XML / modules / otago-specific.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

	Elements, etc., that are specific to Otago.

<stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">

		Format a University paper code. These normally appear in the form "SPOD 123", i.e., a space between the subject code and the paper number.
	<template name="paper" match="paper">
			<xsl:apply-templates select="subject-code" />
			<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
			<xsl:apply-templates select="paper-number" />
	<template name="subject-code" match="paper/subject-code">
		<common><xsl:apply-templates /></common>
	<template name="paper-number" match="paper/paper-number">
		<common><xsl:apply-templates /></common>
	    Generate a hyperlink to a file on Blackboard according to the current paper. It takes a path of the form "foo/bar/baz.html" and adds an appropriate URL prefix. For example, given the paper INFO214 offered in S1 2016, we get
	    We use the trick of constructing a hyperlink element in a variable from the original BlackboardPath element, copying across all attributes except @path, and constructing a new @url element as appropriate. We can then just apply-templates on the variable. The paper identifier in the output URL is constructed from the global stylesheet variables $subject-code, $paper-number, $period-code, and $paper-year. The "DNI" is hard-coded (naughty!) for now, as that applies to all the papers we offer anyway.
	    @path:      The path to the file within Blackboard's file system.
        @label:     The name of the anchor to link to in the URL (i.e., url#label). [optional]
        @target:    The target of the URL (e.g., _blank). Only relevant to (X)HTML. [optional]
	<template name="BlackboardPath" match="BlackboardPath">
	        <xsl:variable name="hyperlink-node">
	            <xsl:element name="hyperlink">
	                <xsl:copy-of select="@*[not(name()='path')]" />
	                <xsl:attribute name="url">
	                    <xsl:value-of select="$subject-code" />
	                    <xsl:value-of select="$paper-number" />
	                    <xsl:value-of select="$period-code" />
	                    <xsl:value-of select="$paper-year" />
	                    <xsl:value-of select="@path" />
	                <xsl:copy-of select="node()" />
	        <xsl:apply-templates select="$hyperlink-node" />

		Expand an Otago period code (e.g., "S1") into it's full equivalent (e.g., "First Semester").
		$period-code: The period code to be expanded.
		Returns: The expanded period string.
	<function name="infosci:expand-period-code" as="xs:string">
			<xsl:param name="period-code" />
			<xsl:variable name="period-string">
					<xsl:when test="$period-code = 'SS'">
						<xsl:text>Summer School</xsl:text>
					<xsl:when test="$period-code = 'S1'">
						<xsl:text>First Semester</xsl:text>
					<xsl:when test="$period-code = 'S2'">
						<xsl:text>Second Semester</xsl:text>
					<xsl:when test="$period-code = 'FY'">
						<xsl:text>Full Year</xsl:text>
						<xsl:message terminate="yes">
							<xsl:text>Unrecognised period code "</xsl:text>
							<xsl:value-of select="$period-code" />
			<xsl:sequence select="$period-string" />