LaTeX / infosciletterhead / infosciletterhead.cls
\def\filedate{28 January 2014}
% Document class for official Information Science letterhead.
% Version History
% v1.0   Initial version.

         [2020/01/29 Information Science letterhead, v.1.0]


% Load required packages.

% Stamp the letterhead onto the page.

% Xe(La)TeX?


% The following line is equivalent to:
%   \setmainfont{Minion Pro}
%   \setmathsfont(Latin,Digits){Minion Pro}
%   \setmathrm{Minion Pro}
\setprimaryfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro}
\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text, Scale=MatchUppercase, BoldFont={Open Sans}]{Open Sans Light}
% Explicitly specify Mapping=tex-text only for the primary and sans fonts,
% otherwise curly quotes will automatically appear in the mono font. Since
% this is pretty much exclusively used for code listings, this is a bad thing.
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Letter Gothic 12 Pitch}

% Hack to prevent digits in hyperlinks from being set in the main font instead of the mono font.
% From
% Note: doesn't matter if this is executed multiple times.

\else % assume PDFLaTeX otherwise


% Gill Sans to come...
% \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{}


% Ensure that the closing is left justified.
% (from
