- Added "br" to "newline" template.
- Added "dollar-sign" to "dollar" template.
- Changed footnotes into endnotes (moved into meta-stylesheet).
- Renamed modes of "multi-row", "multi-column" cell templates to
  "latex-multi-row", "latex-multi-column", etc., to make it clearer
  that they're only intended for LaTeX.
- Added support for table column headers (TH in HTML). Still needs a
  little work in the main cell template.
- Fixed up custom image directories in the "image" templates. (May
  need further rationalisation.)
- Added >, <, >=, <= operators.
1 parent cd9fac8 commit 131feca94a3896dff7049eabdffd8b61db68c003
nstanger authored on 8 Mar 2004
Showing 1 changed file