\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{mathpazo} \usepackage{helvet} \graphicspath{{images/}} \newcommand{\Scale}[6]{ \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small\sffamily,every node/.style={below=2mm}] \node at (0,0) {#1}; \node at (2,0) {#2}; \node at (4,0) {#3}; \node at (6,0) {#4}; \draw (0,0) -- (6,0); \foreach \x in {0,2,4,6} \draw (\x,-0.2) -- (\x,0.2); \node[above=1mm] at (#5,0) {\includegraphics[height=5mm,keepaspectratio]{female_red}}; \node[above=1mm] at (#6,0) {\includegraphics[height=5mm,keepaspectratio]{male_blue}}; \end{tikzpicture} \newpage } \newcommand{\Agreement}[2]{ \Scale{\shortstack{Strongly \\ disagree}}{\shortstack{Somewhat \\ agree}}{Agree}{\shortstack{Strongly \\ agree}}{#1}{#2} } \newcommand{\Strength}[2]{ \Scale{Weak}{\shortstack{Somewhat \\ strong}}{Strong}{\shortstack{Extremely \\ strong}}{#1}{#2} } \newcommand{\Frequency}[2]{ \Scale{Never}{Sometimes}{Frequently}{Always}{#1}{#2} } \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \raggedright % WHO INFLUENCES % \section*{Who influences Nouf and Ali?} % \newpage % parents \Agreement{5.55}{5.3} % partner \Agreement{5.1}{0.45} % friends \Agreement{5.6}{5.35} % offline network \Agreement{5.6}{5.25} % religious leaders \Agreement{5.25}{2.8} % religious teaching \Agreement{5.6}{3.85} % cultural values & norms \Agreement{5.7}{5.4} % LIFE GOALS % \section*{Life goals} % \newpage % stable & secure life \Agreement{5.7}{5.5} % close to & loved by family \Agreement{5.8}{5.5} % respected by group \Agreement{5.8}{5.6} % DECISION DRIVERS % \section*{Decision drivers} % \newpage % more control over data => higher engagement \Agreement{5.8}{4.3} % less chance of being found => higher chance of use \Agreement{5.8}{1.8} % access control is important \Agreement{5.8}{4.15} % EXPERIENCE GOALS % \section*{Experience goals} % \newpage % reassured about security & privacy \Agreement{5.55}{5.2} % full control over data & followers \Agreement{5.55}{4.9} % customise relationship with other users \Agreement{5.55}{5.3} % END GOALS % \section*{End goals} % \newpage % keep in touch with offline network \Agreement{5.55}{5.3} % extend real-world connections \Agreement{4.4}{4.1} % contact & follow otherwise inaccessible power-holders \Agreement{5.5}{5.2} % discover new things & ideas \Agreement{5.55}{5.3} % MOTIVATIONS % \section*{Motivations} % \newpage % family & friends \Strength{5.3}{5.7} % current events \Strength{2.2}{2.6} % getting information \Strength{3.8}{0.1} % fun \Strength{2.35}{2.15} % occupy spare time \Strength{0.65}{1.85} % ATTITUDE % \section*{Attitude} % \newpage % social media sacrifices time for real-world socialisation \Agreement{5.1}{4.8} % social media sacrifices quality of interpersonal communication \Agreement{3.5}{3.25} % social media decreases level of spiritual commitment \Agreement{3.7}{4.4} % BEHAVIOURS % \section*{Behaviours} % \newpage % record daily activities & events \Frequency{5.45}{4.45} % share religious content \Frequency{5.35}{3} % share landscape photos \Frequency{5.35}{5.1} % share food photos \Frequency{5.35}{2.2} % share personal photos/videos with strangers \Frequency{0.1}{5.7} % share photos of children \Frequency{5.45}{1.4} % post photos of immodestly dressed people \Frequency{0.175}{0.225} % share jokes and funny videos \Frequency{3.3}{3.75} % post political and social opinions \Frequency{0.1}{0.45} % discuss sensitive religious topics \Frequency{0.175}{0.225} % follow religious leaders \Frequency{5.05}{2.9} % BELIEFS % \section*{Beliefs} % \newpage % modesty is critical \Agreement{5.6}{5.2} % must avoid social disapproval \Agreement{5.65}{5.3} % social media negatively influences Muslims' attitudes & behaviour \Agreement{3.9}{3.45} % online actions contrary to Islam are sinful \Agreement{5.6}{5.2} % sharing religious content will be rewarded \Agreement{5.6}{5.3} % followers and followees reflect upon me \Agreement{5.6}{5.3} % ONLINE PROFILE % \section*{Online profile} % \newpage % ambiguity of online identity \Strength{5.35}{2.75} % availability of personal information \Strength{0.35}{1.2} \end{document}