- ################################################################################
- #
- # Makefile for DBCOURSES handbooks. Revamped completely from old
- # monolithic version to a "many-makefiles" model. Each major sub-unit of
- # the handbook has its own makefile, and is called recursively from here.
- # This makes management of the whole process a bit more complex, but a lot
- # more flexible. It's now possible, for example, to build many of the
- # files for a single tutorial by going into that tutorial's directory and
- # running a make there. The old scheme was also wont to rebuild lots of
- # extraneous stuff when only one file changed (especially with graphics).
- # This does not appear to be (and should not) be a problem with the new
- # scheme.
- #
- ################################################################################
- SHELL=/bin/sh
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Given that we print out our own messages, I see no point in splurging
- # "Entering...leaving directory" messages all over the screen. It's hard
- # enough to figure out what's going on already :)
- #
- MAKEFLAGS=--no-print-directory
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Required Environment Variables
- #
- # This variable specifies the path to the top level of the teaching
- # shared directory hierarchy (e.g., /path/to/Teaching/Shared).
- #
- TEACHING_SHARED?=$(error The required environment variable TEACHING_SHARED has not been defined. It should point to the root level of the shared teaching directory (e.g., /path/to/Teaching/Shared))
- #
- # This variable specifies the path to the top level directory for all
- # papers taught, i.e., the directory that contains the individual paper
- # directory hierarchies. For example, /path/to/Teaching/2005.
- #
- ALL_PAPERS_ROOT?=$(error The required environment variable ALL_PAPERS_ROOT has not been defined. It should point to the root level of the current teaching directory hierarchy (e.g., /path/to/Teaching/2005))
- #
- # This variable specifies the path to the top level directory on the web
- # server, under which the files for this paper will be installed (that is,
- # the directory that contains the individual paper directory hierarchies).
- # For example, \\INFO-NTS-12\DBCourses$ (this may require munging).
- #
- HANDBOOK_INSTALL_ROOT?=$(error The required environment variable HANDBOOK_INSTALL_ROOT has not been defined. It should point to the root level of the directory hierarchy on the web server (e.g., \\INFO-NTS-12\DBCourses$))
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Set up paths to makefile include directories.
- #
- # GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE is the global include directory in the "Shared"
- # hierarchy, and is defined relative to the root of that hierarchy.
- #
- # LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE is the local include directory for this
- # particular paper, and is defined relative to the current execution
- # directory. We are assuming a fixed directory structure here! We can't
- # really do this as an environment variable because the full path will be
- # different for each paper, and we can't use the variables from
- # paper_variables.make to set the path, because that file is in the
- # include directory! <head spins> We will, however, allow for the
- # possibility of someone wanting to define this as an environment variable
- # by making it a conditional assignment.
- #
- GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE?=$(TEACHING_SHARED)/Authoring/Handbook/make-includes
- export LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE?=$(shell pwd)/make-includes
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Include local system-specific configuration.
- #
- include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/local_configuration.make
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Include standard make environment variables.
- #
- include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_environment.make
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Include variables defining the current paper.
- #
- include $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/paper_variables.make
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Directories for the major sections. Add to as necessary. Sections should
- # be listed in the order that they will appear in the handbook. Remember to
- # exclude CVS directories (doh!).
- #
- SECTION_DIRS:=$(shell $(FIND) sections -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name CVS)
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Run one-time initialisation stuff.
- #
- # Ensure that the patterns files exist. If they don't, copy the originals
- # across from the shared directory and abort the run so that the user can
- # edit them appropriately.
- #
- CHECK_ANSWERS_PATTERNS:=$(shell ($(TEST) -f $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/answers.patterns) || ($(CP) $(TEACHING_SHARED)/Authoring/Handbook/makefile-templates/answers.patterns $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE); $(ECHO) "answers"))
- CHECK_QUESTIONS_PATTERNS:=$(shell ($(TEST) -f $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/questions.patterns) || ($(CP) $(TEACHING_SHARED)/Authoring/Handbook/makefile-templates/questions.patterns $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE); $(ECHO) "questions"))
- CHECK_INSTALL_PATTERNS:=$(shell ($(TEST) -f $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/install.patterns) || ($(CP) $(TEACHING_SHARED)/Authoring/Handbook/makefile-templates/install.patterns $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE); $(ECHO) "install"))
- ifneq "$(strip $(CHECK_ALL_PATTERNS))" ""
- $(error Patterns files have been restored from defaults ($(CHECK_ALL_PATTERNS)), please check them before continuing)
- endif
- #
- # Delete the marker file that indicates that we've already initialised the
- # sub-sections by removing their "content checked" marker files. There's
- # only one of these, so it's much easier to deal with :)
- #
- # Note: NOINIT should _not_ be exported to this sub-make, to ensure that
- # the sub-makefile's one-time initialisation is executed.
