XML related stuff including, but not limited to, the XML authoring framework

cedwards authored on 23 Feb 2004
Makefile Defined a set of make functions for calling the various XSLT processors, removing the need for all the 'ifeq' code. 21 years ago
format-master.xml Added uppercase 'P' to list of recognised paragraph element names ('<P>' is much easier to type than <p>'). 21 years ago
html_calendar.xsl - Added standalone style sheet parameter and attempted to build an HTML document fragment, without success. 21 years ago
latex_calendar.xsl - Added XML authoring stuff. 21 years ago
oracle-docs.perl Updated comments and to-do list. 21 years ago
xml2html.xsl.old Renamed old hand-written stylesheets to avoid being overwritten by new derived ones (and so we'll still have old copies to refer to if we need them). 21 years ago
xml2latex.xsl.old Renamed old hand-written stylesheets to avoid being overwritten by new derived ones (and so we'll still have old copies to refer to if we need them). 21 years ago
xml2xslt.xsl Changed master stylesheet so that the hyperlink-internal template will work with both saxon and xalan-c. 21 years ago