Handbook / make-includes / build_misc_rules.make
# File: $Id$
# Standard variables and rules for building a general standalone document
# that doesn't fall into any partcular category (such as lecture, tutorial).
# The makefile assumes a single document source file. Anything more
# complex than this will need to be handled by a custom makefile.
# Altering these definitions will affect ALL MAKEFILES FOR ALL PAPERS!! If
# you need to do something specific for a particular paper, include a
# custom rule in its makefile. DON'T add it here!

# Include XSLT functions.
include $(TEACHING_SHARED)/Authoring/Handbook/make-includes/xslt_functions.make

# Required make variables. These should be defined by the calling makefile.
#	The base name of the document source file.
BASE_NAME?=$(error The required make variable BASE_NAME has not been defined. Please set it to the base name of the document source file)

# Add standard file suffixes.
include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_suffixes.make

# Standard directories.

# Standard paths.
include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_paths.make

# Files to be cleaned by the various "clean" targets. Note that we don't
# "tidy" .aux files because they may be needed by the xr package for inter-
# document cross references, but won't get regenerated if the final target
# PDF files exist. They will be caught by by the "clean" target though.
TIDY_FILES+=*.tmp *.out *.log *.nav *.toc *.snm *.head *.dvi \
	*-derived.xml $(IMGDIR)/*-crop.pdf
CLEAN_FILES+=*.aux *.pdf *.html

# Various environment variables.
include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_environment.make
# List of standard "phony" build targets.
TARGETS+=web print print2up

# Build everything.
all: web print print2up

# Build print version, 1-up or 2-up.
print: $(BASE_NAME).pdf


$(BASENAME).tex: $(BASE_NAME)-derived.xml

print2up: $(BASE_NAME)-2up.pdf

$(BASE_NAME)-2up.pdf: $(BASE_NAME).pdf

# Build web version.
web: $(BASE_NAME).html

$(BASE_NAME).html: $(BASE_NAME)-derived.xml $(WEB_IMAGES) $(WEB_FILES)

# Build the test document.
test: test.pdf

test.pdf: test.tex

# Debugging: print the values of the standard variables.
	@announce Externally defined variables
	@announce Internally defined variables
	@echo "BASE_NAME = [$(BASE_NAME)]"
	@echo "WEB_IMAGES = [$(WEB_IMAGES)]"
	@echo "WEB_FILES = [$(WEB_FILES)]"
	@echo "TIDY_FILES = [$(TIDY_FILES)]"
	@echo "DRAFT = [$(DRAFT)]"
	@echo "LATEX_OPTS = [$(LATEX_OPTS)]"
	@echo "TARGETS = [$(TARGETS)]"

# Clean up: get rid of all the temporary files.
	rm -f $(TIDY_FILES)
# Clean up: get rid of everything except the original source.
clean: tidy
	rm -f $(CLEAN_FILES)

# List all "phony" build targets.
	@echo "targets: $(TARGETS)"

# Standard default rules.
include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_rules.make