Publications / SIRC.bib
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@STRING{acj = {Australian Computer Journal}}

@STRING{adt = {Application Development Trends}}

@STRING{ai = {Artificial Intelligence}}

@STRING{ajis = {Australian Journal of Information Systems}}

@STRING{cacm = {Communications of the ACM}}

@STRING{cj = {Comput.\ J.}}

@STRING{asper = {ACM SIGMETRICS Perf.\ Eval.\ Review}}

@STRING{database = {ACM SIGMIS Database}}

@STRING{dbms = {DBMS Magazine}}

@STRING{dbpd = {Database Programming {\&} Design}}

@STRING{develop = {{d}evelop, The Apple Technical Journal}}

@STRING{directions = {Apple Directions}}

@STRING{dke = {Data {\&} Knowledge Engineering}}

@STRING{ejis = {European Journal of Information Systems}}

@STRING{idt = {Internet Development Trends}}

@STRING{ieeec = {IEEE Comput.}}

@STRING{ieees = {IEEE Softw.}}

@STRING{ijast = {International Journal of Applied Software Technology}}

@STRING{ijgis = {International Journal of Geographical Information Systems}}

@STRING{ijhcs = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}}

@STRING{ijmms = {International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}}

@STRING{ijseke = {International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering}}

@STRING{is = {Information Systems}}

@STRING{isj = {Information Systems Journal}}

@STRING{ist = {Inf.\ Softw.\ Tech.}}

@STRING{jacm = {Journal of the ACM}}

@STRING{jlp = {Journal of Logic Programming}}

@STRING{jot = {Journal of Object Technology}}

@STRING{jss = {J.\ Syst.\ Softw.}}

@STRING{lncs = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}}

@STRING{misq = {MIS Quarterly}}

@STRING{nzjc = {New Zealand Journal of Computing}}

@STRING{nzjis = {New Zealand Journal of Information Systems}}

@STRING{oracle = {Oracle Magazine}}

@STRING{reg = {\scriptsize\textsuperscript{\textregistered}}}

@STRING{sej = {Software Engineering Journal}}

@STRING{sigmod = {ACM SIGMOD Record}}

@STRING{spe = {Software---Practice and Experience}}

@STRING{surveys = {ACM Comput.\ Surv.}}

@STRING{tkde = {IEEE Trans.\ Knowl.\ Data Eng.}}

@STRING{tm = {\scriptsize\texttrademark}}

@STRING{tocs = {ACM Trans.\ Comput.\ Syst.}}

@STRING{tods = {ACM Trans.\ Database Syst.}}

@STRING{toit = {ACM Trans.\ Internet Tech.}}

@STRING{tose = {IEEE Trans.\ Softw.\ Eng.}}

@STRING{tweb = {ACM Trans.\ Web}}

@STRING{vldb = {The VLDB Journal}}

  author = {J.\ R.\ Beaumont},
  title = {{GIS} and market analysis},
  booktitle = {Geographical Information Systems, Volume 2: Applications},
  publisher = {Longman},
  year = {1991},
  editor = {David J.\ Maguire and Michael F.\ Goodkind and David W.\ Rhind},
  pages = {139--151},
  address = {Harlow, UK},
  timestamp = {2006.07.11}

  title = {Mapping Cyberspace},
  publisher = {Routledge},
  year = {2001},
  author = {Martin Dodge and Rob Kitchin},
  address = {London, UK},
  timestamp = {2006.07.04}

  author = {Stephen E.\ Lamm and Daniel A.\ Reed and Will H.\ Scullin},
  title = {Real-time geographic visualization of {W}orld {W}ide {W}eb traffic},
  journal = {Computer Networks and ISDN Systems},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {28},
  pages = {1457--1468},
  number = {7--11},
  month = may,
  doi = {doi:10.1016/0169-7552(96)00055-4},
  pdf = {L/Lamm-SE-1996-webvis.pdf},
  timestamp = {2006.07.18}

  author = {Maxmind},
  title = {Geo{L}ite {C}ity: Free {IP} address to city database},
  howpublished = {Maxmind LLC},
  month = jul,
  year = {2006},
  note = {Accessed on 22 September 2006.},
  timestamp = {2006.07.18},
  url = {\url{}}

