LaTeX / relalg.sty
% Defines various relational algebra symbols.

\ProvidesPackage{relalg}[2008/02/28 Relational algebra notation]

% Graphics is needed so that we can scale the size of a couple of operators.


% select or restrict operator

% project operator

% set union operator

% set difference operator

% cartesian product operator

% rename operator

% extend operator


% set intersection operator

% natural join operator

% division operators

% assignment operator


% aggregate functions

% outer join operators
% Note: can't use \ensuremath in these because it screws up the spacing.
% The $ are OK though because they're used inside hboxes anyway.



% semijoin operator

% antijoin operator


% logical operators
% \And appears to conflict with beamer? (unconfirmed)




% $Log$
% Revision 1.9  2010/12/12 07:27:30  nstanger
% - Normalised the restrict, intersect and join macros.
% - Refactored aggregate function macros into a single parameterised
%   RelAaggregate macro.
% - Fixed incorrect macro references in outer join macros.
% Revision 1.8  2010/12/12 04:40:39  nstanger
% - Added extend operator.
% Revision 1.7  2010/12/12 01:25:19  nstanger
% - Normalised the logical AND/OR macros.
% Revision 1.6  2008/02/27 22:08:36  nstanger
% - Updated package release date.
% Revision 1.5  2008/02/27 22:07:34  nstanger
% - Prefixed all macro names with "Rel" to avoid namespace clashes.
% Revision 1.4  2005/03/08 01:25:23  nstanger
% - Updated package date.
% Revision 1.3  2005/03/08 01:24:51  nstanger
% - Added \leftOuterJoin, \rightOuterJoin and \fullOuterJoin to make generating
%   them from XML easier.
% Revision 1.2  2004/07/19 00:26:19  nstanger
% - Renamed logical operators to \LogicalXXX because of conflict with \And, possibly defined in beamer?