XML / xml2xslt.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

		XSLT transformation for a master XML document defining how to
		transform elements in the course handbook source into HTML and
		LaTeX.  Hmm, meta-stylesheet?!
	<!--	<xsl:output method="text" encoding="UTF-8" media-type="text/xml" /> -->
	<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" cdata-section-elements="html" />

		What format are we generating a styesheet for?
		Possible values: html, xhtml, latex (includes pdflatex), xelatex.
	<xsl:param name="format">html</xsl:param>

		Define an alias for the xsl namespace to avoid confusion when
		generating xsl: elements in the output of this stylesheet.
	<xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="xsl-out" result-prefix="xsl" />

		Some useful variables. (Could some of these become callable templates?)
	<xsl:variable name="newline">

	<xsl:variable name="space"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:variable>

	<xsl:template match="/">
		<xsl-out:stylesheet version="2.0" exclude-result-prefixes="exsl">
		<xsl-out:strip-space elements="*" />

		<!-- Would it be more accurate to call this 'subject' rather than 'department'? -->
		<xsl-out:param name="department">INFO</xsl-out:param>
		<xsl-out:param name="paper" />
		<xsl-out:param name="subject-code">INFO</xsl-out:param>
		<xsl-out:param name="paper-number" />
		<xsl-out:param name="showanswers" select="'no'" />
		<xsl-out:param name="base-path">.</xsl-out:param>

		<!-- copy in the generated Oracle documentation code -->
		<xsl:copy-of select="document('oracle-docs.xsl')/stylesheet/*" />
		<!-- <xsl:include href="oracle-docs.xsl" /> -->

		<!-- root-level documents should say what type/class of document they are (lecture, tutorial, generic, ...).  Do we want to call this a class or a type? -->
		<xsl:variable name="doctype"><xsl:value-of select="/document/@type" /></xsl:variable>
			First, output the document preamble according to format.
			This is generally different for each output format.
				The HTML formats are fairly simple: the only things that
				change are the doctypes, version number and text encoding.
			<xsl:when test="$format = 'html'">
					doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
			<xsl:when test="$format = 'xhtml'">
					doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
				The LaTeX formats, however have a bunch of miscellaneous
				boilerplate that appears at the start of every documents, and
				requires more complex interleaving because of hyperref.
				Since we need to stuff this into a template later on, we
				define this using a callable template, so that we can do
				useful things like apply-templates within it (which wouldn't
				work if we just used a variable).
			<xsl:when test="$format = 'latex'">
				<xsl-out:output method="text" encoding="iso-8859-1" media-type="text/plain" />	

					Set to no if you want this to be included inside another
					document. Appears here because it's used in the document
				<xsl-out:param name="standalone">yes</xsl-out:param>
				<xsl-out:template name="latex-preamble">
\usepackage{mathpazo} % mathpple is deprecated
<xsl-out:apply-templates select="environment/latex-packages" />
% Safer to specify the hyperref options directly rather than relying on
% the default hyperref.cfg, as XeLaTeX seems to ignore it :(.
\usepackage[	pdftex,%
				breaklinks	]{hyperref}

			<xsl:when test="$format = 'xelatex'">
				<xsl-out:output method="text" encoding="utf-8" media-type="text/plain" />	

					Set to no if you want this to be included inside another
					document. Appears here because it's used in the document
				<xsl-out:param name="standalone">yes</xsl-out:param>
				<xsl-out:template name="latex-preamble">
\usepackage{textcomp} % ???
<xsl-out:apply-templates select="environment/latex-packages" />
% Safer to specify the hyperref options directly rather than relying on
% the default hyperref.cfg, as XeLaTeX seems to ignore it :(.
\usepackage[	xetex,%
				breaklinks	]{hyperref}

\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Letter Gothic 12 Pitch}
				<xsl:message terminate="yes">
					<xsl:text>Sorry, unknown format: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$format" />
			Next, output the main document body according to format.
			This is generally the same across similar formats.

			<xsl:when test="($format = 'html') or ($format = 'xhtml')">
				<!-- *** (X)HTML Output *** -->
				<!-- Old version: before using xsl:namespace-alias: -->
				<xsl-out:element name="xsl:output">
					<xsl-out:attribute name="method">html</xsl-out:attribute>
					<xsl-out:attribute name="encoding">UTF-8</xsl-out:attribute>
					<xsl-out:attribute name="media-type">text/html</xsl-out:attribute>
					<xsl-out:attribute name="doctype-public">-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN</xsl-out:attribute>
				<!-- Default to PNG images for web dispay. -->
				<xsl-out:param name="image-format">png</xsl-out:param>

			<!-- Nope, includes can only appear as a child of xsl:stylesheet. -->
			<!-- <xsl-out:include href="xml2html-root.xsl" /> -->
				<xsl-out:template match="/document">
					<xsl-out:comment> THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT! </xsl-out:comment>
							<xsl-out:element name="link">
								<xsl-out:attribute name="rel">
								<xsl-out:attribute name="href">
									<xsl-out:value-of select="$department" />
									<xsl-out:value-of select="$paper" />
								<xsl-out:attribute name="type">
								<xsl-out:apply-templates select="title" mode="preamble" />
							<xsl-out:apply-templates />