  author = {Nektarios Papadakakis and Evangelos P.\ Markatos and Athanasios E.\
  title = {Palantir: {A} visualization tool for the {W}orld {W}ide {W}eb},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the INET'98 Conference},
  year = {1998},
  address = {Geneva, Switzerland},
  month = {21--24~} # jul,
  citeseerurl = {},
  pdf = {P/Papa-N-1998-Palantir.pdf},
  timestamp = {2006.07.18},
  url = {\url{}}

  author = {Arthur Sale and Christian McGee},
  title = {Tasmania {S}tatistics {S}oftware},
  howpublished = {University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia},
  month = {12~} # feb,
  year = {2006},
  note = {Accessed on 23 September 2006.},
  timestamp = {2006.07.11},
  url = {\url{}},

  author = {Nigel Stanger and Graham McGregor},
  title = {Hitting the ground running: {B}uilding {N}ew {Z}ealand's first publicly
	available institutional repository},
  institution = {Department of Information Science, University of Otago,},
  year = {2006},
  type = {Discussion Paper},
  number = {2006/07},
  address = {Dunedin, New Zealand},
  month = mar,
  pdf = {S/Stan-N-2006-running.pdf},
  timestamp = {2006.07.11},
  url = {\url{}}

  author = {Alan M.\ MacEachren},
  title = {Cartography, {GIS} and the {W}orld {W}ide {W}eb},
  journal = {Progress in Human Geography},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {22},
  pages = {575--585},
  number = {4},
  month = dec,
  doi = {doi:10.1191/030913298670626440},
  pdf = {MacE-AM-1998-GIS.pdf},
  timestamp = {2006.07.18}

  author = {Bin Jiang and Ferjan Ormeling},
  title = {Mapping cyberspace: {V}isualizing, analysing and exploring virtual
  journal = {The Cartographic Journal},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {37},
  pages = {117--122},
  number = {2},
  month = dec,
  pdf = {J/Jian-B-2000-cybermap.pdf},
  timestamp = {2006.07.04},

  author = {Jason Wood and Ken Brodlie and Helen Wright},
  title = {Visualization over the {W}orld {W}ide {W}eb and its application to
	environmental data},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '96},
  year = {1996},
  editor = {Roni Yagel and Gregory M.\ Nielson},
  pages = {81--86},
  address = {San Francisco, California},
  month = oct # {~27--} # nov # {~1},
  organization = {IEEE Computer Society and ACM,},
  pdf = {W/Wood-J-1996-vis.pdf},
  timestamp = {2006.07.24},

  author = {{CIA}},
  title = {The {W}orld {F}actbook},
  howpublished = {Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC, USA},
  year = {2006},
  timestamp = {2006.08.07},
  url = {\url{}}

  author = {{USGS}},
  title = {Google {E}arth applications},
  howpublished = {Integrated Remote Sensing and Modeling Group, United States Geological
	Survey Center for Coastal \& Watershed Studies, Tampa, Florida, USA},
  year = {2006},
  note = {Accessed on 22 September 2006.},
  timestamp = {2006.10.22},
  url = {\url{}}

  author = {Carolina Cruz-Neira and Daniel J.\ Sandin and Thomas A.\ DeFanti
	and Robert V.\ Kenyon and John C.\ Hart},
  title = {The {CAVE}: {A}udio visual experience automatic virtual environment},
  journal = cacm,
  year = {1992},
  volume = {35},
  pages = {64--72},
  number = {6},
  month = jun,
  doi = {doi:10.1145/129888.129892},
  pdf = {C/CrNe-C-1992-CAVE.pdf},
  timestamp = {2006.10.22}

  author = {de Paor, Declan G.},
  title = {Towards a single, planet-wide, scale-independent, multidimensional
	geological map},
  booktitle = {2006 GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition},
  year = {2006},
  address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
  month = {22--25~} # oct,
  organization = {Geological Society of America,},
  timestamp = {2006.10.22},
  note = {(In press)}

  author = {Kirsten Thompson and Jeffrey Keith and Richard H.\ Swan and W.\ Kenneth
  title = {Linking geoscience visualization tools: {G}oogle {E}arth, oblique
	aerial panoramas, and illustration and mapping software},
  booktitle = {2006 GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition},
  year = {2006},
  address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
  month = {22--25~} # oct,
  organization = {Geological Society of America,},
  timestamp = {2006.10.22},
  note = {(In press)}

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