History for Handbook / make-includes / build_section_rules.make
• Switched to rsync for deploying files, as I started getting “fchmod” errors when using cp to copy to the SMB share. Not sure why it used to work before, as it appears to be a consequence of the remote file system not supporting Unix-style file permissions. (Not due to different versions of SMB, as it was working with the same version one day, then not the next, and there were no intervening updates. Weird)
Nigel Stanger committed on 31 Mar 2016
Removed now obsolete CVS substitutions.
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 Jun 2013
Fixed file permissions.
Nigel Stanger committed on 5 Jun 2013
- Fixed typo.
nstanger committed on 13 Aug 2012
- Switched to new deployment approach (shared folder on server).
nstanger committed on 10 Aug 2012
- Enforced appropriate prerequisites for install targets.
nstanger committed on 17 Jul 2012
- Revamped install targets (getting closer).
nstanger committed on 17 Jul 2012
- Switched to new Blackboard deployment method (preliminary, may be buggy).
nstanger committed on 16 Jul 2012
- The Mother of All Commits! ...
nstanger committed on 1 Dec 2010
- Added sort command to finds.
cedwards committed on 16 Jul 2010
- Changed "Sections" to "sections" to match the folder names in CVS.
cedwards committed on 19 Dec 2007
- Added check to ensure that the patterns files exist. ...
nstanger committed on 6 Jul 2005
- Fixed incorrect variable in answer-pdfs rule.
nstanger committed on 15 Mar 2005
- Fixed error handling for recursive makes.
nstanger committed on 24 Feb 2005
- Revamped the install mechanism to only install files that are actually ...
nstanger committed on 23 Feb 2005
- Added extra conditionals to "install" target.
nstanger committed on 19 Jan 2005
- Added install targets. ...
nstanger committed on 19 Jan 2005
- Added include and template files for new handbook infrastructure.
nstanger committed on 19 Jan 2005