templates / plantuml / default-skin.ipu
skin rose

skinparam {

	' use the strictuml style - no circles, no footboxes, no drop shadows, and proper arrows
	Style strictuml

	' slightly rounded boxes
	RoundCorner 8

	' transparent would be better, but seems to be problematic for some diagrams
    ' (black background fill on some things)
	BackgroundColor white

	' slightly increase space around participants (currently has a bug with participant creation)
	'ParticipantPadding 5

	DefaultFontName "Open Sans"
    DefaultFontStyle plain
	TitleFontName "Open Sans"
	TitleFontStyle bold
	TitleFontSize 18

	Artifact {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Card {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Cloud {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Database {

        ' Databases default to a black border, which is fine in deployment
        ' diagrams, but can look a bit out of place in other contexts.
		' DatabaseBorderColor #A80036 will fix it when needed.

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	File {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Folder {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Frame {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Hexagon {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Node {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Package {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Rectangle {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Storage {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


    Usecase {

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Sequence {

		' for some reason sequence diagrams are ignoring the default font, so set it explicitly
		TitleFontName "Open Sans"
		TitleFontStyle bold
		TitleFontSize 18

		' make lifelines yellow too
		LifeLineBackgroundColor #FDFDCD

		Message {
			Align left

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


	Class {

        FontStyle bold

		' get rid of access modifier icons
        ' use AttributeIconSize default to override this for ERDs
		AttributeIconSize 0

		' shrink message font size
		ArrowFontSize 10

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain


    Note {
        FontSize 11
        BackgroundColor LightGreen

    State {

        FontStyle bold

		' shrink message font size
		ArrowFontSize 10

		' make stereotypes less ugly
		Stereotype {
			Font {
				Size 10
				Style plain

