LaTeX / beamerthemes / beamerThemeOtagoPlain /
Nigel Stanger authored on 10 Jul 2017
Business_School_LS_ID_crop.pdf • Created new “plain” Otago beamer theme without all the fussy coloured headers and footers. 7 years ago
beamercolorthemeOtagoPlain.sty • Created new “plain” Otago beamer theme without all the fussy coloured headers and footers. 7 years ago
beamerfontthemeOtagoPlain.sty • Created new “plain” Otago beamer theme without all the fussy coloured headers and footers. 7 years ago
beamerinnerthemeOtagoPlain.sty • Created new “plain” Otago beamer theme without all the fussy coloured headers and footers. 7 years ago
beamerouterthemeOtagoPlain.sty • Created new “plain” Otago beamer theme without all the fussy coloured headers and footers. 7 years ago
beamerthemeOtagoPlain.sty • Created new “plain” Otago beamer theme without all the fussy coloured headers and footers. 7 years ago