in (defaults to \columnwidth).
    {\noindent\refstepcounter{exercise}\begin{boxedminipage}{#1}\textbf{Exercise \theexercise: }}%
% Starred form produces an unnumbered exercise.
    {\noindent\begin{boxedminipage}{#1}\textbf{Exercise: }}%

% Standard variables for various things, and macros for initialising them.
% These can be used (or not) as necessary.

% Paper variables: subject code.

% Paper number.

% Convenience macro for printing out the full paper code.

% Paper title.

% Department name.
\newcommand{\DepartmentType}{Department of}

% Department name.

% Teaching period.

% Year offered.

% Oracle version.

% Class number.

% Backwards compatibility with the old syntax
% \newcommand{\ChapterNumber}{\ClassNumber}
% \newcommand{\ChapterNumberPlusOne}{\ClassNumberPlusOne}
% \newcommand{\SetChapterNumber}[1]{\SetClassNumber{#1}}

% Class title.


% Backwards compatibility with the old syntax
% \newcommand{\ChapterTitle}{\ClassTitle}
% \newcommand{\SetChapterTitle}[1]{\SetClassTitle{#1}}
% \newcommand{\ShortChapterTitle}{\ShortClassTitle}
% \newcommand{\SetShortChapterTitle}[1]{\SetShortClassTitle{#1}}

% Class type.

% Beamer setup.
	\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


% hyperref setup. We have to use a slightly convoluted method, because the
% macros referenced here haven't been set yet. Define the hyperref setup
% as a new macro, and call this AFTER initialising the paper and chapter
% variables.
        pdftitle={\PaperCode\ \ClassType\ \thechapter\ Slides},%

% Disable certain commands in PDF metadata to stop hyperref complaining
% about invalid tokens. This is caused by \insertchapternumber in the
% Otago Beamer theme, which calls \usebeamerfont and \usebeamercolor.

% Document setup.
    \title{\PaperCode \\ \PaperTitle}
\subtitle{\ClassType\ \insertchapternumber: \ClassTitle}
\institute{\DepartmentType\ \DepartmentName}
\date{\TeachingPeriod, \YearOffered}

% Some useful miscellaneous macros.

% B-I-G braces {} with a text label
% Arguments: [#1] height of brace; if missing, defaults to the height of the label box
%            {#2} width of box for label
%            {#3} the text of the label
% TODO: This could possibly be refactored into a single macro with a l/r argument?
    \( \left\}%
    \( \ifx&#1&\left.\fi%

% Bold-face text using the structure or alert colour.

% Define the standard beamer colours as actual colours, as we use them
% in \color and \textcolor rather a lot.
\usebeamercolor*[fg]{alerted text}\colorlet{beameralert}{fg}

% Beamer-aware strikeout.

% Coloured highlighting of text (via Mark George).
% \vphantom gives correct ascender and descender height for box.
% Uses the same spacing as \highlight, but does no highlighting.  Use on the
% original code when using incremental highlighting.

% Create an "invisible" cell in a table for consistent spacing purposes.
% It does so by taking the width of the supplied text and generating an
% empty box 1pt wider.
	\multicolumn{1}{#1}{\makebox[\widthof{#2} + 1pt]{}}%

% Draw a grid to aid PGF picture drawing/debugging.
% DEPRECATED: Use \DrawGridTikZ instead.
		\pgfputat{\pgfxy(0,-0.2)}{\pgfbox[center,top]{\tiny 0}}%
		\pgfputat{\pgfxy(-0.2,0)}{\pgfbox[right,center]{\tiny 0}}%

% Draw a grid to aid TikZ picture drawing/debugging.
		\draw[thin,step=1mm]  (0.0,0.0)   grid (#1,#2);%
		\draw[thick,step=1cm] (-0.1,-0.1) grid (#1+0.1,#2+0.1);%
		\pgftext[top,at={\pgfxy(0.0,-0.2)}]{\tiny 0}%
		\pgftext[right,at={\pgfxy(-0.2,0.0)}]{\tiny 0}%
		\foreach \x in {1,...,#1} {\pgftext[top,at={\pgfxy(\x,-0.2)}]{\tiny\x}}%
		\foreach \y in {1,...,#2} {\pgftext[right,at={\pgfxy(-0.2,\y)}]{\tiny\y}}%

% For numbered notes, add note number references to the slides when generating notes.
    \newcommand<>{\noteitem}[1]{\only#2{\refstepcounter{noteitem}\unskip\ \fbox{\textbf{\scriptsize\thenoteitem}}\note[item]{#1}}}

% Sometimes we want to put a comment in tiny text on the next line, but the default line skip
% will insert too much vertical space. Put a \tinyskip at the end of the line instead.

% Increase item separation of level 1 list items. Can't use enumitem because it breaks beamer lists :(.
% See: <>

% Bibliography customisations for beamer. Uses FontAwesome icons.
% Use: \setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[faArticle]
\setbeamercolor{bibliography item}{use=normal text,fg=normal text.fg}
\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry author}{use=normal text,fg=normal text.fg}
\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry location}{use=normal text,fg=normal text.fg}
\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry note}{use=normal text,fg=normal text.fg}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry title}{}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry location}{}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry note}{}

\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faArticle}{\hfill\faNewspaper}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faBook}{\hfill\faBook}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faConference}{\hfill\faUsers}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faDocument}{\hfill\faFile*}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faImage}{\hfill\faImage}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faLink}{\hfill\faLink}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faMovie}{\hfill\faFilm}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faWeb}{\hfill\faCloud}
\defbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{faWikipedia}{\hfill\faWikipediaW}
