- ################################################################################
- #
- # File: $Id$
- #
- # Makefile for building the INFO database courses XML formatting stylsheets.
- # (We really need a better name :)
- #
- ################################################################################
- SHELL=/bin/sh
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Include the XSLT processing functions. Note that we are assuming a fixed
- # path relative to the current directory!
- #
- include ../Handbook/make-includes/xslt_functions.make
- .PHONY: all clean
- all: xml2html.xsl xml2latex.xsl oracle-docs.xsl
- xml2html.xsl xml2latex.xsl: format-master.xml xml2xslt.xsl oracle-docs.xsl Makefile
- $(call xslt,$<,xml2xslt.xsl,$(call xslt_parameter,format,$(@:xml2%.xsl=%))) > $@
- oracle-docs.xsl: oracle-docs.perl
- perl $< '.*' xslt > $@
- clean:
- rm -f xml2html.xsl xml2latex.xsl oracle-docs.xsl