bootstrap /
# Post-install bootstrap

A minimal post-install configuration that gets a lab machine into a state where puppet can take it the rest of the way for full install.

Currently performs the following operations:

* Clones this repo into /tmp/bootstrap
* Prompts for and sets hostname.
* Installs and configures realmd.
* Installs and configures sssd.
* Configures puppet to use sbis-puppet as master.
* Joins the STUDENT domain.

Most of the configiuration is provided via the puppet scripts in this repo.

Requires a file named `domain_sekrit` that is not part of this repo.  This file should contain 3 lines as follows:

domain_join_user's password

Note the capitalisation.

# Usage

1. Make a copy of the `` file in the repo, and add to CIDATA volume of install UFD.
1. Add a valid `domain_sekrit` file to the same location as the above script.
1. Install Ubuntu.
1. Mount the CIDATA volume of the install UFD.
1. Run the `` script.