History for templates / plantuml
Fix unicode spaces
Mark George committed on 9 May 2019
Initial create
Mark George committed on 9 May 2019
Initial create
Mark George committed on 6 May 2019
Added colours for notes.
Mark George committed on 21 Aug 2018
Just realised you can combine [hidden] and [norank] with directions.
Mark George committed on 12 Mar 2018
Added use case colours.
Mark committed on 25 Apr 2017
Actually changed the color this time...
Mark committed on 13 Mar 2017
Made border colours lighter so they don't obscure text
Mark committed on 13 Mar 2017
Commend participant padding since it has a bug.
Mark committed on 13 Mar 2017
Whoopsy - extra close bracket.
Mark committed on 13 Mar 2017
Fixed a few more colours lecture sequence diagrams.
Mark committed on 13 Mar 2017
Various changes.
Mark committed on 6 Mar 2017
Merge branch 'master' of https://isgb.otago.ac.nz/infosci/git/mark.george/templates
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2017
Fiddled with colors.
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2017
Fiddled with colors.
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2017
Fixed missing colours for sequence diagrams
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2017
Renamed lecture colors file.
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2017
Changed font to narrower roboto condensed. Fixed DB border color.
Mark committed on 8 Dec 2016
Change sequence message alignment to left.
Mark George committed on 7 Dec 2016
Fixed param brackets.
Mark George committed on 17 Jun 2016
Minor edit.
Mark George committed on 3 May 2016
Changed lifeline background color to match participants.
Mark committed on 16 Mar 2016
Turned off drop shadows since they now make things blurry.
Mark committed on 18 Feb 2016
Shrink message fonts a bit.
Mark committed on 18 Feb 2016
Moved colour definitions from skin to colour file.
Mark committed on 18 Feb 2016
Added some examples, and cleaned up a little bit.
Mark committed on 5 Feb 2016
Merge branch 'master' of http://isgb.otago.ac.nz:8087/git/mark.george/templates
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Removed SVG figs.
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Removed SVG and fiddled with code listings, since the GitBucket markdown renderer is a bit crap.
Mark George committed on 4 Feb 2016
Embedding SVG doesn't work on GitBucket, so adding as linked files.
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016