#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import datetime import logging import os.path import sys from pyparsing import ParseResults import globals from config_parser import ( parse_configuration_file, parse_configuration_string) from shell_command import (FFprobeCommand, FFmpegConcatCommand) from segment import (Segment, AudioSegment, VideoSegment, FrameSegment) class InputStreamAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): input = values.split(":") file = input[0] stream = None if (len(input) == 1) else input[1] setattr(namespace, self.dest, file) if (option_string in ["--audio", "-a"]): setattr(namespace, 'audio_stream_number', stream) elif (option_string in ["--video", "-v"]): setattr(namespace, 'video_stream_number', stream) def parse_command_line(): """Parse command line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage="%(prog)s [options] <output>", description="where: <output> is the name of the output file " "(note: .mov seems generally best)", epilog="Default input files can be specified using either of " "--audio or --video. If neither of these are specified, " "then you must supply a configuration file using --config. " "(Of course, you can always supply a configuration file " "regardless.)\n\n" "Input streams can be taken from the same input file.\n\n" "If no segments are specified, the entire input stream is " "processed as one segment. The number and duration of segments " "can differ, but the total duration across all input streams " "should ideally be the same.") parser.set_defaults(audio_stream_number=None, video_stream_number=None) parser.add_argument( "output", help="name of the output file (note: .mov is best)") parser.add_argument( "--audio", "-a", metavar="FILE[:STREAM]", action=InputStreamAction, help="File name for the default audio input stream (can be the " "same as for other input streams). You can optionally specify " "the default audio stream number to use if the file contains " "more than one (this can be overidden in a configuration " "file). If you don't specify a stream number, it defaults " "to 0 (i.e., the first audio stream in the file).") parser.add_argument( "--configuration", "--config", "-c", dest="config", metavar="FILE", help="File name for the podcast segment configuration (plain text). " "See config_help.md details on the file " "format.".format(p=globals.PROGRAM)) parser.add_argument( "--debug", "-d", action="store_true", help="Print debugging output (overrides --quiet).") parser.add_argument( "--keep", "-k", action="store_true", help="Don't delete any generated temporary files.") parser.add_argument( "--quiet", "-q", action="store_true", help="Mute all console output (overridden by --debug).") parser.add_argument( "--video", "-v", metavar="FILE[:STREAM]", action=InputStreamAction, help="File name for the default video input stream (can be the " "same as for other input streams). You can optionally specify " "the default video stream number to use if the file contains " "more than one (this can be overidden in a configuration " "file). If you don't specify a stream number, it defaults " "to 0 (i.e., the first video stream in the file).") args = parser.parse_args() return args def check_arguments(args): """Sanity check the command line arguments.""" fn = "check_arguments" if (args.quiet): globals.log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # --debug overrides --quiet. if (args.debug): globals.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): args = {a}".format(fn=fn, a=args)) # Must specify at least one of --audio, --video, --config. if (not any([args.audio, args.video, args.config])): globals.log.error("must specify at least one of --audio, --video, " "or --config") sys.exit(1) def get_configuration(args): # Fill in missing file names for default input streams. fn = "get_configuration" type_mapping = { "audio": {"file": args.audio, "stream": args.audio_stream_number}, "video": {"file": args.video, "stream": args.video_stream_number}} globals.log.info("Processing configuration...") if (args.config): config = parse_configuration_file(args.config) # Check that applicable default input streams have been specified. for i, c in enumerate(config): type = c["type"] if (type in type_mapping): file = type_mapping[type]["file"] stream = type_mapping[type]["stream"] # No filename in configuration. if (not c["filename"]): if (file): config[i]["filename"] = file # No filename on command line either. else: globals.log.error( "attempting to use default {s} input file, but " "--{s} hasn't been specified".format(s=type)) sys.exit(1) # No stream number in configuration. Note: 0 is a valid # stream number, so explicitly check for None. if (c["num"] is None): # Assume 