<?php require_once "BDL_Test_Order_head.php"; /** * @backupGlobals disabled * @backupStaticAttributes disabled */ class BDL_Test_Order_head_data extends BDL_Test_Order_head { /** * Return fixture data set for current database connection. * * @access protected * @return PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_IDataSet * @todo Parameterise the fixture filename. */ protected function getDataSet() { return $this->createXMLDataSet( TEST_CLASS_PATH . '/Order_head/BDL_Fixture_Order_head.xml' ); } /** * Return whether or not the fixture should be loaded. * * @return boolean */ protected function willLoadFixture() { return true; } /** * @dataProvider provideColumnLegalValues */ public function testColumnLegalValue( $columnName, $legalValue ) { $this->assertColumnLegalValue( $columnName, $legalValue ); } /** * @dataProvider provideColumnIllegalValues * @expectedException PDOException * @expectedExceptionMessage check constraint */ public function testColumnIllegalValueExplicit( $columnName, $illegalValue ) { $this->assertColumnIllegalValueExplicit( $columnName, $illegalValue ); } /** * @dataProvider provideColumnIllegalValues * @expectedException PDOException * @expectedExceptionMessage length exceeded */ public function testColumnIllegalValueImplicit( $columnName, $illegalValue ) { $this->assertColumnIllegalValueImplicit( $columnName, $illegalValue ); } /** * @dataProvider provideColumnUnderflowValues * @expectedException PDOException * @expectedExceptionMessage check constraint */ public function testColumnUnderflowValue( $columnName, $underflowValue ) { $this->assertColumnUnderflowValue( $columnName, $underflowValue ); } /** * @dataProvider provideColumnOverflowValues * @expectedException PDOException * @expectedExceptionMessage check constraint */ public function testColumnOverflowValueExplicit( $columnName, $overflowValue ) { $this->assertColumnOverflowValueExplicit( $columnName, $overflowValue ); } /** * @dataProvider provideColumnOverflowValues * @expectedException PDOException * @expectedExceptionMessage length exceeded */ public function testColumnOverflowValueImplicit( $columnName, $overflowValue ) { $this->assertColumnOverflowValueImplicit( $columnName, $overflowValue ); } } ?>