skinparam { ' use the strictuml style - no circles, no footboxes, and proper arrows Style strictuml ' re-enable drop shadows since strictuml turns it off Shadowing true ' slightly rounded boxes RoundCorner 8 BackgroundColor transparent DefaultFontName Open Sans TitleFontName Open Sans TitleFontStyle bold TitleFontSize 18 DatabaseBackgroundColor #F2F2F2 DatabaseBorderColor #515151 DatabaseFontColor #515151 PackageBackgroundColor #F2F2F2 PackageBorderColor #515151 FolderFontColor #515151 ComponentArrowFontColor #515151 Sequence { ' for some reason sequence diagrams are ignoring the default font, so set it explicitly TitleFontName Open Sans TitleFontStyle bold TitleFontSize 18 Message { Align center } Box { BackgroundColor #F2F2F2 } ' make stereotypes less ugly Stereotype { Font { Size 10 Style plain } } } Class { ArrowColor #515151 ' get rid of access modifier icons AttributeIconSize 0 ' make stereotypes less ugly Stereotype { Font { Size 10 Style plain } } } }