							<!-- How best to approach this - certain elements that need special handling (e.g. title, author) shouldn't be passed through here as well. -->
							<!-- How about we just match certain elements that we know can be handled safely, e.g. sections, paragraphs, ...?  (...and their aliases?) -->
							<!-- Are introductions just another section, or should there be an introduction element? -->
							<!-- The solution is to get cleverer with our templates, e.g., multiple templates for <title> that have different match patterns (document/title, section/title). -->
							<!-- We also need to define an empty template for the <document-metadata> element so that its contents get ignored. -->
							<!-- Once these are done, we can just go apply-templates and forget about it. -->
							<hr />
								Since HTML doesn't support footnotes as such, we
								instead include them as endnotes at the end of
								the document.
							<xsl-out:if test="count(//footnote) &gt; 0">
								<xsl-out:apply-templates select="//footnote" mode="list" />
								<hr />
								<xsl-out:apply-templates select="copyright" />
								<xsl-out:apply-templates select="/document/@cvs-id" />

			<xsl:when test="($format = 'latex') or ($format = 'xelatex')">
				<!-- Set to pdf if using PDFLaTeX, otherwise eps. -->
				<xsl-out:param name="image-format">pdf</xsl-out:param>

				<!-- *** LaTeX Source Output *** -->
				<!-- Should this produce a LaTeX source fragment or an entire valid source document? -->
				<xsl-out:template match="/document">

						<xsl-out:when test="$standalone = 'yes'">


\usepackage{verbatim} % needed for \verbatiminput
\usepackage{relalg} % needed for join operators

<xsl-out:call-template name="latex-preamble" />

<xsl-out:apply-templates select="environment/latex-commands" />


<xsl-out:apply-templates select="title" mode="preamble" />
<xsl-out:apply-templates select="author" mode="preamble" />
<xsl-out:apply-templates select="date" mode="preamble" />


	<xsl-out:apply-templates />

	{\scriptsize \hfill \verb+<xsl-out:apply-templates select="/document/@cvs-id" />+}
						<!-- Not standalone: -->
						<!-- Hmm, maybe this should go in format-master.xml... -->
						<xsl-out:when test="/document/@class = 'tutorial'">
							\tutorial{<xsl-out:apply-templates select="/document/title" mode="chapter" />}
							<!-- <xsl-out:apply-templates select="/tutorial/introduction" />
							<xsl-out:for-each select="/tutorial/section"> -->
							<xsl-out:apply-templates select="*[not(self::title)]" />
							<!-- </xsl-out:for-each> -->

						\vfill {\scriptsize \hfill \verb+<xsl-out:value-of select="/document/@cvs-id" />+}
						<xsl-out:when test="/document/@class = 'laboratory'">
							\lab{<xsl-out:apply-templates select="/document/title" mode="chapter" />}
							<!-- <xsl-out:apply-templates select="/laboratory/introduction" />
							<xsl-out:for-each select="/tutorial/section"> -->
							<xsl-out:apply-templates select="*[not(self::title)]" />
							<!-- </xsl-out:for-each> -->

							\vfill {\scriptsize \hfill \verb+<xsl-out:value-of select="/document/@cvs-id" />+}
							<!-- maybe we should assume that we're in a book documentclass and issue a \chapter here? -->
							\general{<xsl-out:apply-templates select="/document/title" mode="chapter" />}
							<xsl-out:apply-templates select="*[not(self::title)]" />
				<xsl-out:element name="xsl:output">
					<xsl-out:attribute name="method">text</xsl-out:attribute>
					<xsl-out:attribute name="encoding">UTF-8</xsl-out:attribute>
					<xsl-out:attribute name="media-type">text/plain</xsl-out:attribute>
				<xsl:message terminate="yes">
					<xsl:text>Sorry, unknown format: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$format" />

		<xsl:apply-templates />


	<!-- General-purpose template-producing template. -->
	<!--<xsl:template match="template"><![CDATA[<xsl-out:template name="]]><xsl-out:value-of select="name" /><![CDATA[" match="]]><xsl-out:value-of select="match" /><![CDATA[">]]><xsl-out:copy-of select="*[local-name(.)=$format]" /><![CDATA[</xsl-out:template>]]></xsl-out:template>-->

	<xsl:template match="template">
				Much easier to just copy all attributes across verbatim rather
				than copying specific named attributes, because we might want
				to use attributes that weren't originally anticipated.
				Might this be a problem in future?
			<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />
			<!-- Copy across code that is common to ALL formats. -->
			<xsl:copy-of select="common[not(@formats)]/node()" />
			<!-- Copy across code that is specific to the current format. -->
			<xsl:copy-of select="common[contains(@formats, concat('/', $format, '/'))]/node()" />
			<xsl:copy-of select="*[name(.)=$format]/node()" />

		This template produces a template that calls another template, i.e.
		it implements a template alias.
		The generated template probably doesn't need a name, but we'll put one
		in anyway.

	<xsl:template match="alias">
			<xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@source" /></xsl:attribute>
			<xsl:attribute name="match"><xsl:value-of select="@source" /></xsl:attribute>
				<xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@target" /></xsl:attribute>

		This template produces a template for processing style-oriented markup,
		such as empahsis, foreign terms, and quotations.
	<xsl:template match="d">
	</xsl-out:template match>

		This template produces a template for processing an element that
		refers to a hyperlink.
	<xsl:template match="hyperlink">