LaTeX / beamerthemes / beamerthemenzcs / beamerthemenzcs.sty
Nigel Stanger on 12 Sep 2016 7 KB Merge commit '75f193f' as 'beamerthemes'
\ProvidesPackage{beamerthemenzcs}[2004/08/30 ver 2.21]

% Copyright 2004 by Nigel Stanger <>.
% Based on beamerthemesplit.sty copyright 2003 Till Tantau <>.
% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.

% Load in the NZCS banner graphic.

% Set up NZCS colours. For some reason the CMYK versions come out looking nothing
% like what they should, so we'll use RGB instead.
% \definecolor{nzcsdarkorange}{cmyk}{0.12,0.61,0.97,0}
% \definecolor{nzcslightorange}{cmyk}{0.05,0.45,0.74,0}
% \definecolor{nzcspurple}{cmyk}{0.68,0.97,0.65,0}

% Set beamer to use NZCS colours where appropriate.

% Other miscellaneous colours.

% Set up frame footer components.


% Create a frame title that's split over two lines, with the first line
% normal size and the second line small text (used for, e.g., references).
  \frametitle{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{#1 \\ \normalfont\tiny #2}}%

% Highlight a piece of text using the alert colour and also by drawing a
% frame around it. We need to ensure that the "unhighlighted" version is
% drawn in a box of the same height as the "highlighted" version. Thus the
% use of \boxheight, \boxdepth and \boxtotalheight to control things.
% We draw the "unhighlighted" version as is. We draw the "highlighted"
% version in a box of the same height by using \raisebox to make TeX think
% that the framed text is actually the same height as the original text
% (we don't raise the text at all).
% Since different texts will have different ascenders and descenders, we
% insert a strut to ensure that all the frames come out with the same total
% height.
% Note that the frame will always be drawn in the handout, but the alert
% colour won't.


% Title page  

% Frametitles
  {\leftskip-\beamer@leftmargin\advance\leftskip by0.3cm%
   \rightskip-\beamer@rightmargin plus1fil\advance\rightskip by0.3cm\leavevmode%

% Sections in headline


% Entries in table of contents


% Head. Draws the NZCS banner across the top of the frame, with sections &
% subsections to the right, separated by a vertical rule. Note that sections
% & subsections are limited to about six of each vertically. Any more and you'll
% overflow the vertical limits of the banner. A good incentive to keep the number
% of sections down :)
    \setbox\headbox=\hbox to 0.7\paperwidth{%
    	\vbox to 1.39cm{\vfil\insertsectionnavigation{0.35\paperwidth}\vfil}%
        {\color{nzcsdarkorange!75!beamerstructure}\vrule width1pt height1.39cm}%
		\vbox to 1.39cm{\vfil\insertsubsectionnavigation{0.35\paperwidth}\vfil}%
    \hbox to\paperwidth{%
      \hskip 0.3\paperwidth\box\headbox\hfill\hskip-\beamer@rightmargin%

% Draw a footer line across the page. Uses a similar shading to the NZCS
% banner graphic.
  {color(0cm)=(nzcslightorange); color(\paperwidth)=(nzcsdarkorange)}
    \setbox\linebox=\hbox to0.96\paperwidth{\hskip0.02\paperwidth\tiny{#1}\hskip0.02\paperwidth}%

% Footline

% Background

% Blocks

% Highlighting