LaTeX / lectures / otagofonts.sty
\def\filedate{26 June 2024}
% Set up official Otago fonts based on what’s available. Fall back to reasonable
% alternatives where possible.
% Version History
% v1.0   Initial version, rebuilt from deprecated lecturecommon package.
% v1.1   Refactored font checking mechanism.
% v1.2   Fixed sans-serif scaling, added Noto Sans.
% v1.3   Added new Wickliffe fonts and fallbacks.
% v1.3.1 Switched serif font to Wickliffe Light.
% v1.3.2 Switched bold fonts to Wickliffe (Sans) Medium.
% v1.4   Switched from mathspec to unicode-math, further font tweaks.

\ProvidesPackage{otagofonts}[2024/06/26 Otago standard fonts v1.4]




% Try a few different fonts that are either the official Otago font or a
% reasonable alternative, using etoolbox's list looping macros. The tricky
% part is making it generic for all three font categories (main, sans, mono),
% and I can only successfully make it work for the first one encountered.
% The set of fonts is limited, so this is OK.
% Note: Explicitly specify Mapping=tex-text only for the main and sans fonts,
% otherwise curly quotes will automatically appear in the mono font. Since
% this is pretty much exclusively used for code listings, this is a bad thing.

% Main font (body text).
\PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Looking for suitable main font}

% font-specific defaults
\defaultfontfeatures[Wickliffe Light]{BoldFont={Wickliffe Medium}}

    \PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Trying #1...}
        \PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Using #1 for main font}%

\docsvlist{Wickliffe Light,Crimson Pro,Crimson Text,Georgia,TeX Gyre Pagella,Times New Roman}

        Could not find any suitable main font.\MessageBreak%
        Falling back to LaTeX default.\MessageBreak%
        Recommended fonts:\MessageBreak%
        \space\space Wickliffe (official, proprietary)\MessageBreak%
        \space\space Crimson Pro (
        \space\space Crimson Text (

% Maths font.
% Use Latin Modern, the unicode-math default. It looks reasonably OK alongside
% many fonts including Wickliffe Light. It can always be manually overidden
% using \setmathfont if a better alternative is available.

% Sans-serif font.
\PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Looking for suitable sans-serif font}

% font-specific defaults
\defaultfontfeatures[Wickliffe Sans Light]{BoldFont={Wickliffe Sans Medium}}
\defaultfontfeatures[Open Sans Light]{BoldFont={Open Sans}}
\defaultfontfeatures[Noto Sans Light]{BoldFont={Noto Sans}}
\defaultfontfeatures[Roboto Light]{BoldFont={Roboto}}

    \PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Trying #1...}
        \PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Using #1 for sans-serif font}%

\docsvlist{Wickliffe Sans Light,Open Sans Light,Noto Sans Light,Roboto Light,Arial}

    \PackageWarning{otagofonts}{Could not find any suitable sans-serif font.\MessageBreak%
        Falling back to LaTeX default.\MessageBreak%
        Recommended fonts:\MessageBreak%
        \space\space Wickliffe Sans (official, proprietary)\MessageBreak%
        \space\space Open Sans (\MessageBreak%
        \space\space Roboto (

% Monospaced font, mainly for code listings.
\PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Looking for suitable monospaced font}

% font-specific defaults
\defaultfontfeatures[Iosevka Light]{RawFeature={+ss03;-calt}}

    \PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Trying #1...}
        \PackageInfo{otagofonts}{Using #1 for monospaced font}%

\docsvlist{Iosevka Light,Letter Gothic 12 Pitch,Inconsolata}

    \PackageWarning{otagofonts}{Could not find any suitable monospaced font.\MessageBreak%
        Falling back to LaTeX default.\MessageBreak%
        Recommended fonts:\MessageBreak%
        \space\space Iosevka (, but complex!)\MessageBreak%
        \space\space Inconsolata (

\else % assume PDFLaTeX otherwise


    Otago-compatible fonts are not yet supported for LaTeX\MessageBreak%
    or PDFLaTeX. XeLaTeX is preferred%

% Gill Sans to come...
% \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{}
% \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{blg}