- #
- CLEANUP_MARKER_FILES:=$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),$(shell $(MAKE) -C $d init-clean))
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Load in patterns for which items to install. In particular, we are looking
- # for the value "handbook_root" to appear in either QUESTION_INSTALL_PATTERNS
- # or ANSWER_INSTALL_PATTERNS. This tells us whether to install links for the
- # questions and answers versions of the handbook, respectively. Yes, this is
- # a hack!
- #
- # *_INSTALL_PATTERNS defines the patterns for installing on the web server.
- #
- #
- # Load in the install patterns from the local make-includes directory.
- #
- include $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/install.patterns
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Lists of LaTeX files to be \input into the master LaTeX document. Just
- # build a single list for everything; we can extract the sections we want
- # at the time using make's filter function, as the sections have distinct
- # names. These are statically defined rather than using a find command,
- # because the files may not exist at the time the find command is
- # executed. This Would Be Non-Useful.
- #
- QUESTION_TEX_INPUTS:=$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),$d/question-manifest.tex)
- ANSWER_TEX_INPUTS:=$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),$d/answer-manifest.tex)
- LATEX_INCLUDES:=$(shell $(FIND) latex-includes -name "*.tex")
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Additional options for the coursehandbook document class to set up
- # the details of the paper. These get included in a call to the
- # \papersetup macro in the template file (including the options
- # directly into the \documentclass is problematic --- see
- # coursehandbook.cls for details). The values are set in
- # latex-includes/paper_variables.make.
- #
- PAPER_OPTIONS:=subjectcode=$(SUBJECT_CODE),papernumber=$(PAPER_NUMBER),papertitle=$(PAPER_TITLE),paperyear=$(PAPER_YEAR),paperperiod=$(PAPER_PERIOD),authors=$(HANDBOOK_AUTHORS)
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Directory to install files into on web server.
- #
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Files to be installed on web server.
- #
- QUESTION_INSTALL_FILES:=handbook.pdf handbook-2up.pdf $(wildcard *.png)
- ANSWER_INSTALL_FILES:= handbook-answers.pdf handbook-answers-2up.pdf \
- $(wildcard *.png)
- # Sorting gets rid of any duplicates (e.g., the PNG files).
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Lists of files for cleaning up.
- #
- PRINT_CLEAN_FILES:=handbook.tex handbook-answers.tex \
- *.pdf *.ps *.dvi *.aux *.log *.toc *.idx *.ind *.tex~ *.out
- ################################################################################
- #
- # List of possible targets.
- #
- TARGETS:=all targets debug install \
- web web-questions web-answers \
- print print-questions print-answers \
- questions answers \
- section-questions section-answers \
- question-pdfs answer-pdfs \
- clean web-clean print-clean
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build everything.
- #
- all: web print
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build questions/answers only.
- #
- questions: web-questions print-questions
- answers: web-answers print-answers
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build web version only. NOINIT and SECTION should be exported to all
- # these sub-makes.
- #
- web: general-graphics web-questions web-answers
- web-questions:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),if $(MAKE) -C $d web-questions NOINIT=x SECTION=$(notdir $(d)); then $(TRUE); else exit 1; fi;)
- web-answers:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),if $(MAKE) -C $d web-answers NOINIT=x SECTION=$(notdir $(d)); then $(TRUE); else exit 1; fi;)
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build print version only. NOINIT and SECTION should be exported to all
- # these sub-makes.
