Spark mirror → archive.apache.org
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2022
Updated to match modern Compose
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2022
Removed unnecessary --py-files PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARG
Nigel Stanger committed on 27 Sep 2021
Added missing KAFKA_INSTALL variable
Nigel Stanger committed on 24 Sep 2021
Switched standalone images to new structure
Nigel Stanger committed on 21 Sep 2021
Added comment about non-root user
Nigel Stanger committed on 21 Sep 2021
Added Jupyter startup script for consistency
Nigel Stanger committed on 21 Sep 2021
Added merged Spark tools image
Nigel Stanger committed on 21 Sep 2021
Fixed container source
Nigel Stanger committed on 20 Sep 2021
Shrank packages & removed sparkmonitor
Nigel Stanger committed on 20 Sep 2021
Revamped in line with Mark’s approach ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 20 Sep 2021
Switched to wget
Nigel Stanger committed on 20 Sep 2021
Updated download location
Nigel Stanger committed on 20 Sep 2021
Merged pyspark-shell.sh into kernel.json
Nigel Stanger committed on 20 Sep 2021
Added explanation of ENV sequencing
Nigel Stanger committed on 20 Sep 2021
Fixed broken paths (closes #2)
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2021
Added graphframes for PySpark
Nigel Stanger committed on 1 Oct 2020
Added useful link
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2020
Merge branch 'master' of https://isgb.otago.ac.nz/infosci/git/nigel.stanger/docker-analytics into master
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2020
Updated to available version
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2020
Switched to running as root ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2020
Added libffi-dev build dependency
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2020
Changed image name to Docker Hub
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Sep 2020
Merge branch 'master' of https://isgb.otago.ac.nz/infosci/git/nigel.stanger/docker-analytics
Nigel Stanger committed on 7 Oct 2019
Switched to bitnami images for Kafka & Zookeeper ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 7 Oct 2019
Changed some more “analytics” to “nstanger”
Nigel Stanger committed on 23 May 2019
Switched to docker username
Nigel Stanger committed on 22 May 2019
Added relevant documentation links
Nigel Stanger committed on 17 May 2019
Added docker-compose examples ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 17 May 2019
Documented containers and services
Nigel Stanger committed on 17 May 2019