SQL*Plus script:
set head off set pagesize 0 set verify off set feedback off select 'drop ' || Object_Type || ' ' || Object_Name || decode(Object_Type, 'TABLE', ' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;' , ';') from User_Objects; purge recyclebin; spool drop_objects.sql / spool off @drop_objects.sql
…or just run the select
in the middle to generate the drop
statements, run those, then purge recyclebin
This example is for the play script database that Chris devised. Theoretically it should work in any DBMS that supports the SQL/XML spec (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL/XML).
select xmlelement( "Script", xmlelement("name", Scr.Name), xmlelement("author", Scr.Author), xmlelement("copyright_date", Scr.Copyright_Date), ( select xmlagg( xmlelement( "Act", xmlelement("number", A.Act), ( select xmlagg( xmlelement( "Scene", xmlattributes(S.Scene AS "number") ) order by S.Scene ) from Scene S where S.Script = Scr.Name and S.Act = A.Act ) ) ) from Act A where A.Script = Scr.Name ) ).getstringval() from Script Scr;