History for XML / xml2xslt.xsl
• Made font handling consistent across both XML and lecturecommon.sty. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 16 Feb 2016
• Added generate-latex-toc attribute to document element to support generating tables of contents in (Xe)LaTeX (closes #3).
Nigel Stanger committed on 16 Feb 2016
• Added paper-include-path and latex-initialisation-file stylesheet parameters. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 15 Feb 2016
• Added conditional loading of problem LaTeX packages that can "option clash" errors if pre-loaded by the LaTeX document class. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 15 Feb 2016
• Removed some obsolete comments, and tidied others. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 12 Feb 2016
• Rewrote Oracle documentation and Blackboard elements to use the hyperlink template rather than hyperlink-internal. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 12 Feb 2016
• Added document date (equivalent to \date in (Xe)LaTeX) to (X)HTML output.
Nigel Stanger committed on 6 May 2015
Changed hard-coded DNS location code to DNI for 2015/eVision.
Chris Edwards committed on 20 Feb 2015
• Fixed spacing of exercise labels.
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 Aug 2014
• Fixed broken document title suppression (doing it when it shouldn’t).
Nigel Stanger committed on 9 Jul 2014
• Added suppress-latex-title attribute for (Xe)LaTeX.
Nigel Stanger committed on 6 Jul 2014
• Switched to using \def instead of \newcommand for pre-\begin{document} definitions, as it seems safer.
Nigel Stanger committed on 25 Feb 2014
• Added support for teaching calendars that span multiple teaching periods: ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Feb 2014
• Added parskip and rotating packages to LaTeX boilerplate. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Feb 2014
• Removed all driver references from hyperref loading (apparently no longer necessary).
Nigel Stanger committed on 25 Nov 2013
Added support for boxed and numbered exercises.
Nigel Stanger committed on 4 Sep 2013
Added support for strike-through text (requires ulem package for LaTeX).
Nigel Stanger committed on 21 Aug 2013
Fixed URL link colour (blue instead of red).
Nigel Stanger committed on 12 Jul 2013
Replaced CVS ID variables with a single variable $document-name that uses the base-uri() function to extract the name of the document being processed. The CVS IDs can be gradually expunged from source files as we go. (closes #1)
Nigel Stanger committed on 12 Jun 2013
Fixed permissions.
Nigel Stanger committed on 5 Jun 2013
- Fixed the way that titling for calendar documents is handled so that it ...
nstanger committed on 15 Aug 2012
- Added support for standalone calendar documents. ...
nstanger committed on 9 Aug 2012
- Whoops, should be HTTPS, not HTTP.
nstanger committed on 23 Jul 2012
- Changed CSS link to point to Blackboard.
nstanger committed on 23 Jul 2012
- Enabled apply-templates for due dates. ...
nstanger committed on 19 Jul 2012
- Changed hyperref citation colour from horrible green to blue.
nstanger committed on 4 Jul 2012
- Made more consistent use of <xsl:text> in parameter defaults. ...
nstanger committed on 20 Jun 2012
- Initial efforts towards rolling the teaching calendar XSLT into the main ...
nstanger committed on 12 Jun 2012
- Added new mechanism for better handling of assignment due dates. ...
nstanger committed on 24 Apr 2012
- Made better use of xsl:text in generating LaTeX boilerplate. ...
nstanger committed on 23 Feb 2012