LaTeX / lecturecommon.sty
\def\filedate{1 July 2016}
% Common definitions shared across the various lecture document classes.
% Version History
% v1.0   Initial version.
% v1.0.1 Fixed incorrect provided package name.
% v1.0.2 Increased number of tab stops in codesyntaxblock environment.
% v1.1   Added Unicode/XeLaTeX support.
%        Added exercise environment.
% v1.2   Switched to "class" instead of "chapter".
% v1.2.1 Fixed fontspec option clash and made font handling consistent with XML framework.
% v1.2.2 Fixed incorrect Roman font in math mode.

\ProvidesPackage{lecturecommon}[2016/07/01 INFO standard lecture setup v1.2.2]

% Standard packages common to ALL lecture documents.

\RequirePackage{amsmath} % needs to be loaded before mathspec




% The following line is equivalent to:
%   \setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
%   \setmathsfont(Latin,Digits){TeX Gyre Pagella}
%   \setmathrm{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setprimaryfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setsansfont[Scale=MatchUppercase,BoldFont={Gill Sans}]{Gill Sans Light}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Letter Gothic 12 Pitch}

% Hack to prevent digits in hyperlinks from being set in the main font instead of the mono font.
% From
% Note: doesn't matter if this is executed multiple times.

\else % assume PDFLaTeX otherwise


% Gill Sans to come...
% \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{}




% NJS 2011-07-28: Weirdness with XeLaTeX and Hyperref: URLs formatted with
% \url{} that have numbers in them use monospaced font for the letters and
% serif font for the numbers?!?!

% Standard macros and package configuration common to ALL lecture notes
% documents.

% graphicx setup.

% Simple code listing setup.
% Note: maximum 13 tab stops in a tabbing environment. (Bah.)

% Environment for boxed exercises.
% Arguments: #1 width of box to set the exercise text in (defaults to \columnwidth).
    {\noindent\refstepcounter{exercise}\begin{boxedminipage}{#1}\textbf{Exercise \theexercise: }}%
% Starred form produces an unnumbered exercise.
    {\noindent\begin{boxedminipage}{#1}\textbf{Exercise: }}%

% Standard variables for various things, and macros for initialising them.
% These can be used (or not) as necessary.

% Paper variables: subject code.

% Paper number.

% Convenience macro for printing out the full paper code.

% Paper title.

% Department name.

% Teaching period.

% Year offered.

% Oracle version.

% Class number.

% Backwards compatibility with the old syntax

% Class title.


% Backwards compatibility with the old syntax

% Class type.