- #
- print: general-graphics print-questions print-answers
- print-questions: section-questions handbook.pdf handbook-2up.pdf question-pdfs
- section-questions:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),if $(MAKE) -C $d print-questions NOINIT=x SECTION=$(notdir $(d)); then $(TRUE); else exit 1; fi;)
- handbook.tex: handbook_template.tex $(QUESTION_TEX_INPUTS) $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/questions.patterns $(LATEX_INCLUDES)
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "Generating $@"
- @$(ECHO) >> $@
- @$(PERL) -p -e "s|\<\@SHOWANSWERS\@\>|hideanswers|;" \
- -e "s|\<\@PAPEROPTIONS\@\>|$(PAPER_OPTIONS)|;" \
- $(foreach sect,$(SECTION_DIRS),-e "s|\<\@SECTION\[$(notdir $(sect))\]\@\>|\\\\input{$(basename $(filter $(sect)/%,$(QUESTION_TEX_INPUTS)))}|;") $< >> $@
- question-pdfs:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),if $(MAKE) -C $d question-pdfs NOINIT=x SECTION=$(notdir $(d)); then $(TRUE); else exit 1; fi;)
- #
- # Answers
- #
- print-answers: section-answers handbook-answers.pdf handbook-answers-2up.pdf answer-pdfs
- section-answers:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),if $(MAKE) -C $d print-answers NOINIT=x SECTION=$(notdir $(d)); then $(TRUE); else exit 1; fi;)
- handbook-answers.tex: handbook_template.tex $(ANSWER_TEX_INPUTS) $(LOCAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/answers.patterns $(LATEX_INCLUDES)
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "Generating $@"
- @$(ECHO) >> $@
- @$(PERL) -p -e "s|\<\@SHOWANSWERS\@\>|showanswers|;" \
- -e "s|\<\@PAPEROPTIONS\@\>|$(PAPER_OPTIONS)|;" \
- $(foreach sect,$(SECTION_DIRS),-e "s|\<\@SECTION\[$(notdir $(sect))\]\@\>|\\\\input{$(basename $(filter $(sect)/%,$(ANSWER_TEX_INPUTS)))}|;") $< >> $@
- answer-pdfs:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),if $(MAKE) -C $d answer-pdfs NOINIT=x SECTION=$(notdir $(d)); then $(TRUE); else exit 1; fi;)
- #
- # Generic rules for print version.
- #
- %.pdf: %.tex
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "pdflatex $< (pass 1)"
- $(PDFLATEX) --jobname=$(basename $<) '\def\LaTeXOptions{$(LATEX_OPTS)}\input{$<}'
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "pdflatex $< (pass 2)"
- $(PDFLATEX) --jobname=$(basename $<) '\def\LaTeXOptions{$(LATEX_OPTS)}\input{$<}'
- %-2up.pdf: %.pdf
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "Generating $@"
- $(PDFNUP) --nup 2x1 --outfile $@ $<
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build any general graphics that are used throughout the handbook. This uses
- # the standard makefile for a content directory, but the only files in this
- # directory are graphics files.
- #
- general-graphics:
- @if $(MAKE) -C graphics general-graphics BUILD_DIR=$(CURDIR); then $(TRUE); else exit 1; fi
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Deploy the appropriate files into a shared folder, which is then synchronised
- # with Blackboard. This relies on the environment variable HANDBOOK_INSTALL_ROOT
- # being defined, and (assuming that this variable points to a directory on the
- # network) the appropriate share has been mounted.
- #
- # See build_document_rules.make for an explanation of why the install
- # uses a foreach.
- #
- install: questions answers
- @$(SITECOPY) --catchup Blackboard$(PAPER_NUMBER)
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "Deploying handbook files to Blackboard --- make sure that you have the share mounted!"
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),if $(MAKE) -C $d $@ NOINIT=x SECTION=$(notdir $(d)); then $(TRUE); else exit 1; fi;)
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "Deploying files into $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)"
- @$(foreach f,$(QUESTION_INSTALL_FILES),if $(TEST) ! -f $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)/$(f) -o $(f) -nt $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)/$(f); then $(ECHO) "Deploying $(f)"; $(CP) $(f) $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY); fi;)
- @$(foreach f,$(ANSWER_INSTALL_FILES),if $(TEST) ! -f $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)/$(f) -o $(f) -nt $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)/$(f); then $(ECHO) "Deploying $(f)"; $(CP) $(f) $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY); fi;)
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "Synchronising with Blackboard"
- @$(SITECOPY) --update Blackboard$(PAPER_NUMBER)
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Clean up all generated files.
- # "web-clean" and "print-clean" only clean up files for the web and print
- # versions, respectively. Note that "clean" isn't dependent on either
- # "web-clean" or "print-clean", to ensure that the correct target is
- # used when calling the sub-makefile.
- #
- clean:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),$(MAKE) -C $d $@;)
- ifneq ($(strip $(ALL_CLEAN_FILES)),)
- -$(RM) -f $(ALL_CLEAN_FILES)
- @$(MAKE) -C graphics clean BUILD_DIR=$(CURDIR)
- endif
- web-clean:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),$(MAKE) -C $d $@;)
- ifneq ($(strip $(WEB_CLEAN_FILES)),)
- -$(RM) -f $(WEB_CLEAN_FILES)
- endif
- print-clean:
- @$(foreach d,$(SECTION_DIRS),$(MAKE) -C $d $@;)
- ifneq ($(strip $(PRINT_CLEAN_FILES)),)
- endif
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Debugging information, mostly lists of the generated variables.
- #
- debug:
- @$(ANNOUNCE) Externally defined variables
- @$(ANNOUNCE) Internally defined variables
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Print out the list of targets. Handy for when you forget!
- #
- targets: