#!/usr/bin/perl # # Basic script for generating XML markup for the major sections of the Oracle Documentation, and XSLT templates (and meta-templates, for both output formats) for transforming it. # # To do: # * Maybe modify the script to work for any URL-based hyperlinks (e.g. <Blackboard/>, <OtagoUniversity/>). This would mean ditching the automatic "Ora" prefix, but wouldn't require much else to implement. # * Generalise so that the LaTeX output is split to use a separate hyperlink for each word in the link label (to allow the links to be wrapped across lines). HTML version doesn't need to be changed. # I figure this is also a sensible place to store the root of the Oracle documentation on the department's Web server. # Should this have a trailing slash (appropriate for standalone URL) or not (appropriate for a prefix for composite URLs)? $oracle_documentation_root = "http://info-nts-12.otago.ac.nz/docs/oracle11gr1/"; # Here's the raw data. # Each entry has a name (marked up as XML), a unique, short, space-less code name for it, and the actual URL. # It's probably sensible to have the full URL here, rather than prefixing the Oracle document root, because it's easier to copy the entire URL from the Web browser when updating. %references = ( Docs => { name => 'Database Documentation Library', url => $oracle_documentation_root }, Admin => { name => 'Database Administrator<apostrophe />s Guide', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'server.111/b28310/toc.htm' }, AppDev2Day => { name => 'Database 2 Day Developer<apostrophe />s Guide', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'appdev.111/b28843/toc.htm' }, AppDevAdv => { name => 'Database Advanced Application Developer<apostrophe />s Guide', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'appdev.111/b28424/toc.htm' }, AppDevOR => { name => 'Object-Relational Developer<apostrophe />s Guide', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'appdev.111/b28371/toc.htm' }, Concepts => { name => 'Database Concepts', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'server.111/b28318/toc.htm' }, DataWarehousing => { name => 'Database Data Warehousing Guide', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'server.111/b28313/toc.htm' }, Errors => { name => 'Database Error Messages', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'server.111/b28278/toc.htm' }, SQL => { name => 'Database SQL Language Reference', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'server.111/b28286/toc.htm' }, Java => { name => 'Database Java Developer<apostrophe />s Guide', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'java.111/b31225/toc.htm' }, JDBC => { name => 'Database JDBC Developer<apostrophe />s Guide and Reference', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'java.111/b31224/toc.htm' }, Glossary => { name => 'Database Master Glossary', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'mix.111/b14388/toc.htm' }, Tuning => { name => 'Database Performance Tuning Guide', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'server.111/b28274/toc.htm' }, PLSQL => { name => 'Database PL/SQL Language Reference', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'appdev.111/b28370/toc.htm' }, PLSQLPkgTyp => { name => 'Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'appdev.111/b28419/toc.htm' }, Index => { name => 'Database Master Index', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'mix.111/b14387/toc.htm' }, Reference => { name => 'Database Reference', url => $oracle_documentation_root . 'server.111/b28320/toc.htm' }, ); # Prefix to use in the generated template names: $oracle_prefix = "Ora"; if ($#ARGV != 1) { warn "usage: oracle-docs <section-code-regexp> (xml | xslt | xslt_html | xslt_latex | link | all)\n"; exit; } $section_code = $ARGV[0]; $output_type = $ARGV[1]; if ($output_type eq "xslt") { print <<END_OF_HEADER <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Do not edit! Automatically generated by oracle-docs.perl! --> <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> END_OF_HEADER ; } # One-off hard-coded template for a link to the root of the documentation set, using the URL as the anchor text. # This is used in several places in the course book and updating them is more of a pain than implementing this! if ($output_type eq "xslt") { print <<END_OF_TEMPLATE <xsl:template name="OraDocsURL" match="OraDocsURL"> <xsl:variable name="OracleURL"> <xsl:element name="hyperlink"> <xsl:attribute name="url"> <xsl:text>${oracle_documentation_root}</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:element> </xsl:variable> <xsl:apply-templates select="\$OracleURL" /> </xsl:template> END_OF_TEMPLATE ; } foreach $doccode (keys %references) { $docname = $references{$doccode}{'name'}; $docurl = $references{$doccode}{'url'}; if ($doccode =~ /$section_code/) { # Print the requested stuff: if ($output_type eq "xml") { print generate_xml($doccode) . "\n"; } elsif ($output_type eq "xslt") { print generate_xsl_template($docname, $doccode, $docurl) . "\n"; } elsif ($output_type eq "all") { print generate_xsl_template($docname, $doccode, $docurl) . "\n"; } else { warn "Sorry - I don't know anything about a \"$output_type\" format.\n"; exit; } } } if ($output_type eq "xslt") { print "</xsl:stylesheet>\n"; } # Generate an XSLT template for generating a hyperlink to the specified Oracle document. # Arguments: (<descriptive-label>, <entry-code>, <url>) sub generate_xsl_template { return <<END_OF_TEMPLATE <xsl:template name="${oracle_prefix}${_[1]}" match="${oracle_prefix}${_[1]}"> <xsl:variable name="OracleURL"> <xsl:element name="hyperlink"> <xsl:attribute name="url"> <xsl:text>${_[2]}</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:call-template name="OracleServer" /> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> ${_[0]} </xsl:element> </xsl:variable> <xsl:apply-templates select="\$OracleURL" /> </xsl:template> END_OF_TEMPLATE ; } # Produce the actual XML markup to be used in authoring (just to provide a handy list of them all): # Arguments: (<entry-code>) sub generate_xml { return "<" . $oracle_prefix . $_[0]. " />"; }