0 if no stream on command line either. config[i]["num"] = 0 if stream is None else stream else: conf_list = [] for m in type_mapping: file = type_mapping[m]["file"] stream = type_mapping[m]["stream"] if (file and stream is not None): conf_list += [ "[{type}:{file}:{stream}]".format(type=m, file=file, stream=stream)] globals.log.debug("{fn}(): default config = " "{c}".format(fn=fn, c=conf_list)) config = parse_configuration_string("\n".join(conf_list)) return config def get_file_duration(file): """Calculate the duration a media file as a timedelta object.""" command = FFprobeCommand( ["-show_entries", "format=duration", "-print_format", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", file]) ss, ms = command.get_output().strip().split(".") ms = ms[:3].ljust(3, "0") return datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(ss), milliseconds=int(ms)) def make_new_segment(type, filename, punch_in, punch_out, num): """Make a new segment instance of the correct class.""" fn = "make_new_segment" globals.log.debug("{fn}(): type = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=type)) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): filename = {f}".format(fn=fn, f=filename)) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): punch in = {i}".format(fn=fn, i=punch_in)) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): punch out = {o}".format(fn=fn, o=punch_out)) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): num = {n}".format(fn=fn, n=num)) if (type == "audio"): return AudioSegment(file=filename, punch_in=punch_in, punch_out=punch_out, input_stream=num) elif (type == "video"): return VideoSegment(file=filename, punch_in=punch_in, punch_out=punch_out, input_stream=num) elif (type == "frame"): return FrameSegment(file=filename, punch_in=punch_in, punch_out=punch_out, frame_number=num) else: return None def process_timestamp_pair(times): """Constructs timedelta instances from a pair of config timestamps.""" fn = "process_timestamp_pair" globals.log.debug("{fn}(): t0 = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=times[0])) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): t1 = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=times[1])) # If the first item in the timestamp list in the configuration file # is a filename, the parser inserts a zero timestamp before it. We # can therefore guarantee that the first item of the pair will # always be a timestamp. t0 = datetime.timedelta( hours=times[0]["hh"], minutes=times[0]["mm"], seconds=times[0]["ss"], milliseconds=times[0]["ms"]) if (len(times[1]) == 1): # filename t1 = t0 + get_file_duration(times[1]["filename"]) elif (len(times[1]) == 4): # normal timestamp t1 = datetime.timedelta( hours=times[1]["hh"], minutes=times[1]["mm"], seconds=times[1]["ss"], milliseconds=times[1]["ms"]) else: globals.log.error("unreadable timestamp {t}".format(t=times[1])) return t0, t1 def process_time_list(type, filename, num, time_list): """Process an audio or video stream and build a list of segments.""" if (os.path.exists(filename) and type in ["audio", "video"]): stream_duration = get_file_duration(filename) else: stream_duration = 0 segments = [] # No timestamps: punch in at 0, out at stream duration. if (len(time_list) == 0): punch_in = datetime.timedelta() punch_out = stream_duration segments.append(make_new_segment(type, filename, punch_in, punch_out, num)) else: # Process each pair of timestamps as punch in, out. If there's # an odd number of items, the last one is processed separately. for t in zip(time_list[::2], time_list[1::2]): punch_in, punch_out = process_timestamp_pair(t) if (punch_in == punch_out): globals.log.warning( "punch in ({i}s) and punch out ({o}s) times are " "equal; no segment will be " "generated".format(i=punch_in.total_seconds(), o=punch_out.total_seconds())) continue elif (punch_out < punch_in): globals.log.error( "punch out time ({i}s) falls before punch in time " "({o}s); can't generate a valid " "segment".format(i=punch_in.total_seconds(), o=punch_out.total_seconds())) sys.exit(1) segments.append(make_new_segment(type, filename, punch_in, punch_out, num)) # Odd number of timestamps: punch in at last timestamp, # out at stream duration. if (len(time_list) % 2 != 0): punch_in, _ = process_timestamp_pair([time_list[-1], None]) punch_out = stream_duration - punch_in segments.append(make_new_segment(type, filename, punch_in, punch_out, num)) return segments def process_input_streams(config): """Process a list of stream specifications and build a list of segments.""" fn = "process_input_streams" globals.log.info("Processing input streams...") segments = [] for cnf in config: globals.log.debug("{fn}(): type = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=cnf["type"])) globals.log.debug( "{fn}(): filename = {f}".format(fn=fn, f=cnf["filename"])) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): num = {n}".format(fn=fn, n=cnf["num"])) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): times = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=cnf["times"])) segments += process_time_list(cnf["type"], cnf["filename"], cnf["num"], cnf["times"]) return segments def print_progress(count, total, width=50, line_end="\r"): percent = int(count * 100 / total) outof = int(count * width / total) bar = "{nl}[{c}{nc}] {p}% ".format( c="+" * outof, nc="." * (width - outof), p=percent, nl=line_end) sys.stdout.write(bar) sys.stdout.flush() def process_frame_segments(args, segments): """Post-process frame segments to set frame images, etc.""" fn = "process_frame_segments" globals.log.info("Processing frames...") frame_segments = [s for s in segments if isinstance(s, FrameSegment)] n = len(frame_segments) for i, f in enumerate(frame_segments): if (n > 0 and not any([args.debug, args.quiet])): print_progress(i, n) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): frame (before) = {b}".format(fn=fn, b=f)) # Frame segments that use a frame from the previous segment. if (f.input_file == "^"): if (f.segment_number > 0): prev = segments[f.segment_number - 1] globals.log.debug("{fn}(): prev = {p}".format(fn=fn, p=prev)) prev.generate_temp_file(args.output) f.use_frame(prev.generate_frame(f.frame_number, args.output)) else: globals.log.error( "frame segment {s} is attempting to use the last frame " "of a non-existent previous " "segment".format(s=f.segment_number)) sys.exit(1) # Frame segments whose frame comes from a PDF file. else: _, suffix = os.path.splitext(f.input_file) if (suffix.lower() == ".pdf"): f.use_frame(f.generate_temp_file(args.output)) else: globals.log.error( 'unexpected input file type "{s}" for frame segment ' "{f}".format(s=suffix, f=f.segment_number)) sys.exit(1) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): frame (after) = ""{a}".format(fn=fn, a=f)) if (n > 0 and not any([args.debug, args.quiet])): print_progress(n, n, "\n") def render_podcast(audio_segments, video_segments, output): """Stitch together the various input components into the final podcast.""" fn = "render_podcast" globals.log.info("Rendering final podcast...") command = FFmpegConcatCommand(has_audio=len(audio_segments) > 0, has_video=len(video_segments) > 0) input_files = Segment.input_files() for f in input_files: if (input_files[f]): command.append_input_options(input_files[f]) command.append_input_options(["-i", f]) for s in (audio_segments + video_segments): command.append_filter(s.trim_filter()) command.append_concat_filter("a", [s for s in audio_segments]) command.append_normalisation_filter() command.append_concat_filter("v", [s for s in video_segments]) command.append_output_options([output]) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): {c}".format(fn=fn, c=command)) command.run() def cleanup(segments): """Clean up generated temporary files.""" globals.log.info("Cleaning up...") for s in segments: s.delete_temp_files() def main(): fn = "main" logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: {p}: %(message)s".format(p=globals.PROGRAM)) try: args = parse_command_line() check_arguments(args) config = get_configuration(args) segments = process_input_streams(config) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): audio segments = {a}".format( fn=fn, a=[s for s in segments if isinstance(s, AudioSegment)])) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): video segments = {v}".format( fn=fn, v=[s for s in segments if isinstance(s, VideoSegment)])) audio_segments = [s for s in segments if isinstance(s, AudioSegment)] video_segments = [s for s in segments if isinstance(s, VideoSegment)] audio_duration = sum([s.get_duration() for s in audio_segments]) video_duration = sum([s.get_duration() for s in video_segments]) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): audio duration = " "{a}".format(fn=fn, a=audio_duration)) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): video duration = " "{v}".format(fn=fn, v=video_duration)) if (len(audio_segments) and len(video_segments)): if (audio_duration != video_duration): globals.log.warning("total video duration ({v}s) doesn't match " "total audio duration " "({a}s)".format(v=video_duration, a=audio_duration)) process_frame_segments(args, segments) globals.log.debug("{fn}(): input files = " "{i}".format(fn=fn, i=Segment.input_files())) render_podcast(audio_segments, video_segments, args.output) if (not args.keep): cleanup(segments) except (KeyboardInterrupt): pass if (__name__ == "__main__"): main()