LaTeX / lectures / lectureassignment.cls
Nigel Stanger on 12 Sep 2016 1 KB Merge commit '01b673a' as 'lectures'
\def\filedate{28 January 2014}
% Document class for lecture/lab worksheets (particularly for fourth year).
% Version History
% v1.0   Initial version.

         [2016/03/08 INFO assignment style, v.1.0]


% Load required packages.
\RequirePackage{parskip}        % Space-separated rather than indented paragraphs.
% DO NOT REMOVE THE NEXT LINE! The lecturecommon package loads a bunch
% of other packages and sets up various counters, etc., several of which
% are used below.

% Some additional variables.

% Package initialisation.

% geometry setup.

% hyperref setup. We can't execute this immediately, because the
% macros referenced here haven't been set yet. All paper and chapter
% variables (where applicable) must therefore be initialised in the
% document preamble.
        pdftitle={\PaperCode\ Assignment \AssignmentNumber},%
        pdfauthor={Information Science, University of Otago},%
