- Changed path for join operator graphic to match new handbook structure.
- Named all the "image" templates.
- Cleaned up generation of image/graphics paths. Default locations are
  no longer used; if your graphics are in a specific directory, you are
  now required to specify the @location attribute in the image element.
- Print versions of images are now called "xxx-print", web versions are
  called "xxx-web" and zoomed web versions are called "xxx-web-zoomed".
- Web images now use the value of the image-format global parameter if
  the @format attribute is not specified (rather than just assuming PNG).
- In the "include-document" templates, plain text documents were
  incorrectly listed as having an @type value of "text". This should
  have been "plain", as it represents the second part of the MIME type
  (text/plain). Fixed.
- Added a note that including XML documents with include-document is
  problematic and best avoided. (Support has not been removed, however.)
- Fixed some typos.
1 parent 8527aee commit 7a312396871ec3455e0c36f2428638344653c514
nstanger authored on 19 Jan 2005
Showing 1 changed file